7 research outputs found

    Phosphorus and nitrogen limitation and impairment of headwater streams relative to rivers in Great Britain: a national perspective on eutrophication

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    This study provides a first national-scale assessment of the nutrient status of British headwater streams within the wider river network, by joint analysis of the national Countryside Survey Headwater Stream and Harmonised River Monitoring Scheme datasets. We apply a novel Nutrient Limitation Assessment methodology to explore the extent to which nutrients may potentially limit primary production in headwater streams and rivers, by coupling ternary assessment of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and carbon (C) depletion, with N:P stoichiometry, and threshold P and N concentrations. P limitation was more commonly seen in the rivers, with greater prevalence of N limitation in the headwater streams. High levels of potential P and N co-limitation were found in the headwater streams, especially the Upland-Low-Alkalinity streams. This suggests that managing both P and N inputs may be needed to minimise risks of degradation of these sensitive headwater stream environments. Although localised nutrient impairment of headwater streams can occur, there were markedly lower rates of P and N impairment of headwater streams relative to downstream rivers at the national scale. Nutrient source contributions, relative to hydrological dilution, increased with catchment scale, corresponding with increases in the extent of agricultural and urban land-use. The estimated nutrient reductions needed to achieve compliance with Water Framework Directive standards, and to reach limiting concentrations, were greatest for the Lowland-High-Alkalinity rivers and streams. Preliminary assessments suggest that reducing P concentrations in the Lowland-High-Alkalinity headwater streams, and N concentrations in the Upland-Low-Alkalinity rivers, might offer greater overall benefits for water-quality remediation at the national scale, relative to the magnitude of nutrient reductions required. This approach could help inform the prioritisation of nutrient remediation, as part of a directional approach to water quality management based on closing the gaps between current and target nutrient concentrations

    Mains water leakage: Implications for phosphorus source apportionment and policy responses in catchments

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    Effective strategies to reduce phosphorus (P)-enrichment of aquatic ecosystems require accurate quantification of the absolute and relative importance of individual sources of P. In this paper, we quantify the potential significance of a source of P that has been neglected to date. Phosphate dosing of raw water supplies to reduce lead and copper concentrations in drinking water is a common practice globally. However, mains water leakage (MWL) potentially leads to a direct input of P into the environment, bypassing wastewater treatment. We develop a new approach to estimate the spatial distribution and time-variant flux of MWL-P, demonstrating this approach for a 30-year period within the exemplar of the River Thames catchment in the UK. Our analyses suggest that MWL-P could be equivalent to up to c.24% of the P load entering the River Thames from sewage treatment works and up to c.16% of the riverine P load derived from agricultural non-point sources. We consider a range of policy responses that could reduce MWL-P loads to the environment, including incorporating the environmental damage costs associated with P in setting targets for MWL reduction, alongside inclusion of MWL-P within catchment-wide P permits