207 research outputs found

    CAPM, rewards, and empirical asset pricing with coherent risk

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    The paper has 2 main goals: 1. We propose a variant of the CAPM based on coherent risk. 2. In addition to the real-world measure and the risk-neutral measure, we propose the third one: the extreme measure. The introduction of this measure provides a powerful tool for investigating the relation between the first two measures. In particular, this gives us - a new way of measuring reward; - a new approach to the empirical asset pricing

    Pricing and hedging in incomplete markets with coherent risk

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    We propose a pricing technique based on coherent risk measures, which enables one to get finer price intervals than in the No Good Deals pricing. The main idea consists in splitting a liability into several parts and selling these parts to different agents. The technique is closely connected with the convolution of coherent risk measures and equilibrium considerations. Furthermore, we propose a way to apply the above technique to the coherent estimation of the Greeks

    Coherent measurement of factor risks

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    We propose a new procedure for the risk measurement of large portfolios. It employs the following objects as the building blocks: - coherent risk measures introduced by Artzner, Delbaen, Eber, and Heath; - factor risk measures introduced in this paper, which assess the risks driven by particular factors like the price of oil, S&P500 index, or the credit spread; - risk contributions and factor risk contributions, which provide a coherent alternative to the sensitivity coefficients. We also propose two particular classes of coherent risk measures called Alpha V@R and Beta V@R, for which all the objects described above admit an extremely simple empirical estimation procedure. This procedure uses no model assumptions on the structure of the price evolution. Moreover, we consider the problem of the risk management on a firm's level. It is shown that if the risk limits are imposed on the risk contributions of the desks to the overall risk of the firm (rather than on their outstanding risks) and the desks are allowed to trade these limits within a firm, then the desks automatically find the globally optimal portfolio

    Selfdecomposability of Weak Variance Generalised Gamma Convolutions

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    Weak variance generalised gamma convolution processes are multivariate Brownian motions weakly subordinated by multivariate Thorin subordinators. Within this class, we extend a result from strong to weak subordination that a driftless Brownian motion gives rise to a self-decomposable process. Under moment conditions on the underlying Thorin measure, we show that this condition is also necessary. We apply our results to some prominent processes such as the weak variance alpha-gamma process, and illustrate the necessity of our moment conditions in some cases

    Stochastic Volatility for Levy Processes.

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    Three processes reflecting persistence of volatility are initially formulated by evaluating three Lévy processes at a time change given by the integral of a mean-reverting square root process. The model for the mean-reverting time change is then generalized to include non-Gaussian models that are solutions to Ornstein-Uhlenbeck equations driven by one-sided discontinuous Lévy processes permitting correlation with the stock. Positive stock price processes are obtained by exponentiating and mean correcting these processes, or alternatively by stochastically exponentiating these processes. The characteristic functions for the log price can be used to yield option prices via the fast Fourier transform. In general mean-corrected exponentiation performs better than employing the stochastic exponential. It is observed that the mean-corrected exponential model is not a martingale in the filtration in which it is originally defined. This leads us to formulate and investigate the important property of martingale marginals where we seek martingales in altered filtrations consistent with the one-dimensional marginal distributions of the level of the process at each future date.Risque de marché; Gestion du risque; Volatilité (finances); Risk management; Volatility (finance); Stochastic processes; Processus stochastiques; Finances; Modèles mathématiques;

    From Local Volatility to Local Levy Models.

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    We define the class of local LĂ©vy processes. These are LĂ©vy processes time changed by an inhomogeneous local speed function. The local speed function is a deterministic function of time and the level of the process itself. We show how to reverse engineer the local speed function from traded option prices of all strikes and maturities. The local LĂ©vy processes generalize the class of local volatility models. Closed forms for local speed functions for a variety of cases are also presented. Numerical methods for recovery are also described.Levy processes; Derivatives securities; Random walks (mathematics); Volatility (finance); Options (finance);

    Estimation of risk-neutral and statistical densities by Hermite polynomial approximation: with an application to Eurodollar futures options

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    This paper expands and tests the approach of Madan and Milne (1994) for pricing contingent claims as elements of a separable Hilbert space. We specialize the Hilbert space basis to the family of Hermite polynomials and use the model to price options on Eurodollar futures. Restrictions on the prices of Hermite polynomial risk for contingent claims with different times to maturity are derived. These restrictions are rejected by our empirical tests of a four-parameter model. The unrestricted results indicate skewness and excess kurtosis in the implied risk-neutral density. These characteristics of the density are also mirrored in the statistical density estimated from a time series on LIBOR. The out-of-sample performance of the four-parameter model is consistently better than that of a two-parameter version of the model
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