930 research outputs found

    Benchmarking Individual Tree Mapping with Sub-meter Imagery

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    There is a rising interest in mapping trees using satellite or aerial imagery, but there is no standardized evaluation protocol for comparing and enhancing methods. In dense canopy areas, the high variability of tree sizes and their spatial proximity makes it arduous to define the quality of the predictions. Concurrently, object-centric approaches such as bounding box detection usuallyperform poorly on small and dense objects. It thus remains unclear what is the ideal framework for individual tree mapping, in regards to detection and segmentation approaches, convolutional neural networks and transformers. In this paper, we introduce an evaluation framework suited for individual tree mapping in any physical environment, with annotation costs and applicative goals in mind. We review and compare different approaches and deep architectures, and introduce a new method that we experimentally prove to be a good compromise between segmentation and detection

    A Direct Imaging Survey of Spitzer detected debris disks: Occurrence of giant planets in dusty systems

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    We describe a joint high contrast imaging survey for planets at Keck and VLT of the last large sample of debris disks identified by the Spitzer Space Telescope. No new substellar companions were discovered in our survey of 30 Spitzer-selected targets. We combine our observations with data from four published surveys to place constraints on the frequency of planets around 130 debris disk single stars, the largest sample to date. For a control sample, we assembled contrast curves from several published surveys targeting 277 stars which do not show infrared excesses. We assumed a double power law distribution in mass and semi-major axis of the form f(m,a) = CmαaβCm^{\alpha}a^{\beta}, where we adopted power law values and logarithmically flat values for the mass and semi-major axis of planets. We find that the frequency of giant planets with masses 5-20 MJupM_{\rm Jup} and separations 10-1000 AU around stars with debris disks is 6.27% (68% confidence interval 3.68 - 9.76%), compared to 0.73% (68% confidence interval 0.20 - 1.80%) for the control sample of stars without disks. These distributions differ at the 88% confidence level, tentatively suggesting distinctness of these samples.Comment: Accepted to A

    The Demographics and Atmospheres of Giant Planets with the ELTs

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    Gas giants are the most readily detectable exoplanets but fundamental questions about their system architectures, formation, migration, and atmospheres have been unanswerable with the current generation of ground- and space-based facilities. The dominant techniques to detect and characterize giant planets - radial velocities, transits, direct imaging, microlensing, and astrometry - are each isolated to a limited range of planet masses, separations, ages, and temperatures. These windows into the arrangement and physical properties of giant planets have spawned new questions about the timescale and location of their assembly; the distributions of planet mass and orbital separation at young and old ages; the composition and structure of their atmospheres; and their orbital and rotational angular momentum architectures. The ELTs will address these questions by building bridges between these islands of mass, orbital distance, and age. The angular resolution, collecting area, all-sky coverage, and novel instrumentation suite of these facilities are needed to provide a complete map of the orbits and atmospheric evolution of gas giant planets (0.3-10 MJupM_\mathrm{Jup}) across space (0.1-100 AU) and time (1 Myr to 10 Gyr). This white paper highlights the scientific potential of the GMT and TMT to address these outstanding questions, with a particular focus on the role of direct imaging and spectroscopy of large samples of giant planets that will soon be made available with GaiaGaia.Comment: White paper for the Astro2020 decadal surve

    The McDonald Accelerating Stars Survey (MASS): White Dwarf Companions Accelerating the Sun-like Stars 12 Psc and HD 159062

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    We present the discovery of a white dwarf companion to the G1 V star 12 Psc found as part of a Keck adaptive optics imaging survey of long-term accelerating stars from the McDonald Observatory Planet Search Program. Twenty years of precise radial-velocity monitoring of 12 Psc with the Tull Spectrograph at the Harlan J. Smith telescope reveals a moderate radial acceleration (\approx10 m s1^{-1} yr 1^{-1}), which together with relative astrometry from Keck/NIRC2 and the astrometric acceleration between HipparcosHipparcos and GaiaGaia DR2 yields a dynamical mass of MBM_B = 0.6050.022+0.021^{+0.021}_{-0.022} MM_{\odot} for 12 Psc B, a semi-major axis of 404+2^{+2}_{-4} AU, and an eccentricity of 0.84±\pm0.08. We also report an updated orbit fit of the white dwarf companion to the metal-poor (but barium-rich) G9 V dwarf HD 159062 based on new radial velocity observations from the High-Resolution Spectrograph at the Hobby-Eberly Telescope and astrometry from Keck/NIRC2. A joint fit of the available relative astrometry, radial velocities, and tangential astrometric acceleration yields a dynamical mass of MBM_B = 0.6090.011+0.010^{+0.010}_{-0.011} MM_{\odot} for HD 159062 B, a semi-major axis of 607+5^{+5}_{-7} AU, and preference for circular orbits (ee<<0.42 at 95% confidence). 12 Psc B and HD 159062 B join a small list of resolved "Sirius-like" benchmark white dwarfs with precise dynamical mass measurements which serve as valuable tests of white dwarf mass-radius cooling models and probes of AGB wind accretion onto their main-sequence companions.Comment: Accepted to A

    The McDonald Accelerating Stars Survey (MASS): White Dwarf Companions Accelerating the Sun-like Stars 12 Psc and HD 159062

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    We present the discovery of a white dwarf companion to the G1 V star 12 Psc found as part of a Keck adaptive optics imaging survey of long-term accelerating stars from the McDonald Observatory Planet Search Program. Twenty years of precise radial-velocity monitoring of 12 Psc with the Tull Spectrograph at the Harlan J. Smith telescope reveals a moderate radial acceleration (≈10 m s⁻¹ yr ⁻¹), which together with relative astrometry from Keck/NIRC2 and the astrometric acceleration between Hipparcos and Gaia DR2 yields a dynamical mass of M_B = 0.605^(+0.021)_(−0.022) M ⊙ for 12 Psc B, a semimajor axis of 40⁺²₋₄ au, and an eccentricity of 0.84 ± 0.08. We also report an updated orbital fit of the white dwarf companion to the metal-poor (but barium-rich) G9 V dwarf HD 159062 based on new radial-velocity observations from the High-Resolution Spectrograph at the Hobby–Eberly Telescope and astrometry from Keck/NIRC2. A joint fit of the available relative astrometry, radial velocities, and tangential astrometric acceleration yields a dynamical mass of M_B = 0.609^(+0.010)_(−0.011) M⊙ for HD 159062 B, a semimajor axis of 60⁺⁵₋₇ au, and preference for circular orbits (e < 0.42 at 95% confidence). 12 Psc B and HD 159062 B join a small list of resolved Sirius-like benchmark white dwarfs with precise dynamical mass measurements which serve as valuable tests of white dwarf mass–radius cooling models and probes of AGB wind accretion onto their main-sequence companions

    The Planetary Systems Imager: 2-5 Micron Channel

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    We summarize the red channel (2-5 micron) of the Planetary Systems Imager (PSI), a proposed second-generation instrument for the TMT. Cold exoplanets emit the majority of their light in the thermal infrared, which means these exoplanets can be detected at a more modest contrast than at other wavelengths. PSI-Red will be able to detect and characterize a wide variety of exoplanets, including radial-velocity planets on wide orbits, accreting protoplanets in nearby star-forming regions, and reflected-light planets around the nearest stars. PSI-Red will feature an imager, a low-resolution lenslet integral field spectrograph, a medium-resolution lenslet+slicer integral field spectrograph, and a fiber-fed high-resolution spectrograph.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Update on the Preliminary Design of SCALES: the Santa Cruz Array of Lenslets for Exoplanet Spectroscopy

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    SCALES (Santa Cruz Array of Lenslets for Exoplanet Spectroscopy) is a 2-5 micron high-contrast lenslet integral-field spectrograph (IFS) driven by exoplanet characterization science requirements and will operate at W. M. Keck Observatory. Its fully cryogenic optical train uses a custom silicon lenslet array, selectable coronagraphs, and dispersive prisms to carry out integral field spectroscopy over a 2.2 arcsec field of view at Keck with low (<300<300) spectral resolution. A small, dedicated section of the lenslet array feeds an image slicer module that allows for medium spectral resolution (5000100005000-10 000), which has not been available at the diffraction limit with a coronagraphic instrument before. Unlike previous IFS exoplanet instruments, SCALES is capable of characterizing cold exoplanet and brown dwarf atmospheres (<600<600 K) at bandpasses where these bodies emit most of their radiation while capturing relevant molecular spectral features.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, SPIE Astronomical Instruments and Telescopes 2020 conferenc

    Recovering simulated planet and disk signals using SCALES aperture masking

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    The Slicer Combined with Array of Lenslets for Exoplanet Spectroscopy (SCALES) instrument is a lenslet-based integral field spectrograph that will operate at 2 to 5 microns, imaging and characterizing colder (and thus older) planets than current high-contrast instruments. Its spatial resolution for distant science targets and/or close-in disks and companions could be improved via interferometric techniques such as sparse aperture masking. We introduce a nascent Python package, NRM-artist, that we use to design several SCALES masks to be non-redundant and to have uniform coverage in Fourier space. We generate high-fidelity mock SCALES data using the scalessim package for SCALES' low spectral resolution modes across its 2 to 5 micron bandpass. We include realistic noise from astrophysical and instrument sources, including Keck adaptive optics and Poisson noise. We inject planet and disk signals into the mock datasets and subsequently recover them to test the performance of SCALES sparse aperture masking and to determine the sensitivity of various mask designs to different science signals