81 research outputs found

    Kokcidioza u proizvodnji živine

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    Coccidiosis is a permanent health problem in poultry industry especially in intensive production systems. It is the most important poultry disease as far as economy is concerned since yearly costs of prophylaxis, as well as of therapy exceed 2 billion Euros, at the global level. In Serbia the disease has the highest prevalence in chicken, less in turkeys, gees, ducks and pheasants. The causes of the infection are protozoa belonging to the Eimeridae family, spore oocists being the infective form. The source of the infection are already infected birds, whereas the disease can spread in the sussceptible bird population by direct and indirect contact such as dust, objects on the farm, people, rodents, wild birds, as well as insects. The incidence of the disease depends on the lack of space on the farm, high temperature and high relative humidity, improper feeding, other diseases and all factors that can compromise bird immunity and general resistance to infectious diseases. Coccidiosis is the disease of the spring and fall, i.e. humid seasons with plenty of rain. The parasite development takes place in epithelial cells of the intestine of all bird species. The parasite can develop also in epithelial cells of the kidney glomerully in gees whereas merozoits and shizonts (as a developing form of the parasite) cause severe lesions and desquamation of the mucus. Local symptoms are accompanied with general health disturbance and typical diarrhea which is the characteristic symptom. Diagnosis is on the basis of the general symptoms, gross and microscopic findings as well as feces sample testing. To control coccidiosis in poultry, there is a vaccine or the disease is controlled by anticoccidials in the feed. Coccidiosis is possible to treat with anticoccidials (coccidiostatics and coccidiocides). Economical consequences of the coccidiosis in poultry are decreased feed conversion, smaller weight gain, inadequate feed conversion, smaller body weight at the end of the fattening period, prolonged fattening period, as well as therapy costs. Body weight gain is reduced, as well as accumulation of abdominal fat. The disease has a negative impact on chemical and sensory meat appearance. One of the problems as far as coccidiosis is concerned is drug resistance. Today, coccidiosis control strategies are the 'shuttle' and 'switch' program of the prophylactic medication, good manufacturing praxis and proper sanitation. .Kokcidioza je oboljenje koje predstavlja stalan zdravstveni problem, naročito u uslovima intenzivnog uzgoja živine. Najznačajnija je bolest živine u ekonomskom pogledu, jer godišnji troškovi za profilaksu i terapiju kokcidioze prevazilaze dve milijarde eura na globalnom nivou. U našoj zemlji najzastupljenija je kod kokošaka, a ređe se javlja kod ćuraka, gusaka, pataka i fazana. Uzročnici oboljenja su protozoe iz familije Eimeridae, a infektivni oblik predstavljaju sporulisane oociste. Izvor infekcije su inficirane jedinke, a bolest se prenosi direktnim i indirektnim kontaktom - pribor, oprema, prašina, ljudi, glodari, divlje ptice i insekti. Na rasprostranjenost bolesti utiču: nedovoljan prostor, visoka temperatura i relativna vlažnost vazduha, neadekvatna ishrana, pojava drugih oboljenja i svi faktori koji smanjuju otpornost organizma. Najčešće se javlja u proleće i jesen, odnosno u kišnim periodima. Razvoj parazita odigrava se u epitelnim ćelijama creva svih ptica, odnosno epitelu bubrežnih kanalića gusaka, a razvojni oblici (merozoiti i šizonti) dovode do teških oštećenja i deskvamacije sluznice, praćenih promenom opšteg stanja i karakterističnim prolivom. Dijagnoza oboljenja postavlja se na osnovu kliničke slike, koprološkog, patomorfološkog i patohistološkog nalaza. Profilaksa oboljenja sprovodi se vakcinacijom ili primenom antikokcidijala u smešama za ishranu, dok se terapija sprovodi antikokcidijalima, koji mogu biti kokcidiostatici i kokcidiocidi. Ekonomski gubici ogledaju se u povećanom utrošku hrane, smanjenom prirastu, nižoj konverziji hrane, manjoj prosečnoj telesnoj masi na kraju tova, produženom trajanju tova i troškovima lečenja. Prinos trupova i deponovanje abdominalnog masnog tkiva su manji, a oboljenje negativno utiče i na hemijske i senzorne parametre kvaliteta mesa. Problem u suzbijanju oboljenja je brz razvoj rezistencije na lekove, a kontrolne strategije u suzbijanju kokcidioze su 'shuttle' i 'switch' program profilaktičke medikacije, dobra proizvođačka praksa i sanitacija.

    Parasitic infections in wild ruminants and wild boar

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    Wild ruminants and wild boar belong to the order Artiodactyla, the suborders Ruminantia and Nonruminantia and are classified as wild animals for big game hunting, whose breeding presents a very important branch of the hunting economy. Diseases caused by protozoa are rarely found in wild ruminants in nature. Causes of coccidiosis, cryptosporidiosis, toxoplasmosis, sarcocystiosis, giardiasis, babesiosis, and theileriosis have been diagnosed in deer. The most significant helminthoses in wild ruminants are fasciosis, dicrocoeliasis, paramphistomosis, fascioloidosis, cysticercosis, anoplocephalidosis, coenurosis, echinococcosis, pulmonary strongyloidiasis, parasitic gastroenteritis, strongyloidiasis and trichuriasis, with certain differences in the extent of prevalence of infection with certain species. The most frequent ectoparasitoses in wild deer and doe are diseases caused by ticks, mites, scabies mites, and hypoderma. The most represented endoparasitoses in wild boar throughout the world are coccidiosis, balantidiasis, metastrongyloidiasis, verminous gastritis, ascariasis, macracanthorhynchosis, trichinelosis, trichuriasis, cystecercosis, echinococcosis, and less frequently, there are also fasciolosis and dicrocoeliasis. The predominant ectoparasitoses in wild boar are ticks and scabies mites. Knowledge of the etiology and epizootiology of parasitic infections in wild ruminants and wild boar is of extreme importance for the process of promoting the health protection system for animals and humans, in particular when taking into account the biological and ecological hazard posed by zoonotic infections

    Helmintoze digestivnog trakta domaćih životinja u nekim delovima Srbije

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    Parasitic helminthoses in domestic animals are triggered by causes originating from the classes: Trematoda (fiatworms), Cestoda (tapeworms) and Nematoda (roundworms), which are in most cases endoparasites. The big presence of different parasitoses in our country are a result of the geographic position and the climatic conditions of certain areas, large agglomerations of cattle in certain localities, an unsatisfactory level of zoohygienic conditions in cattle facilities and on pastures, a diet that is inadequate both in quality and in quantity, a low hygiene level of the diet and watering, limited areas for grazing and their poor quality, extensive maintend diet of the animals, the presence of corresponding vectors or transitory hosts, s a low professional and cultural level of cattle farmers. The prevention of parasitic infections and the fight against their causes implies the severing of the chain of the parasite's biological cycle during one of the stages of its development. That is why it is necessary to destroy the most sensitive ones and the most available development forms of the parasite. Under the conditions when the epizootiological situation in the field is changing unexpectedly, it is necessary to apply the adequate therapeutic methods and prophylaxis in veterinary medicine, and to conduct an organized and planned fight against parasitic infections.Veliku zastupljenost različitih parazitoza u našoj zemlji uslovljavaju geografski položaj i klimatski uslovi pojedinih područja, velike aglomeracije stoke na nekim lokalitetima, nezadovoljavajući nivo zoohigijenskih uslova u objektima za stoku i na ispustima, kvalitativno i kvantitativno neodgovarajuća ishrana, nizak higijenski nivo ishrane i napajanja, ograničene pasne površine i njihov slab kvalitet, ekstenzivan način držanja i ishrane životinja, prisustvo odgovarajućih vektora ili prelaznih domaćin, kao i nizak stručni i kulturni nivo stočara. Preveniranje parazitskih infekcija i borba protiv njihovih uzročnika podrazumeva prekidanje lanca biološkog ciklusa parazita u nekom od stadijuma njihovog razvoja. Zato je neophodno da se uništavaju najosetijiviji i u momenta tretiranja, najdostupniji razvojni oblici parazita. U uslovima kada se dinamika epizootiološke situacije na terenu neočekivano menja, neophodno je da se adekvatnom primenom metoda terapije i profilakse u veterinarskoj medicini sprovodi organizovana i planska borba protiv parazitskih infekcija

    Efficiency of modified therapeutic protocol in the treatment of some varieties of canine cardiovascular dirofilariasis

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    The paper presents clinical diagnostic approaches and therapeutic effects of a specific protocol for the treatment of dogs with cardiovascular dirofilariasis in the Belgrade City (Serbia) territory. The study involved 50 privately owned dogs of different breeds, gender, and age, all showing signs of cardio respiratory disorders. In addition to a general physical examination, blood tests were done to detect microfilaria and adult forms, and X-ray, ECG, and echocardiography were performed as well. At the first examination, 34 out of 50 examined dogs were positive for microfilaria and adult forms. Because of a lack of drug used as the golden standard in dirofilariasis treatment, it involved a combination of doxycycline (10 mg/kg) and ivermectin (6 mu g/kg) supported with Advocate Bayer spot-on. After six months, the first control was performed while continuing treatment with the aforesaid protocol, and the second control was performed after 12 months. Of the 34 treated dogs, all were negative for microfilaria, as early as after the first six months of the treatment (100%). One dog was positive for adult forms of the parasite after six and 12 months. In echocardiography and X-ray examination after 12 months, six dogs showed evident chronic changes. At controls conducted at sixth month and at one year, the implemented therapy was successful in 97.05% (33/34) of primarily infected dogs

    Najvažniji aspekti imunogenosti Eimeria spp

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    The increasing progress in immunology and molecular biology indicates two possible alternatives on which the prophylaxis of this disease could be based. One is to find and apply a more efficient and reliable vaccine, and the other implies passive immunization through maternal antibodies. Although this second is still in the stage of laboratory investigations, it is given increasing importance. There is no cross immunity between certain species of Eimeria spp. in birds, which is why certain species of this causal agent can later lead to an outbreak of the disease, even though immunity had earlier been established to some other causative agent of the genus Eimeria. Immunoprophylaxis is the only serious practical alternative to the application of anticoccidia in controlling coccidiosis. This form of prophylaxis is based on the application of a live virulent or attentuated vaccine, so that vaccinated flock yield 9.6 eggs more per animal, and mortality among them is reduced in comparison to flocks which are subjected to standard anticoccidial programmes.Sve veći napredak u imunologiji i molekularnoj biologiji ukazuje na dve moguće varijante na kojima bi mogla da bude zasnovana profilaksa ovog oboljenja. Jedna je pronalaženje i primena efikasnije i pouzdane vakcine, a druga podrazumeva pasivnu imunizaciju putem maternalnih antitela. Mada je ona još uvek u domenu laboratorijskih istraživanja, pridaje joj se sve veći značaj. Između pojedinih vrsta ejmerija kod ptica ne postoji unakrsni imunitet, zbog čega različite vrste ovog uzročnika kasnije mogu da dovedu do izbijanja bolesti, iako je prethodno stvoren imunitet na nekog drugog uzročnika iz roda Eimeria. Jedina ozbiljna praktična alternativa primeni antikokcidijala u kontroli kokcidioze jeste imunoprofilaksa. Ovaj vid profilakse baziran je na primeni žive virulentne ili atenuirane vakcine, tako da vakcinisana jata daju 9,6 jaja više po jedinki, a mortalitet kod njih je smanjen u odnosu na jata koja su pod standardnim antikokcidijalnim programom

    Novi aspekti dijagnostike i identifikacije parazitskih zoonoza

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    Numerous direct macroscopic, microscopic, and morphometric analyses of the body and or cross-sections of the body, serological methods, intradermal senzibilization test reactions, or in vitro lymphocyte proliferation, are used to identify parasites and/or their development stages. An immune response in helminthes is frequently evasive, thus, results obtained by serological diagnostic tests are not sufficiently specific, due to cross reactivity with antigens of the host. Many nematodes and cestodes are able to synthesize blood group antigens, while tissue helminthes mask their antigen structure by absorbing antigens off the surface of the host's cells. Certain parasites secrete numerous enzymes via which they block immunocompetent cells and neutrophils and activate surface antioxidants. All these instances of parasites' activity indicate that the procedure of diagnosis identification of parasitic infections is complex and that it must be based on at least three samples, as well as on at least three or more methods of identification, especially in the case of indirect diagnostic methods. The paper presents new methods to approach diagnostics of those significant zoonoses which are very important for our country toxoplasmosis, sarcocytosis, echinococcosis, trichinelosis and toxocarosis of carnivores. Food and water are the most frequent routes via which zoonose type parasitic infections invade the host. There is a continuous trend of growth in the incidence of parasitic zoonoses in our country, as a result of a clash between the status of ecology and economy.U identifikaciji parazita i/ili njihovih razvojnih oblika koriste se brojne direktne makroskopske, mikroskopske i morfometrijske analize tela i/ili preseka tela, serološ ke metode, reakcije senzibilizacije intradermalnog testa, ili in vitro test proliferacije linfocita. Evazija imunog odgovora kod helminata je vrlo česta, tako da dobijeni rezultati u serološkim dijagnostičkim testovima nisu dovoljno specifični, zbog unakrsne reaktivnosti sa antigenima domaćina. Mnogi metilji i pantljičare mogu sintetisati antigene krvnih grupa, dok tkivni helminti maskiraju svoju antigenu strukturu absorpcijom antigena sa površine ćelija domaćina. Neki paraziti luče brojne enzime kojima vrše blokadu imunokompetentnih ćelija i neutrofila ili aktiviraju površne antioksidanse. Svi ovi momenti delovanja parazita ukazuju da je postupak dijagnostike-identifikacije kod parazitskih infekcija složen i da mora obuhvatati najmanje tri uzorka za ispitivanje kao tri i više metoda za identifikaciju, posebno ako se radi o indirektnim metodama dijagnostike. U radu su prikazani novi metodski pristup dijagnostici značajnijih zoonoza od velikog značaja za našu zemlju toksoplazmoza, sarcocistioza, ehinokokoza, trihineloza i toksokaroza karnivora. rana i voda su najčešći putevi kojima parazitske infekcije tipa zoonoza ulaze u domaćina. Parazitske zoonoze su u stalnom trendu porasta u našoj zemlji, što je rezultat antagonističkog odnosa stanja ekologije i ekonomije

    Zdravstveni i ekonomski značaj ekto i endo parazitoza domaćih životinja

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    Parasitic infection of domestic animals occur, persist and spread under the influence of numerous episootiologica factors pertaining to the chatacteristics of the causing agents, hosts, geographic and climatic conditions, breading and feeding methods, as well as to the habits and educational level of the people that are in direct or indirect contact with the animals. In modern livestock production, in the intensive rearing system of cattle, pigs and poultry, it is indispensable to undertake certain preventive measures against parasitic infections in order to prevent both direct or indirect economic losses. In young animals mainly endoparasites (protozoa and helminths) are of health and economic importance ; whereas in adult animals both endoparasites and ectoparasites have the same importance for health and production traits. It is necessery to stress the importance parasitic zoonoses play of as they can have some bearing on human health as well. .Parazitske infekcije domaćih i divljih životinja pojavljuju se, održavaju i šire se zahvaljujući delovanju brojnih epizootioloških faktora vezanih za osobine uzročnika, domaćina, geografskih i klimatskih karakteristika područja, načina gajenja i ishrane životinja, običaja i prosvećenosti stanovništva koji imaju neposredan ili posredan kontakt sa životinjama. U savremenoj stočarskoj proizvodnji, u intenzivnom uzgoju goveda, svinja i peradi, neophodno je preduzeti preventivne mere za parazitske infekcije, kako bi se sprečilo nastajanje direktnih i indirektnih ekonomskih šteta. Zdravstveni i ekonomski značaj kod podmlatka imaju endoparazitoze (protozoe i helminti).Kod starijih životinja endo i ektoparazitoze imaju isti značaj na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne sposobnosti. Posebno treba istaći značaj parazitskih zoonoza koje mogu imati uticaja i na zdravlje ljudi.

    Prevalence of zoonotic intestinal helminths in pet dogs and cats in the Belgrade area

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    The research was conducted in dogs and cats kept as pets on the territory of the city of Belgrade (Serbia), between 2011 and 2014. Its aim was to examine the prevalence of intestinal helminths and to point out their zoonotic potential. Coprological tests were carried out on samples from 528 household pets (421 dogs and 107 cats). The research included specimens from both gender, the dogs were between 2 months and 14 years old and the cats were from 1 month to 15 years old. The diagnosed parasites included: toxocarosis (Toxocora canis 16.62% and Toxocora mystax 15.88%), ancylostomatidosis (in dogs 4.03%, and in cats 1.87%), trichuriosis (in dogs 4.03%, and in cats 0.93%) and dipilidiosis (in dogs 24.70% and in cats 21.49%). Most of the examined cats and dogs that were found positive for intestinal helminths were 1-8 years old. For the effective planning and conducting of preventive strategies, the most important is to know the epizootiology of intestinal helminths of dogs and cats, including the possibilities of transferring these helminths to people. The priorities include the continued education of pet owners by veterinarians, and also the close cooperation between the veterinary and the human health service

    Kardiopulmonarna metastrongiliodoza pasa i mačaka doprinos za postavljanje dijagnoze

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    Background. In the last fifteen years on the European continent and also worldwide, the prevalence of cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidosis in dogs and cats has increased significantly, especially cases involving those parasites which are the most important for veterinary practice (Angiostrongylus vasorum, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Crenosoma vulpis). Scope and Approach. The aim of this study is to present a detailed clinical-parasitological approach to highlight the importance of these helminths, and to display the newest findings concerning the diagnostic possibilities in dogs and cats Key Findings and Conclusions. The effects of global warming, vector range shift, the frequent transportation and movement of animals to other epizootic areas, as well as the intensification of merchandise transportation and movement of people are just some of the potential factors which could impact the dynamics of incidence, upkeep and spread of cardiopulmonary nematodoses in carnivores. For the timely implementation of effective treatment of sick animals, it essential to accurately diagnose these parasitoses. Accurate, timely diagnosis can, in the end, significantly contribute to the prognostic course of disease in infected carnivores. Cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidoses in dogs and cats have great clinical-parasitological significance because of their high degree of pathogenicity, their spread outside endemic areas, the difficulties encountered in establishing their diagnosis, and the fact that they represent a potential danger to human health.Uvod. U poslednjih petnaest godina, na evropskom kontinentu i širom sveta značajno se povećala prevalencija kardiopulmonalnih metastrongilidoza kod pasa i mačaka, naročito onih uzročnika koji imaju najveći značaj za veterinarsku praksu (Angiostrongylus vasorum, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus i Crenosoma vulpis). Cilj i pristup. Cilj ovog rada je da se detaljnim kliničko-parazitološkim osvrtom istakne značaj ove grupe helmintoza i da se prikažu najnovija saznanja vezana za mogućnosti njihove dijagnostike kod pasa i mačaka. Ključni nalazi i zaključak. Efekti globalnog zagrevanja, pomeranje granica habitacije vektora, učestalo kretanje i transport životinja u druga epizootiološka područja, intenziviran promet robe i velika fluktuacija ljudi, samo su neki od potencijalnih faktora koji bi mogli uticati na ovakvu dinamiku pojavljivanja, održavanja i širenja kardiopulmonalnih nematodoza kod mesojeda. Za blagovremeno sprovođenje efikasnog tretmana obolelih jedinki neophodna je precizna dijagnostika ovih parazitoza, što u krajnjem ishodu značajno može uticati na prognostički tok oboljenja kod inficiranih mesojeda. S obzirom na stepen njihove patogenosti, poteškoće koje se javljaju u postavljanju dijagnoze, kao i činjenicu da neke od njih predstavljaju potencijalnu opasnost po zdravlje ljudi, navedena oboljenja imaju izuzetan klinički i epizootiološki značaj

    Parazitske infekcije divljih preživara i divljih svinja

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    Wild ruminants and wild boar belong to the order Artiodactyla, the suborders Ruminantia and Nonruminantia and are classified as wild animals for big game hunting, whose breeding presents a very important branch of the hunting economy. Diseases caused by protozoa are rarely found in wild ruminants in nature. Causes of coccidiosis, cryptosporidiosis, toxoplasmosis, sarcocystiosis, giardiasis, babesiosis, and theileriosis have been diagnosed in deer. The most significant helminthoses in wild ruminants are fasciosis, dicrocoeliasis, paramphistomosis, fascioloidosis, cysticercosis, anoplocephalidosis, coenurosis, echinococcosis, pulmonary strongyloidiasis, parasitic gastroenteritis, strongyloidiasis and trichuriasis, with certain differences in the extent of prevalence of infection with certain species. The most frequent ectoparasitoses in wild deer and doe are diseases caused by ticks, mites, scabies mites, and hypoderma. The most represented endoparasitoses in wild boar throughout the world are coccidiosis, balantidiasis, metastrongyloidiasis, verminous gastritis, ascariasis, macracanthorhynchosis, trichinelosis, trichuriasis, cystecercosis, echinococcosis, and less frequently, there are also fasciolosis and dicrocoeliasis. The predominant ectoparasitoses in wild boar are ticks and scabies mites. Knowledge of the etiology and epizootiology of parasitic infections in wild ruminants and wild boar is of extreme importance for the process of promoting the health protection system for animals and humans, in particular when taking into account the biological and ecological hazard posed by zoonotic infections.Divlji preživari i divlje svinje pripadaju redu Artiodactyla, podredovi Ruminantia i Nonruminantia i svrstani su u divljač visokog lova, a njihovo gajenje predstavlja veoma značajnu granu lovne privrede. Kod divljih preživara u prirodi retko se sreću bolesti izazvane protozoama. Kod jelena su dijagnostikovani uzročnici kokcidioze, kriptosporidioze, toksoplazmoze, sarkocistioze, đardioze, babezioze i tajlerioze. Najznač ajnije helmintoze divljih preživara su fascioloza, dikrocelioza, paramfistomoza, fascioloidoza, cisticerkoza, anoplocefalidoza, cenuroza, ehinokokoza, plućna strongilidoza, parazitski gastroenteritis, strongiloidoza i trihurioza, sa izvesnim razlikama u visini prevalencije infekcije pojedinim vrstama. Najčešće ektoparazitoze jelenske i srneće divljač i su oboljenja prouzrokovana vašima, krpeljima, šugarcima i hipodermama. Najzastupljenije endoparazitoze divljih svinja širom sveta su kokcidioza, balantidioza, metastrongilidoza, verminozni gastritis, askarioza, makrakantorinhoza, trihineloza, trihurioza, cisticerkoza, ehinokokoza, a ređe to mogu biti fascioloza i dikrocelioza. Od ektoparazitoza, kod divljih svinja dominiraju vašljivost i šuga. Poznavanje etiologije i epizootiologije parazitskih infekcija divljih preživara i divljih svinja, od izuzetnog je značaja za proces unapređenja sistema zaštite zdravlja životinja i ljudi, naročito ako se uzme u obzir biološki i ekološki rizik uslovljen zoonoznim infekcijama