455 research outputs found

    Epidemiologic typing of Escherichia coli using RAPD analysis, ribotyping and serotyping

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    AbstractObjectiveTo compare random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis and ribotyping with serotyping for epidemiologic typing of Escherichia coli.MethodsThirty-two epidemiologically unrelated strains, nine cerebrospinal fluid isolates with the O7K1 serotype from nine patients, and nine sets of epidemiologically related E. coli isolates from nine patients were typed by RAPD analysis, ribotyping and serotyping.ResultsAmong the 32 epidemiologically unrelated E. coli isolates, 29 types were distinguished by RAPD analysis, 25 by ribotyping and 27 by serotyping. Indistinguishable patterns were obtained by RAPD analysis and ribotyping within the collection of nine cerebrospinal fluid isolates. For the epidemiologically related isolates, intrapatient variation was only found by RAPD analysis among the isolates of one set and by ribotyping among the isolates of two sets. No interpatient variation was observed between three sets of isolates. With serotyping, the epidemiologically related isolates yielded similar typing relationships to those obtained by RAPD analysis and ribotyping.ConclusionsRAPD analysis had the highest discriminatory capacity for typing E. coli isolates. RAPD analysis, ribotyping and serotyping can all be used for assessment of strain relationships

    Constraint-based modeling identifies new putative targets to fight colistin-resistant A. baumannii infections

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    Acinetobacter baumannii is a clinical threat to human health, causing major infection outbreaks worldwide. As new drugs against Gram-negative bacteria do not seem to be forthcoming, and due to the microbial capability of acquiring multi-resistance, there is an urgent need for novel therapeutic targets. Here we have derived a list of new potential targets by means of metabolic reconstruction and modelling of A. baumannii ATCC 19606. By integrating constraint-based modelling with gene expression data, we simulated microbial growth in normal and stressful conditions (i.e. following antibiotic exposure). This allowed us to describe the metabolic reprogramming that occurs in this bacterium when treated with colistin (the currently adopted last-line treatment) and identify a set of genes that are primary targets for developing new drugs against A. baumannii, including colistin-resistant strains. It can be anticipated that the metabolic model presented herein will represent a solid and reliable resource for the future treatment of A. baumannii infections

    Acinetobacter species in the hospital environment : tracing and epidemiology.

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    In the course of the investigation a new taxonomic classification of Acinetobacter strains was introduced. The groups of this classification were established on the basis of DNA-DNA hybridization data of strains. In a final study of the present thesis, we investigated whether cell envelope protein profiles could be used to identify strains according to this classification of DNA groups. The profiles of 120 strains were determined densitometrically and subjected to numerical analysis. When a restricted part of the protein profile was used in the numerical analysis, a number of protein profile clusters corresponded to specific DNA groups. Thus, this part of the profile, comprising minor bands of relatively high molecular weight, appeared useful for identification of strains to the level of these DNA groups. The remaining part of the protein profile, which comprised major protein bands, seemed to be more useful to distinguish strains of the same DNA group. The latter is important in epidemiological studies. The studies allowed to deduce, that strains of DNA group 2 (A. baumannii) are highly prevalent in infections and nosocomial outbreaks. It is concluded that this group is of particular clinical-epidemiological significance

    Waarom geven we zoveel uit?

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    Sinds de invoering van de euro lijkt alles duurder te zijn geworden. Empirische gegevens tonen echter dat men de euro te gemakkelijk uitgeeft. Voor dezelfde diensten is men bereid 60% meer te betalen dan in guldens

    Multi-detector row computed tomography angiography of peripheral arterial disease

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    With the introduction of multi-detector row computed tomography (MDCT), scan speed and image quality has improved considerably. Since the longitudinal coverage is no longer a limitation, multi-detector row computed tomography angiography (MDCTA) is increasingly used to depict the peripheral arterial runoff. Hence, it is important to know the advantages and limitations of this new non-invasive alternative for the reference test, digital subtraction angiography. Optimization of the acquisition parameters and the contrast delivery is important to achieve a reliable enhancement of the entire arterial runoff in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) using fast CT scanners. The purpose of this review is to discuss the different scanning and injection protocols using 4-, 16-, and 64-detector row CT scanners, to propose effective methods to evaluate and to present large data sets, to discuss its clinical value and major limitations, and to review the literature on the validity, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of multi-detector row CT in the evaluation of PAD

    Assessment of Iodine Contrast-To-Noise Ratio in Virtual Monoenergetic Images Reconstructed from Dual-Source Energy-Integrating CT and Photon-Counting CT Data

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    To evaluate whether the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of an iodinated contrast agent in virtual monoenergetic images (VMI) from the first clinical photon-counting detector (PCD) CT scanner is superior to VMI CNR from a dual-source dual-energy CT scanner with energy-integrating detectors (EID), two anthropomorphic phantoms in three different sizes (thorax and abdomen, QRM GmbH), in combination with a custom-built insert containing cavities filled with water, and water with 15 mg iodine/mL, were scanned on an EID-based scanner (Siemens SOMATOM Force) and on a PCD-based scanner (Siemens, NAEOTOM Alpha). VMI (range 40–100 keV) were reconstructed without an iterative reconstruction (IR) technique and with an IR strength of 60% for the EID technique (ADMIRE) and closest matching IR strengths of 50% and 75% for the PCD technique (QIR). CNR was defined as the difference in mean CT numbers of water, and water with iodine, divided by the root mean square value of the measured noise in water, and water with iodine. A two-sample t-test was performed to evaluate differences in CNR between images. A p-value &lt; 0.05 was considered statistically significant. For VMI without IR and below 60 keV, the CNR of the PCD-based images at 120 and 90 kVp was up to 55% and 75% higher than the CNR of the EID-based images, respectively (p &lt; 0.05). For VMI above 60 keV, CNRs of PCD-based images at both 120 and 90 kVp were up to 20% lower than the CNRs of EID-based images. Similar or improved performance of PCD-based images in comparison with EID-based images were observed for VMIs reconstructed with IR techniques. In conclusion, with PCD-CT, iodine CNR on low energy VMI (&lt;60 keV) is better than with EID-CT.</p

    A vertebra of a small species of Pachycetus from the North Sea and its inner structure and vascularity compared with other basilosaurid vertebrae from the same site

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    In the Western Scheldt Estuary near the Belgian-Dutch border, middle to late Eocene strata crop out at the current seafloor. Most vertebrae of large Eocene basilosaurid taxa from this area were previously described in several papers. They represent three morphotypes: elongated vertebrae of a large species of Pachycetus (Morphotype 1b), a not-elongated vertebra of a large ‘dorudontid’ basilosaurid (Morphotype 2) and ‘shortened’ vertebrae of a new, unnamed taxon (Morphotype 3). This article deals with a still undescribed, smaller vertebra, NMR-16642, from this site. Our first aim was to date it by dinoflagellate cysts in adhering sediments. Yielding an age of about 38 Ma, it is one of the very few remains of basilosaurids from Europe, of which the age could be assessed with reasonable certainty. The vertebra, Morphotype 1a, is assigned to a small species of Pachycetus. High-quality CT scans are used to differentiate between NMR-16642, Morphotype 1a, and the large species of Pachycetus, Morphotype 1b. Another aim of this paper is to investigate the inner structure and vascularity of the study vertebra and that of the other morphotypes (1b, 2, 3) from this area by using high-quality CT scans. Notwithstanding differences in size, shape and compactness, the vertebral inner structure with a multi-layered cortex of periosteal bone, surrounding two cones of endosteal bone appears to be basically similar in all morphotypes. Apparently, this inner structure reflects the ontogenetic vertebral growth. An attempt to reconstruct the vascularity of the vertebrae reveals a remarkable pattern of interconnected vascular systems. From the dorsal and, if present, ventral foramina, vascular canals are running to a central vascular node. From this node a system of vascular canals goes to the epiphyseal ends, giving rise to separate systems for cortex and cones. It is the first time that the vascularity of vertebrae of archaeocetes is investigated.</p
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