41 research outputs found

    Study on the effect of machine operative parameters on physical characteristics of rice/maize based fruit/vegetable pulp fortified extrudates

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     Rice / Maize based extruded products were formulated in addition to fruit (guava, banana) and vegetable (tomato, pumpkin) pulp to enhance the nutritive value and flavour to fulfil the requirements of children from three to five years old.  The Response Surface Methodology was used with machine parameters as independent variables (die temperature, screw speed and feed rate) while physical parameters such as expansion ratio, density and textural characteristics were analysed for model validation.  The extrusion of cereals by adding 10% of pulp of fruit and vegetable was an added advantage on nutrition and structure.  The final product was agreeable in terms of physical structure by slightly compromising in expansion and texture. The banana added extrudates of rice and maize had maximum expansion and lower in toughness.   Keywords: Extrusion process, fruit and vegetable fortified extrudates, response surface method; snack food, optimizatio


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    Objective: This study aims to assess the immunomodulatory potential of an Ayurvedic formulation, Nirocil syrup, in Wistar rats. Methods: The experiments were conducted on Wistar rats with prior approval from the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee. Nirocil syrup was administered for 6 weeks to experimental animals. Parameters such as hemagglutination titer, histopathology of immunological organs, complete blood count, differential leukocyte count, and immunological paw edema were recorded and compared with controlled (untreated) and becozinc treated groups. Results: Nirocil treated group significantly enhanced the antibody titer in comparison to the control group. The results are supported by the increase in blood lymphocyte count and antigenic stimulation in immunological organs (spleen). Nirocil syrup enhanced antibody formation and suppressed the immunological edema in experimental animals. Conclusions: The study concludes that the Ayurvedic formulation Nirocil syrup has immunopotentiating activity

    Motor nerve conduction study parameters in healthy individuals: effect of limb dominance

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    Background: Nerve conduction study (NCS) is useful for evaluation of nerve, muscle, and/or neuromuscular function. Neurophysiologist interprets NCS with consideration of various anthropometric and technical parameters viz. age, gender, height, temperature etc. apart from the underlying pathology. Fewer studies have reported the effect of limb dominance on NCS. Moreover, the findings are controversial. Therefore, author aimed to investigate the effect of limb dominance on motor nerve conduction study parameters.Methods: This cross-sectional comparative study included sixty healthy individuals (44 right and 16 left handed) of either sex with age 18 to 30 years. The NCS parameters of median and ulnar nerves were assessed by stimulating it and recording from the muscle and skin overlying the nerve respectively using Digital Nihon Kohden machine. The obtained data were analyzed using independent sample t-test.Results: Right ulnar nerve onset latency was significantly longer in left-handed individuals (1.85±0.508 ms vs 1.62±0.195 ms, p=0.012). The left ulnar nerve F wave minimum latency (25.88±0.74 ms vs 24.46±2.64 ms, p=0.002) was significantly longer in left-handed individuals. Likewise, right ulnar nerve distal latency (2.45±0.76 ms vs 2.14±0.39 ms, p=0.044), and right ulnar nerve F wave minimum (25.9±1.21 ms vs 24.85 ms±1.74, p=0.030) were significantly high in left-handed individuals.Conclusions: NCS parameters in terms of latencies were longer in left-handed individuals. Therefore, limb dominance seems to be an important factor one should pay attention during bilateral comparison of obtained data in neurophysiological reporting of referred cases

    Electrophysiological status of sural nerves in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients before symptomatic peripheral neuropathy

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    Introduction. Neuropathies in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients are well known. However, electrophysiological changes in their peripheral nerves, particularly before overt peripheral neuropathy have received much less attention. Hence, we aimed to study the electrophysiological status of bilateral sural nerves in T2DM patients who do not show symptoms and signs of peripheral neuropathy. Material and methods. We selected 35 T2DM male patients and 35 age- and sex-matched control subjects without any clinical evidence of peripheral neuropathy and infectious, systemic, metabolic, and neuropsychiatric illnesses after informed written consent. Nerve conduction study (NCS) of bilateral sural nerves of both the groups was done at the lab temperature of 26 ± 2ºC by antidromic method of stimulation using standard methods. Their latency, conduction velocity, amplitude, and duration of bilateral sural sensory nerve action potentials (SNAPs) were measured and compared. Results. T2DM patients had reduced amplitudes of bilateral sural SNAPs compared to control subjects [left (12.46 ± 3.77) μV vs. (16.42 ± 4.58) μV, p = 0.000; right (11.96 ± 4.45) μV vs. (16.62 ± 6.20) μV, p = 0.001] though they were above the normal cut-off value of ≥ 4 μV. T2DM patients showed prolonged durations of bilateral sural SNAPs compared to the control subjects [left (1.99 ± 0.38) ms vs. (1.67 ± 0.27) ms, p = 0.000; right (1.92 ± 0.47) ms vs. (1.55 ± 0.33) ms, p = 0.000]. Conclusion. Reduced amplitudes and prolonged durations of bilateral sural SNAPs are the electrophysiological alterations, suggestive of peripheral neuropathy, in T2DM patients that appear before they show clinical symptoms and signs of peripheral neuropathy

    Plant Based Proteins: Sustainable Alternatives

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    Proteins can be procured from both plants and animals. Plant proteins are more preferable as the animal proteins may cause adverse health effects to human life. Proteins derived from plant sources are less expensive and hence are more cost effective. Quality of proteins relies on several factors and biological value is one such factor. Proteins with major essential amino acid are with high biological value. Every plant source is deficient in one or more essential amino acids so it is recommended to include multiple plant-based diets. Also proteins obtained from plant sources are less palatable so it is important to add flavor in order to make it more palatable. The quality and quantity of the proteins also depend on the techniques used for isolation and purification of proteins. Elucidation of the structure of proteins involves the use of techniques like nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray crystallography and spectroscopy. Apart from the structural analysis the functioning of the protein could be determined by amino acid sequencing which could be performed using mass spectroscopy. Ultrasound assisted extraction, enzyme assisted protein extraction and electro activation method are few of the isolation and purification method which can be used in isolation and purification of these proteins. Owing to the vast availability of plant-based proteins it has various industrial applications like, plant based protein can be used as a dairy substitute, plant based meat analogue and its use as bioactive peptides which have been briefly discussed in the review

    Visual evoked potentials’ responses in hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

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    Background: Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP) provides important diagnostic and prognostic information regarding the functional integrity of the visual system. This study, describes the effects of less or excess thyroid hormones of adults in visual conduction that helps to know the progression to neurological functional defects.Methods: The study was done in 75 consenting subjects (hypothyroid = 24, hyperthyroid = 25, euthyroid = 26). The VEP parameters N75, P100, N145 latencies and its amplitudes within different thyroid status (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and euthyroidism) were compared. One way ANOVA was used to compare VEP parameters among three groups and Pearson’s correlation to find relation between thyroid hormones and VEP parameters.Results: There was positive correlation of 0.335, 0.338 and 0.301 between amplitudes of N75, P100 and N145 waves and fT3 hormone respectively. Furthermore, fT4 showed a positive correlation of 0.186 and 0.185 with the wave amplitudes of N75 and N145 waves respectively and negative correlation of TSH levels of -0.492, -0.280, -0.397 with amplitudes of N75, P100, N145 waves respectively. Hyperthyroid group had higher in VEP latency than euthyroid group in N75 (73±5.77 vs. 68.54±4.32), P100 (106.42±9.74 vs. 100.94±8.17) and N145 (153.03±16.39 vs. 144.37±7.02) waves. Similarly, hypothyroid group had higher in VEP latency than euthyroid group in N75 (72.12±6.34 vs. 68.54±4.32) wave.Conclusions: Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism led to conduction delay in adults, possibly adversely affecting function of myelin. The prominent visual evoked potential abnormalities in hyperthyroidism and less change in hypothyroidism show that the visual neuropathy is more common in hyperthyroidism

    Elektrofizjologiczna ocena stanu nerwów łydkowych u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 bez objawów neuropatii obwodowej

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    Wstęp. Powszechnie wiadomo o występowaniu neuropatii u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 (T2DM). Mniej uwagi poświęca się jednak występującym u tych chorych zmianom elektrofizjologicznym w nerwach obwodowych, zwłaszcza przed rozwojem jawnej neuropatiiobwodowej. W związku z tym autorzy przeprowadzili badanie mające na celu ocenę parametrów elektrofizjologicznych nerwów łydkowych obu kończyn dolnych u chorych na T2DM bez objawów neuropatii obwodowej.Materiał i metody. Do badania włączono 35 mężczyzn z T2DM oraz 35-osobową grupę kontrolną złożoną z dopasowanych pod względem wieku i płci osób bez jakichkolwiek objawów neuropatii obwodowej ani chorób zakaźnych, ogólnoustrojowych, metabolicznych czy neuropsychiatrycznych. Od wszystkich uczestników przed rozpoczęciem badania uzyskano pisemną zgodę na udział w nim. Obustronne badanie przewodnictwa nerwowego (NCS) w nerwach łydkowych w obu grupach wykonano w pracowni elektrofizjologicznej, w temperaturze 26 ± 2ºC, z zastosowaniem standardowej antydromowej metody stymulacji. Zmierzono latencję, szybkość przewodzenia, amplitudę i czas trwania obustronnych czuciowych potencjałów czynnościowych (SNAP) w nerwach łydkowych, a następnie porównano uzyskane wyniki.Wyniki. U chorych na T2DM stwierdzono zmniejszoną amplitudę potencjałów SNAP w nerwach łydkowych obu kończyn w porównaniu z osobami z grupy kontrolnej (lewa: 12,46 ± 3,77 μV vs. 16,42 ± 4,58 μV; p = 0,000; prawa: 11,96 ± 4,45 μV vs. 16,62 ± 6,20 μV; p = 0,001), chociaż wartości te znajdowały się powyżej progu wartości prawidłowych wynoszących ≥ 4 μV. Czas trwania potencjałów SNAP w nerwach łydkowych obu kończyn był dłuższy u chorych na T2DM niż w grupie kontrolnej (lewa: 1,99 ± 0,38 ms vs. 1,67 ± 0,27 ms; p = 0,000; prawa: 1,92 ± 0,47 ms vs. 1,55 ± 0,33 ms; p = 0,000).Wnioski. Niższa amplituda i dłuższy czas trwania potencjałów SNAP w nerwach łydkowych obu kończyn dolnych to zmiany elektrofizjologiczne wskazujące na neuropatię obwodową u chorych na T2DM, które można stwierdzić przed wystąpieniem objawów klinicznych neuropatii obwodowej

    Acute Effect of Selective Yogic Exercises on Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials in Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients

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    Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is presently regarded as a multi-system disorder. A decrease oxygen transport to brain in these patients alters spontaneous brain activity. Yoga plays a vital role in complementary management of the disease. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) reflect neuronal activity along the auditory pathway up to the midbrain. Thus, we aimed to assess the effects of short-term yogic exercises in BAEP in stable COPD patients. Methods: This one group pretest – posttest observational study enrolled 50 stable patients with COPD. Steps of yogic exercises which included bhujangasana (snake pose), nadisodhana pranayama (alternate nostril breathing), swana pranayama (panting dog breathing) and ajapa-japa meditation (constant awareness of breathing) were taught to subjects by yoga instructor and given rest for 15 minutes. Then, BAEP latencies were recorded. After recording subjects performed the 20-25 minutes of yogic exercises as per the instructions, immediately after the completion, BAEP latencies were recorded. Thereafter, subjects were allowed to have rest for 10-15 minutes recording was done again. Results: Latency of BAEP wave I (1.78 ± 0.50 vs 1.99 ± 0.49 ms, p=0.006) and wave II (2.91 ± 0.32 vs 2.99 ± 0.30 ms, p=0.006) significantly decreased immediately after yoga, compared to baseline in right ear. Similarly, latency of wave II (2.77 ± 0.42 vs 2.92 ± 0.46 ms, p=0.005) and wave V (5.72 ± 0.32 vs 5.91 ± 0.37 ms, p=0.017) significantly decreased immediately after yoga, compared to baseline in left ear. However, latency of wave IV (5.51 ± 0.32 vs 5.34 ± 0.40 ms, p=0.042) increased significantly after the rest of 30 minutes, compared to immediately after yoga in right ear. Conclusions: Enhancement of neuronal transmission along the auditory pathway up to the midbrain was seen immediately after yogic exercises, which returned back to the baseline after 30 mins of rest

    Analysis of cardiac autonomic modulation in normotensive obese and eutrophic adults of Nepal

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    Background: Obese people have a higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease, though unknown mechanism, supposed to be due to autonomic dysfunction which is still in controversy. This study aimed to assess and compare heart rate variability (HRV) between normotensive obese and adults.Methods: The study was conducted on 30 normotensive obese adults (mean age 32.07±7.25 years) with BMI>30 and 29 age- and sex-matched normal weight controls (mean age 30.48±8.01 years) with BMI: 18-24 Kg/m2. Short-term HRV variables were assessed using standard protocol. The data were compared between the groups using Mann Whitney ‘U’ test.Results: In obese group, there was significant increase in the mean heart rate [79.17±8.80 Vs 71.48±8.41 beats/min, p=0.001], systolic blood pressure [121.20±9.89 Vs 113.24±11.07, mmHg, p=0.004] and diastolic blood pressure [84.97±7.87 Vs 74.83±10.31 mmHg, p=0.000]. The HRV parasympathetic indicators were less [RMSSD {28.75(16.72-38.35) Vs 41.55(30.6-56.75) ms, p=0.018}, NN50 {15.5(2-39) Vs 83.5(32.75-116.25), p=0.010}], and sympathetic indicator LF/HF ratio [1.2(0.65-2.20) Vs 0.79(0.5-1.02), p=0.004] was more in obese group.Conclusions: Obese persons have increased sympathetic activity with a reduction in parasympathetic (vagal) tone indicating poor autonomic cardiac rhythm control. Moreover, the altered autonomic activity could be the reason for increased mean heart rate and blood pressures in normotensive obese persons