276 research outputs found

    Graph Annotations in Modeling Complex Network Topologies

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    The coarsest approximation of the structure of a complex network, such as the Internet, is a simple undirected unweighted graph. This approximation, however, loses too much detail. In reality, objects represented by vertices and edges in such a graph possess some non-trivial internal structure that varies across and differentiates among distinct types of links or nodes. In this work, we abstract such additional information as network annotations. We introduce a network topology modeling framework that treats annotations as an extended correlation profile of a network. Assuming we have this profile measured for a given network, we present an algorithm to rescale it in order to construct networks of varying size that still reproduce the original measured annotation profile. Using this methodology, we accurately capture the network properties essential for realistic simulations of network applications and protocols, or any other simulations involving complex network topologies, including modeling and simulation of network evolution. We apply our approach to the Autonomous System (AS) topology of the Internet annotated with business relationships between ASs. This topology captures the large-scale structure of the Internet. In depth understanding of this structure and tools to model it are cornerstones of research on future Internet architectures and designs. We find that our techniques are able to accurately capture the structure of annotation correlations within this topology, thus reproducing a number of its important properties in synthetically-generated random graphs

    Finding the right fit: Enhancing the academic-industry link in the sector for Nutrition undergraduates – a pilot study

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    Academic learning experience prepares students for professional life, enriches their scientific-evidence knowledge, whereas laboratory practicals upskill their experiences applying theory into “real world” scenarios. As most undergraduate programmes are not offering placement year, students rely heavily on their initiatives and networking to maximise their continuous professional development (CPD). This study evaluated the supporting mechanisms between academia and industry/ sector and examined staff and students’ perceptions of existing academia-industry collaborations. An online survey was designed to record perceptions of undergraduate’s nutrition students. This was followed by focus groups to establish students’ perceptions of the relevant professional organisations and their related experiences outside academia. Captured students’ feedback together with the nutrition teaching academics responses in individual semi-structured interviews have portrayed the current academic-industry links, the perceived challenges/barriers and probed sensible roadmap. Six themes uncovered the need for extra nutrition-related work experiences, while the students’ perceptions reflected their learning through course progression, awareness of external opportunities and underpinned that graduate readiness improved progressively with years spent in study. The Academics’ interviews recognized the limited academic-industry collaborations and underpinned many barriers faced; more “top-down” support was identified as a strategy to enhance external links. The study provides a clear lens into the present academic-industry links within the nutrition programmes and ascertained the perceived challenges experienced by students and academics. Collaborations and centralised university communications shall promote a better university experience. Equally, staff-student partnerships will facilitate a new approach to understand both staff and students’ perspectives and enhance learning experiences within the sector

    On the contribution of density perturbations and gravitational waves to the lower order multipoles of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

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    The important studies of Peebles, and Bond and Efstathiou have led to the formula C_l = const/[l(l +1)] aimed at describing the lower order multipoles of the CMBR temperature variations caused by density perturbations with the flat spectrum. Clearly, this formula requires amendments, as it predicts an infinitely large monopole C_0, and a dipole moment C_1 only 6/2 times larger than the quadrupole C_2, both predictions in conflict with observations. We restore the terms omitted in the course of the derivation of this formula, and arrive at a new expression. According to the corrected formula, the monopole moment is finite and small, while the dipole moment is sensitive to short-wavelength perturbations, and numerically much larger than the quadrupole, as one would expect on physical grounds. At the same time, the function l(l +1)C_l deviates from a horizontal line and grows with l, for l \geq 2. We show that the inclusion of the modulating (transfer) function terminates the growth and forms the first peak, recently observed. We fit the theoretical curves to the position and height of the first peak, as well as to the observed dipole, varying three parameters: red-shift at decoupling, red-shift at matter-radiation equality, and slope of the primordial spectrum. It appears that there is always a deficit, as compared with the COBE observations, at small multipoles, l \sim 10. We demonstrate that a reasonable and theoretically expected amount of gravitational waves bridges this gap at small multipoles, leaving the other fits as good as before. We show that the observationally acceptable models permit somewhat `blue' primordial spectra. This allows one to avoid the infra-red divergence of cosmological perturbations, which is otherwise present.Comment: prints to 25 pages including 14 figures, several additional sentences on interpretation, new references, to appear in Int. Journ. Mod. Physics

    Optimal map of the modular structure of complex networks

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    Modular structure is pervasive in many complex networks of interactions observed in natural, social and technological sciences. Its study sheds light on the relation between the structure and function of complex systems. Generally speaking, modules are islands of highly connected nodes separated by a relatively small number of links. Every module can have contributions of links from any node in the network. The challenge is to disentangle these contributions to understand how the modular structure is built. The main problem is that the analysis of a certain partition into modules involves, in principle, as many data as number of modules times number of nodes. To confront this challenge, here we first define the contribution matrix, the mathematical object containing all the information about the partition of interest, and after, we use a Truncated Singular Value Decomposition to extract the best representation of this matrix in a plane. The analysis of this projection allow us to scrutinize the skeleton of the modular structure, revealing the structure of individual modules and their interrelations.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    More Than Simply “Letting Go”: Stakeholder Perspectives on Parental Roles in Health Care Transition

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    The transfer from pediatric to adult health care for youth with special health care needs (YSHCN) is a vulnerable period. Parents play a pivotal role in the transition process, however, little is known about the specific ways they may support YSHCN in negotiating the transition to adult services. A qualitative supplementary secondary data analysis was conducted to explore stakeholders’ perceptions about parents’ roles in health care transition. Thematic analysis was used to analyze individual and focus group interviews. Four themes were identified: 1) Parents are crucial; 2) Changing roles; 3) Interdependence rather than independence; 4) One of many transitions. These themes may serve as the basis for planning future intervention studies directed at parents of YSHCN

    Seven years in the life of Hypergiants’ off-nets

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    On the observational determination of squeezing in relic gravitational waves and primordial density perturbations

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    We develop a theory in which relic gravitational waves and primordial density perturbations are generated by strong variable gravitational field of the early Universe. The generating mechanism is the superadiabatic (parametric) amplification of the zero-point quantum oscillations. The generated fields have specific statistical properties of squeezed vacuum quantum states. Macroscopically, squeezing manifests itself in a non-stationary character of variances and correlation functions of the fields, the periodic structures of the metric power spectra, and, as a consequence, in oscillatory behavior of the higher order multipoles C_l of the cosmic microwave background anisotropy. We start with the gravitational wave background and then apply the theory to primordial density perturbations. We derive an analytical formula for the positions of peaks and dips in the angular power spectrum l(l+1)C_l as a function of l. This formula shows that the values of l at the peak positions are ordered in the proportion 1:3:5:..., whereas at the dips they are ordered as 1:2:3:.... We compare the derived positions with the actually observed features, and find them to be in reasonably good agreement. It appears that the observed structure is better described by our analytical formula based on the (squeezed) metric perturbations associated with the primordial density perturbations, rather than by the acoustic peaks reflecting the existence of plasma sound waves at the last scattering surface. We formulate a forecast for other features in the angular power spectrum, that may be detected by the advanced observational missions, such as MAP and PLANCK. We tentatively conclude that the observed structure is a macroscopic manifestation of squeezing in the primordial metric perturbations.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev. D66, 0435XX (2002); includes Note Added in Proofs: "The latest CBI observations (T.J.Pearson et al., astro-ph/0205388) have detected four peaks, at l ~ 550, 800, 1150, 1500, and four dips, at l ~ 400, 700, 1050, 1400. These positions are in a very good agreement with the theoretical formula (6.35) of the present paper. We interpret this data as confirmation of our conclusion that it is gravity, and not acoustics, that is responsible for the observed structure.

    BGP and Inter-AS Economic Relationships

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