337 research outputs found

    Model building of disulfide bonds in proteins with known three-dimensional structure

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    As an aid in the selection of sites in a protein where a disulfide bond might be engineered, a computer program has been developed. The algorithm starts with the generation of Cβ positions from the N, Cα and C atom coordinates available from a three-dimensional model. A first set of residue pairs that might form a disulfide bond is selected on the basis of Cβ-Cβ distances between residues. Then, for each residue in this set, Sγ positions are generated, which satisfy the requirement that, with ideal values for the Cα-Cβ and Cβ-Sγ bond lengths and for the bond angle at Cβ, the distance between Sγ of residue 1 and Cβ of residue 2 in a pair (determined by the bond angle at Sγ2) is at, or very close to its ideal value. Usually two acceptable Sγ positions are found for each half cystine, resulting in up to four different conformations for the disulfide bond. Finally, these conformations are subjected to an energy minimization procedure to remove large deviations from ideal geometry and their final energies are calculated. User input determines which final conformations are energetically acceptable. These conformations are written to a file to allow further analysis and e.g. inspection on a computer graphics device

    The role and mechanism of microbial 3-ketosteroid Delta(1) -dehydrogenases in steroid breakdown

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    3-Ketosteroid Delta(1)-dehydrogenases are FAD-dependent enzymes that catalyze the introduction of a double bond between the Cl and C2 atoms of the A-ring of 3-ketosteroid substrates. These enzymes are found in a large variety of microorganisms, especially in bacteria belonging to the phylum Actinobacteria. They play a critical role in the early steps of the degradation of the steroid core. 3-Ketosteroid Delta(1)-dehydrogenases are of particular interest for the etiology of some infectious diseases, for the production of starting materials for the pharmaceutical industry, and for environmental bioremediation applications. Here we summarize and discuss the biochemical and enzymological properties of these enzymes, their microbial sources, and their natural diversity. The three-dimensional structure of a 3-ketosteroid Delta(1)-dehydrogenase in connection with the enzyme mechanism is highlighted

    Trapping and Characterization of the Reaction Intermediate in Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase by Use of Activated Substrates and a Mutant Enzyme

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    Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferases (CGTases) catalyze the degradation of starch into linear or cyclic oligosaccharides via a glycosyl transfer reaction occurring with retention of anomeric configuration. They are also shown to catalyze the coupling of maltooligosaccharyl fluorides. Reaction is thought to proceed via a double-displacement mechanism involving a covalent glycosyl-enzyme intermediate. This intermediate can be trapped by use of 4-deoxymaltotriosyl α-fluoride (4DG3αF). This substrate contains a good leaving group, fluoride, thus facilitating formation of the intermediate, but cannot undergo the transglycosylation step since the nucleophilic hydroxyl group at the 4-position is missing. When 4DG3αF was reacted with wild-type CGTase (Bacillus circulans 251), it was found to be a slow substrate (kcat = 2 s-1) compared with the parent glycosyl fluoride, maltotriosyl R-fluoride (kcat = 275 s-1). Unfortunately, a competing hydrolysis reaction reduces the lifetime of the intermediate precluding its trapping and identification. However, when 4DG3αF was used in the presence of the presumed acid/base catalyst mutant Glu257Gln, the intermediate could be trapped and analyzed because the first step remained fast while the second step was further slowed (kcat = 0.6 s-1). Two glycosylated peptides were identified in a proteolytic digest of the inhibited enzyme by means of neutral loss tandem mass spectrometry. Edman sequencing of these labeled peptides allowed identification of Asp229 as the catalytic nucleophile and provided evidence for a covalent intermediate in CGTase. Asp229 is found to be conserved in all members of the family 13 glycosyl transferases.

    The fully conserved Asp residue in conserved sequence region I of the alpha-amylase family is crucial for the catalytic site architecture and activity

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    AbstractThe α-amylase family is a large group of starch processing enzymes [Svensson, B. (1994) Plant Mol. Biol. 25, 141–157]. It is characterized by four short sequence motifs that contain the seven fully conserved amino acid residues in this family: two catalytic carboxylic acid residues and four substrate binding residues. The seventh conserved residue (Asp135) has no direct interactions with either substrates or products, but it is hydrogen-bonded to Arg227, which does bind the substrate in the catalytic site. Using cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase as an example, this paper provides for the first time definite biochemical and structural evidence that Asp135 is required for the proper conformation of several catalytic site residues and therefore for activity

    The remote substrate binding subsite-6 in cyclodextrin-glycosyltransferase controls the transferase activity of the enzyme via an induced-fit mechanism

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    Cyclodextrin-glycosyltransferase (CGTase) catalyzes the formation of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-cyclodextrins (cyclic alpha-(1,4)-linked oligosaccharides of 6, 7, or 8 glucose residues, respectively) from starch. Nine substrate binding subsites were observed in an x-ray structure of the CGTase from Bacillus circulans strain 251 complexed with a maltononaose substrate. Subsite -6 is conserved in CGTases, suggesting its importance for the reactions catalyzed by the enzyme. To investigate this in detail, we made six mutant CGTases (Y167F, G179L, G180L, N193G, N193L, and G179L/G180L). All subsite -6 mutants had decreased k(cat) values for beta-cyclodextrin formation, as well as for the disproportionation and coupling reactions, but not for hydrolysis. Especially G179L, G180L, and G179L/G180L affected the transglycosylation activities, most prominently for the coupling reactions. The results demonstrate that (i) subsite -6 is important for all three CGTase-catalyzed transglycosylation reactions, (ii) Gly-180 is conserved because of its importance for the circularization of the linear substrates, (iii) it is possible to independently change cyclization and coupling activities, and (iv) substrate interactions at subsite -6 activate the enzyme in catalysis via an induced-fit mechanism. This article provides for the first time definite biochemical evidence for such an induced-fit mechanism in the alpha-amylase family

    Accelerated X-ray Structure Elucidation of a 36 kDa Muramidase/Transglycosylase Using wARP

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    The X-ray structure of the 36kDa soluble lytic transglycosylase from Escherichia coli has been determined starting with the multiple isomorphous replacement method with inclusion of anomalous scattering at 2.7 Å resolution. Subsequently, before any model building was carried out, phases were extended to 1.7 Å, resolution with the weighted automated refinement procedure wARP, which gave a dramatic improvement in the phases. The electron-density maps from wARP were of outstanding quality for both the main chain and the side chains of the protein, which allowed the time spent on the tracing, interpretation and building of the X-ray structure to be substantially shortened. The structure of the soluble lyric transglycosylase was refined at 1.7 Å, resolution with X-PLOR to a final crystallographic R factor of 18.9%. Analysis of the wARP procedure revealed that the use of the maximum-likelihood refinement in wARP gave much better phases than least-squares refinement, provided that the ratio of reflections to protein atom parameters was approximately 1.8 or higher. Furthermore, setting aside 5% of the data for an Rfree test set had a negative effect on the phase improvement. The mean WwARP, a weight determined at the end of the wARP procedure and based on the variance of structure factors from six individually refined wARP models, proved to be a better indicator than the Rfree factor to judge different phase improvement protocols. The elongated Slt35 structure has three domains named the alpha, beta and core domains. The alpha domain contains mainly α-helices, while the beta domain consists of a five-stranded antiparallel β-sheet flanked by a short α-helix. Sandwiched between the alpha and beta domains is the core domain, which bears some resemblance to the fold of the catalytic domain of the previously elucidated 70 kDa soluble lytic transglycosylase from E. coli. The putative active site is at the bottom of a large deep groove in the core domain.

    Reassessment of Acarbose as a Transition State Analogue Inhibitor of Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase

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    The binding of several different active site mutants of Bacillus circulans cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase to the inhibitor acarbose has been investigated through measurement of Ki values. The mutations represent several key amino acid positions, most of which are believed to play important roles in governing the product specificity of cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase. Michaelis-Menten parameters for the substrates α-maltotriosyl fluoride (αG3F) and α-glucosyl fluoride (αGF) with each mutant have been determined by following the enzyme-catalyzed release of fluoride with an ion-selective fluoride electrode. In both cases, reasonable correlations are observed in logarithmic plots relating the Ki value for acarbose with each mutant and both kcat/Km and Km for the hydrolysis of either substrate by the corresponding mutants. This indicates that acarbose, as an inhibitor, is mimicking aspects of both the ground state and the transition state. A better correlation is observed for αGF (r = 0.98) than αG3F (r = 0.90), which can be explained in terms of the modes of binding of these substrates and acarbose. Re-refinement of the previously determined crystal structure of wild-type CGTase complexed with acarbose reveals a binding mode consistent with the transition state analogue character of this inhibitor.

    beta-Xylosidases:Structural Diversity, Catalytic Mechanism, and Inhibition by Monosaccharides

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    Xylan, a prominent component of cellulosic biomass, has a high potential for degradation into reducing sugars, and subsequent conversion into bioethanol. This process requires a range of xylanolytic enzymes. Among them, beta-xylosidases are crucial, because they hydrolyze more glycosidic bonds than any of the other xylanolytic enzymes. They also enhance the efficiency of the process by degrading xylooligosaccharides, which are potent inhibitors of other hemicellulose-/xylan-converting enzymes. On the other hand, the beta-xylosidase itself is also inhibited by monosaccharides that may be generated in high concentrations during the saccharification process. Structurally, beta-xylosidases are diverse enzymes with different substrate specificities and enzyme mechanisms. Here, we review the structural diversity and catalytic mechanisms of beta-xylosidases, and discuss their inhibition by monosaccharides
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