329 research outputs found

    Dobrobit životinja za klanje i uticaj na kvalitet mesa

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    Animal welfare is very important in the meat production chain. From the production on the farm to slaughtering, it is the main task of experts and other stakeholders included in the meat production, as well as their obligation, to respect the animal welfare, to treat animals in a humane manner, to spear them fear, suffering and pain. Since slaughterhouses represent unfamiliar environment for the animals, and therefore stressful environment, negative effects can be diminished by adequate handling of animals. Guarantee of proper animal treatment and subsequent meat quality is respecting of adequate regulations and continuous education of persons included in the chain of animal food.Dobrobit životinja ima značajnu ulogu u lancu proizvodnje mesa. Duž celog lanca proizvodnje od farme do trenutka klanja, zadatak stručne javnosti i ostalih osoba uključenih u proizvodnju mesa, jeste obaveza da se sa životinjama postupa na human način, kako bi se poÅ”tedele straha, patnje i bola. PoÅ”to klanice predstavljaju nepoznato okruženje za životinje i samim tim stresnu sredinu, negativni efekti mogu se umanjiti adekvatnom manipulacijom sa životinjama. Garancija odgovarajućeg odnosa prema životinjama i posledičnog kvaliteta mesa je poÅ”tovanje odgovarajuće zakonske regulative i kontinuirane edukacije osoblja uključenog u lanac hrane animalnog porekla

    Whole genome sequencing: an efficient approach to ensuring food safety

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    Whole genome sequencing is an effective, powerful tool that can be applied to a wide range of public health and food safety applications. A major difference between WGS and the traditional typing techniques is that WGS allows all genes to be included in the analysis, instead of a well-defined subset of genes or variable intergenic regions. Also, the use of WGS can facilitate the understanding of contamination/colonization routes of foodborne pathogens within the food production environment, and can also afford efficient tracking of pathogens entry routes and distribution from farm-to-consumer. Tracking foodborne pathogens in the food processing-distribution-retail-consumer continuum is of the utmost importance for facilitation of outbreak investigations and rapid action in controlling/preventing foodborne outbreaks. Therefore, WGS likely will replace most of the numerous workflows used in public health laboratories to characterize foodborne pathogens into one consolidated, efficient workflow

    Indukcija i reindukcija eksperimentalnog alergijskog encefalomijelitisa u DA pacova - uticaj starosti i encefalitogena

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    Susceptibility to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) was investigated in DA rats of both sexes, aged 5, 8 or 27 weeks. Guinea pig or Lewis rat spinal cords (GPSC or RSC) emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant were used for both induction and reinduction of EAE. The results showed that: a) sex has no influence on clinical signs of EAE in young DA rats aged 5 or 8 weeks; b) susceptibility to EAE induction increases with age; c) RSC is a more potent encephalitogen than GPSC; d) GPSC is a more effective antigen for anti-MBP antibody production than RSC; e) anti-MBP antibody levels are not correlated with clinical score of EAE; f) EAE can be reinduced in 27-week- old rats if RSC is used for induction and/or reinduction; and g) anti-MBP antibodies are not related to resistance to EAE reinduction in DA rats.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja osetljivosti na indukciju i reindukciju eksperimentalnog alergijskog encefalomojelitisa (EAE) u DA pacova, oba pola, starosti 5,8 i 27 nedelja. Za imunizaciju su koriŔćeni homogenati kičmene moždine zamorca (KMZ) ili kičmene moždine Lewis pacova (KMP) u kompletnom Freund-ovom adjuvansu. Rezultati su pokazali da: a) pol ne utiče na razvoj EAE-a u 5 i 8 nedelja starih DA pacova; b) osetljivost na EAE raste sa staroŔću; c) KMP je jači encefalitogen od KMZ; d) produkcija anti-mijelin bazni protein (MBP) antitela je veća nakon imunizacije sa KMZ nego sa KMP; e) nivo anti-MBP antitela nije u korelaciji sa kliničkim znakom EAE-a; f) reindukcija EAE-a je moguća u pacova starih 27 nedelja ako se za indukciju i/ili reindukciju koristi KMP; i g) anti-MBP antitela nisu odgovorna za rezistenciju na reindukciju EAE-a u DA pacova

    Influence of structural system on the construction time and cost of residential projects

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    Cilj istraživanja je ispitivanje utjecaja vrste konstrukcijskog sustava i trajanje na troÅ”kove građenja AB konstrukcije stambenih objekata, kao i identifikacija i kvantifikacija ključnih parametara koji na to najviÅ”e utječu. Podaci iz baze dovrÅ”enih projekata ocijenjeni su primjenom jednostrukog unakrsnog ocjenjivanja i regresijske analize. Za ključne parametre identificirane su granične numeričke vrijednosti koje su potvrđene preprojektiranjem dvaju objekata iz baze. Te vrijednosti na kvantificiran način definiraju racionalnost projektantskog rjeÅ”enja kao i racionalnost planiranja organizacije građenja. Mogu se primijeniti i u praksi s ciljem racionaliziranja troÅ”kova i trajanja građenja stambenih objekata.The aim of the research is to investigate the ways in which various structural systems and time influence the cost of construction of RC structures of residential buildings, and to identify and quantify key parameters that are of highest significance in this respect. The data taken from the database of completed projects are analysed using the leave-one-out-cross-validation and regression analysis. Limit numerical values confirmed by the redesign of two structures from the database are identified as key parameters. These values define in quantitative terms the rationality of the design solution and the rationality of construction work scheduling. They can also be used in practice in order to optimise the cost and time of construction work on residential buildings

    Investment strategy for ensuring quality of finishing works on residential buildings

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    U radu je prikazan i objaÅ”njen odnos između kvalitete zavrÅ”nih radova, troÅ”kova, tržiÅ”ne vrijednosti i dobiti za stambene zgrade. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da veća kvaliteta zavrÅ”nih radova osigurava i veću dobit investitorima. S obzirom na to da je maksimalna tržiÅ”na cijena ograničena, postoji granica ekonomske isplativosti ulaganja u zavrÅ”ne radove jer nakon povecĢanja troÅ”kova tržiÅ”na vrijednost opada i dobit se smanjuje. Prikazana metodologija istraživanja se može primijeniti na bilo koje tržiÅ”te stambenih nekretnina.The relationship between the quality of finishing works, costs, market value, and profit, is presented and explained for residential buildings. The results show that the higher quality of finishing works increases profit for investors. As the maximum market price is limited, there is a limit when the investment in finishing work is no longer cost-effective as, after increase in costs, the market value decreases and the profit reduces. The research methodology presented in the paper can be applied to any residential real estate market

    The influence of novel organic gold complex on photoresist layers of printed circuit boards

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    The goal of this paper was to study the influence of organic gold complex based on mercaptotriazole on photoresist layers used in manufacturing of printed circuit boards (PCBs). Investigations were performed by immersion the previously prepared boards in electrolytes with different pH values (pH=2, 4, 7, 9 and 12) at gold concentration of 2.5 g/dm3 and in gold complexes with different gold concentrations (1.5; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0 and 3.5 g/dm3) at pH value of pH=9. Investigations showed that photoresist layers on boards are the most resistant at optimal operating conditions, pH=9 and concentration of gold of 2.5 g/dm3

    Funkcija Ŕtitaste žlezde i prisustvo antitireoidnih autoantitela kod bolesnika sa sistemskim bolestima vezivnog tkiva

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    Autoimmune thyroid disease (ATD) has been described in patients with connective tissue diseases (CTD). The aim of this study was to estimate and compare the prevalence of ATD in a group of 91 CTD patients, and in their subgroups: 53 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 24 rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 7 primary Sjogrenā€™s syndrome (SSy) and 7 progressive systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients. A control group of 34 healthy blood volunteers was used for comparison. Serum levels of free thyroxine (FT4), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), as well as thyroid autoantibodies (Abs) specific of thyroperoxidase (TPO) and thyroglobulin (TG) were examined. CTD patients, in general, as well as SLE and RA subgroups, had significantly higher number of thyroid dysfunction than the control group (p lt 0.05). The most prominent thyroid dysfunction was subclinical hypothyroidism, with a higher prevalence in all subgroups of patients when compared to the control. Anti-TPO Abs were detected in a significant number of CTD patients, especially in SLE subgroup when compared to the control group. It was also found that a higher number of CTD patients, SLE and RA subgroups, had positive anti-Tg Abs, when compared to the control subjects. In conclusion, the prevalence of ATD in CTD patients was more frequent than in the control group. The patients with anti-TPO Abs and anti-Tg Abs at the time when they were analyzed, had hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism or were clinically and biochemically euthyroid. The prevalence of hypothyroidism was greater than the prevalence of hyperthyroidism in all subgroups of patients.Autoimunske bolesti Å”titaste žlezde (AITD) opisane su kod bolesnika sa sistemskim bolestima vezivnog tkiva (SBVT). Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita prevalencija AITD u grupi od 91 bolesnika sa SBVT, koja je uključila 53 bolesnika sa sistemskim eritemskim lupusom (SLE), 24 obolelih sa reumatoidnim artritisom (RA) i po 7 obolelih od primarnog Sjogrenovog sindroma (SSy) i progresivne sistemske skleroze (SSc). Kontrolnu grupu ispitanika činila su 34 dobrovoljna davaoca krvi. Kod svih učesnika u studiji merene su serumske koncentracije slobodnog tiroksina (FT4), tireostimuliÅ”ućeg hormona (TSH), kao i autoantitela specifičnih za tireoperoksidazu (anti-TPO At) i tireoglobulin (anti-Tg At). U grupi bolesnika sa SBVT, kao i u podgrupama obolelih od SLE i RA, nađena je statistički značajno veća učestalost poremećaja funkcije Å”titaste žlezde u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu (p lt 0.05), a od svih poremećaja funkcije Å”titaste žlezde najčečće je detektovana subklinička hipotireoza. Anti-TPO At nađena su kod značajno većeg broja bolesnika sa SBVT i SLE, u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Isto tako, i anti-Tg At su detektovana kod većeg broja ispitanika u grupi SBVT, i podgrupama SLE i RA, nego kod zdravih osoba. U zaključku, prevalencija AITD kod obolelih od SBVT veća je nego u kontrolnoj grupi. Bolesnici sa anti- TPO At i anti-Tg At u vreme kada su analizirani, imali su subkliničku ili klinički manifestnu hipotireozu ili hipertireozu, ili su joÅ” bili u stadijumu bolesti u kome se ne može detektovati poremećaj funkcije Å”titaste žlezde. Prevalencija hipotireoze bila je veća od prevalencije hipertireoze u svim podgrupama bolesnika sa SBVT

    Strain-specific differences in age-related changes in rat susceptibility to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and dendritic cell cytokine gene expression

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    Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an animal model of multiple sclerosis, a prototype of Th1/Th17-mediated organ-specific autoimmune disease. In the rat, susceptibility to development of these diseases is shown to be strain-and age-dependent. In adult rats of distinct strains, it correlates with splenic dendritic cell (DC) subset composition, which also exhibit age-related changes. The aim of this study was to examine influence of aging on: i) Albino Oxford (relatively resistant to EAE) and Dark Agouti (susceptible to EAE) rat development of EAE and ii) their splenic conventional (OX62+) DC population in respect to its subset composition and expression of mRNAs for proinflammatory and immunosuppressive cytokines. We used 3-month-old (young) and 26-month-old (aged) rats of AO and DA strain. The rats were immunized for EAE with rat spinal cord homogenate in complete Freund's adjuvant and clinical course of the disease was followed. Fresh OX62+DCs were examined for the expression of CD4 (using flow cytometry) and genes encoding cytokines influencing DC activation/maturation (TNF-alpha and IL-6) using RT-PCR. Additionally, in vitro lipopolysaccharide (LPS) activated/matured DCs were examined for the expression of genes encoding cytokines controlling Th1/Th17 cell polarization using RT-PCR. With aging, AO rats became more susceptible, whereas DA rats largely lose their susceptibility to the induction of EAE. In AO rats aging shifted CD4+: CD4-DC ratio towards CD4- cells, producing large amount of proinflammatory cytokines, whereas in DA rats CD4+: CD4-DC ratio remained stable with aging. In fresh DCs from rats of both the strains the expression of TNF-alpha mRNA increased with aging, whereas that of IL-6 mRNA decreased and increased in DCs from AO and DA rats, respectively. Following in vitro LPS stimulation OX62+ DCs from aged AO rats up-regulated the expression of mRNA for IL-23p19 (specific subunit of IL-23; crucial for sustained IL-17 production) and IL-1 beta (positive IL-17 regulator), whereas down-regulated the expression of IL-10 (negative IL-17 regulator) when compared with young strain-matched rats. In DA rats aging incresed IL-23p19 mRNA expression in LPS-stimulated DCs, whereas exerted the opposing effects on the expression of mRNAs for IL-10 and IL-1 beta compared to AO rats. Irrespective of the rat strain, aging did not influence mRNA expression for IL-12p35 (driving Th1 polarization) in DCs. Overall, results suggest role of changes in the expression of genes encoding proinflammatory and immunosuppressive cytokines in development of age-related alterations in rat susceptibility to EAE induction

    Perspectives in meat processing

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    Meat technology includes all steps from animal handling and slaughtering to production of different meat products. During animal handling, special attention is paid to animal welfare, not only to protect animals from suffering but also because of animal welfares importance for meat quality. The oldest processing methods (chilling, freezing, salting, smoking and drying) are being readjusted with respect to equipment and consumers health issues. Special attention is given to preservation of meats nutritive value (milder heat treatment) and health promoting properties of the products (functional foods). Novel methods (irradiation, high pressure, pulsed electric field, pulsed light and cold plasma) struggle with some issues such as acceptance by consumers, expensive equipment and effects on foods sensory properties. Along with novel products, demand for traditional meat products is still increasing which requires the the uniqueness and quality of these products to be preserved, along with increased production capacity

    Sex differences in Tfh cell help to B cells contribute to sexual dimorphism in severity of rat collagen-induced arthritis

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    The study examined germinal centre (GC) reaction in lymph nodes draining inflamed joints and adjacent tissues (dLNs) in male and female Dark Agouti rat collagen type II (CII)-induced arthritis (CIA) model of rheumatoid arthritis. Female rats exhibiting the greater susceptibility to CIA mounted stronger serum CII-specific IgG response than their male counterparts. This correlated with the higher frequency of GC B cells in female compared with male dLNs. Consistently, the frequency of activated/proliferating Ki-67+ cells among dLN B cells was higher in females than in males. This correlated with the shift in dLN T follicular regulatory (Tfr)/T follicular helper (Tfh) cell ratio towards Tfh cells in females, and greater densities of CD40L and CD40 on their dLN T and B cells, respectively. The higher Tfh cell frequency in females was consistent with the greater dLN expression of mRNA for IL-21/27, the key cytokines involved in Tfh cell generation and their help to B cells. Additionally, in CII-stimulated female rat dLN cell cultures IFN-gamma /IL-4 production ratio was shifted towards IFN-gamma. Consistently, the serum IgG2a(b)/IgG1 CII-specific antibody ratio was shifted towards an IgG2a(b) response in females. Thus, targeting T-/B-cell interactions should be considered in putative further sex-based translational pharmacology research
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