7 research outputs found

    Novel Contaminant Transformation Pathways by Abiotic Reductants

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    Environmentally relevant abiotic reductants, such as zerovalent iron (ZVI) and minerals containing divalent iron (DVI), react predominantly by electron-transfer mechanisms with a variety of contaminant and probe compounds. Other reduction mechanisms involving activated forms of hydrogen (H<sub>ads</sub> or H<sup>–</sup>) have been suggested, but most evidence for these is only from systems containing noble metals that catalyze hydrogen activation (e.g., Pd). Here, 2-chlorophenylethanol and relatives of this aromatic halohydrin are used as probe compounds to show that ZVI can affect reduction by several novel pathways that are not observed with DVI minerals. These pathways include dechlorination by intramolecular nucleophilic substitution and epoxide ring opening by reduction. The former appears to be catalyzed by hydroxyl groups associated with oxides on actively corroding ZVI, and the latter can arise from hydride transfer (from NaBH<sub>4</sub>) or electron transfer (from ZVI)

    Chemical Reactivity Probes for Assessing Abiotic Natural Attenuation by Reducing Iron Minerals

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    Increasing recognition that abiotic natural attenuation (NA) of chlorinated solvents can be important has created demand for improved methods to characterize the redox properties of the aquifer materials that are responsible for abiotic NA. This study explores one promising approach: using chemical reactivity probes (CRPs) to characterize the thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of contaminant reduction by reducing iron minerals. Assays of thermodynamic CRPs were developed to determine the reduction potentials (<i>E</i><sub>CRP</sub>) of suspended minerals by spectrophotometric determination of equilibrium CRP speciation and calculations using the Nernst equation. <i>E</i><sub>CRP</sub> varied as expected with mineral type, mineral loading, and Fe­(II) concentration. Comparison of <i>E</i><sub>CRP</sub> with reduction potentials measured potentiometrically using a Pt electrode (<i>E</i><sub>Pt</sub>) showed that <i>E</i><sub>CRP</sub> was 100–150 mV more negative than <i>E</i><sub>Pt</sub>. When <i>E</i><sub>Pt</sub> was measured with small additions of CRPs, the systematic difference between <i>E</i><sub>Pt</sub> and <i>E</i><sub>CRP</sub> was eliminated, suggesting that these CRPs are effective mediators of electron transfer between mineral and electrode surfaces. Model contaminants (4-chloronitrobenzene, 2-chloroacetophenone, and carbon tetrachloride) were used as kinetic CRPs. The reduction rate constants of kinetic CRPs correlated well with the <i>E</i><sub>CRP</sub> for mineral suspensions. Using the rate constants compiled from literature for contaminants and relative mineral reduction potentials based on <i>E</i><sub>CRP</sub> measurements, qualitatively consistent trends were obtained, suggesting that CRP-based assays may be useful for estimating abiotic NA rates of contaminants in groundwater

    Reactivity of Fe/FeS Nanoparticles: Electrolyte Composition Effects on Corrosion Electrochemistry

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    Zerovalent iron nanoparticles (Fe<sup>0</sup> NPs or nZVI) synthesized by reductive precipitation in aqueous solution (Fe/FeO) differ in composition and reactivity from the NPs obtained by reductive precipitation in the presence of a S-source such as dithionite (Fe/FeS). To compare the redox properties of these types of NPs under a range of environmentally relevant solution conditions, stationary powder disk electrodes (PDEs) made from Fe/FeO and Fe/FeS were characterized using a series of complementary electrochemical techniques: open-circuit chronopotentiometry (CP), linear polarization resistance (LPR), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and linear sweep voltammetry (LSV). The passive films on these materials equilibrate within minutes of first immersion and do not show further breakdown until >1 day of exposure. During this period, the potentials and currents measured by LPR and LSV suggest that Fe/FeS undergoes more rapid corrosion and is more strongly influence by solution chemical conditions than Fe/FeO. Chloride containing media were strongly activating and natural organic matter (NOM) was mildly passivating for both materials. These effects were also seen in the impedance data obtained by EIS, and equivalent circuit modeling of the electrodes composed of these powders suggested that the higher reactivity of Fe/FeS is due to greater abundance of defects in its passive film

    Effects of Sulfidation, Magnetization, and Oxygenation on Azo Dye Reduction by Zerovalent Iron

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    Applications of zerovalent iron (ZVI) for water treatment under aerobic conditions include sequestration of metals (e.g., in acid mine drainage) and decolorization of dyes (in wastewaters from textile manufacturing). The processes responsible for contaminant removal can be a complex mixture of reduction, oxidation, sorption, and coprecipitation processes, which are further complicated by the dynamics of oxygen intrusion, mixing, and oxide precipitation. To better understand such systems, the removal of an azo dye (Orange I) by micron-sized granular ZVI at neutral pH was studied in open (aerobic) stirred batch reactors, by measuring the kinetics of Orange I decolorization and changes in “geochemical” properties (DO, Fe­(II), and Eh), with and without two treatments that might improve the long-term performance of this system: sulfidation by pretreatment with sulfide and magnetization by application of a weak magnetic field (WMF). The results show that the changes in solution chemistry are coupled to the dynamics of oxygen intrusion, which was modeled as analogous to dissolved oxygen sag curves. Both sulfidation and magnetization increased Orange I removal rates 2.4–71.8-fold, but there was little synergistic benefit to applying both enhancements together. Respike experiments showed that the enhancement from magnetization carries over from magnetization to sulfidation, but not the reverse

    Sulfidation of Iron-Based Materials: A Review of Processes and Implications for Water Treatment and Remediation

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    Iron-based materials used in water treatment and groundwater remediationespecially micro- and nanosized zerovalent iron (nZVI)can be more effective when modified with lower-valent forms of sulfur (i.e., “sulfidated”). Controlled sulfidation for this purpose (using sulfide, dithionite, etc.) is the main topic of this review, but insights are derived by comparison with related and comparatively well-characterized processes such as corrosion of iron in sulfidic waters and abiotic natural attenuation by iron sulfide minerals. Material characterization shows that varying sulfidation protocols (e.g., concerted or sequential) and key operational variables (e.g., S/Fe ratio and sulfidation duration) result in materials with structures and morphologies ranging from core–shell to multiphase. A meta-analysis of available kinetic data for dechlorination under anoxic conditions, shows that sulfidation usually increases dechlorination rates, and simultaneously hydrogen production is suppressed. Therefore, sulfidation can greatly improve the efficiency of utilization of reducing equivalents for contaminant removal. This benefit is most likely due to inhibited corrosion as a result of sulfidation. Sulfidation may also favor desirable pathways of contaminant removal, such as (i) dechlorination by reductive elimination rather than hydrogenolysis and (ii) sequestration of metals as sulfides that could be resistant to reoxidation. Under oxic conditions, sulfidation is shown to enhance heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of contaminants. These net effects of sulfidation on contaminant removal by iron-based materials may substantially improve their practical utility for water treatment and remediation of contaminated groundwater

    Oxidative Remobilization of Technetium Sequestered by Sulfide-Transformed Nano Zerovalent Iron

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    Our previous study showed that formation of TcS<sub>2</sub>-like phases is favored over TcO<sub>2</sub> under sulfidic conditions stimulated by nano zerovalent iron. This study further investigates the stability of Tc­(IV) sulfide upon reoxidation by solution chemistry, solid phase characterization, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Tc dissolution data showed that Tc­(VII) reduced by sulfide-transformed nZVI has substantially slower reoxidation kinetics than Tc­(VII) reduced by nZVI only. The initial inhibition of Tc­(IV) dissolution at S/Fe = 0.112 is due to the redox buffer capacity of FeS, which is evidenced by the parallel trends in oxidation–reduction potentials (ORP) and Tc dissolution kinetics. The role of FeS in inhibiting Tc oxidation is further supported by the Mössbauer spectroscopy and micro X-ray diffraction data at S/Fe = 0.112, showing persistence of FeS after 24-h oxidation but complete oxidation after 120-h oxidation. X-ray absorption spectroscopy data for S/Fe = 0.011 showed significantly increasing percentages of TcS<sub>2</sub> in the solid phase after 24-h oxidation, indicating stronger resistance of TcS<sub>2</sub> to oxidation. At S/Fe = 0.112, the XAS results revealed significant transformation of Tc speciation from TcS<sub>2</sub> to TcO<sub>2</sub> after 120-h oxidation. Given that no apparent Tc dissolution occurred during this period, the speciation transformation might play a secondary role in hindering Tc oxidation. Collectively, the results indicate that sequestrating Tc as TcS<sub>2</sub> under stimulated sulfate reduction is a promising strategy to improve the long-term stability of reduced Tc in subsurface remediation

    Reductive Sequestration of Pertechnetate (<sup>99</sup>TcO<sub>4</sub><sup>–</sup>) by Nano Zerovalent Iron (nZVI) Transformed by Abiotic Sulfide

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    Under anoxic conditions, soluble pertechnetate (<sup>99</sup>TcO<sub>4</sub><sup>–</sup>) can be reduced to less soluble TcO<sub>2</sub>·<i>n</i>H<sub>2</sub>O, but the oxide is highly susceptible to reoxidation. Here we investigate an alternative strategy for remediation of Tc-contaminated groundwater whereby sequestration as Tc sulfide is favored by sulfidic conditions stimulated by nano zerovalent iron (nZVI). nZVI was pre-exposed to increasing concentrations of sulfide in simulated Hanford groundwater for 24 h to mimic the onset of aquifer biotic sulfate reduction. Solid-phase characterizations of the sulfidated nZVI confirmed the formation of nanocrystalline FeS phases, but higher S/Fe ratios (>0.112) did not result in the formation of significantly more FeS. The kinetics of Tc sequestration by these materials showed faster Tc removal rates with increasing S/Fe between 0 and 0.056, but decreasing Tc removal rates with S/Fe > 0.224. The more favorable Tc removal kinetics at low S/Fe could be due to a higher affinity of TcO<sub>4</sub><sup>–</sup> for FeS than iron oxides, and electron microscopy confirmed that the majority of the Tc was associated with FeS phases. The inhibition of Tc removal at high S/Fe appears to have been caused by excess HS<sup>–</sup>. X-ray absorption spectroscopy revealed that as S/Fe increased, the pathway for Tc­(IV) formation shifted from TcO<sub>2</sub>·<i>n</i>H<sub>2</sub>O to Tc sulfide phases. The most substantial change of Tc speciation occurred at low S/Fe, coinciding with the rapid increase in Tc removal rate. This agreement further confirms the importance of FeS in Tc sequestration