24 research outputs found

    DNA replication: Building the perfect switch

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    AbstractA sophisticated molecular switch ensures that replication origins are activated just once in each cell cycle. Recent work reveals how the proteolysis of a key replication inhibitor, geminin, by the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome is an important component of this switch

    DNA Replication and Oncogene-Induced Replicative Stress

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    DNA replication must be tightly regulated to ensure that the genome is accurately duplicated during each cell cycle. When these regulatory mechanisms fail, replicative stress and DNA damage ensue. Activated oncogenes promote replicative stress, inducing a DNA damage response (DDR) early in tumorigenesis. Senescence or apoptosis result, forming a barrier against tumour progression. This may provide a selective pressure for acquisition of mutations in the DDR pathway during tumorigenesis. Despite its potential importance in early cancer development, the precise nature of oncogene-induced replicative stress remains poorly understood. Here, we review our current understanding of replication initiation and its regulation, describe mechanisms by which activated oncogenes might interfere with these processes and discuss how replicative stress might contribute to the genomic instability seen in cancers

    Rpd3l contributes to the DNA damage sensitivity of saccharomyces cerevisiae checkpoint mutants

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    DNA replication forks that are stalled by DNA damage activate an S-phase checkpoint that prevents irreversible fork arrest and cell death. The increased cell death caused by DNA damage in budding yeast cells lacking the Rad53 checkpoint protein kinase is partially suppressed by deletion of the EXO1 gene. Using a whole-genome sequencing approach, we identified two additional genes, RXT2 and RPH1, whose mutation can also partially suppress this DNA damage sensitivity. We provide evidence that RXT2 and RPH1 act in a common pathway, which is distinct from the EXO1 pathway. Analysis of additional mutants indicates that suppression works through the loss of the Rpd3L histone deacetylase complex. Our results suggest that the loss or absence of histone acetylation, perhaps at stalled forks, may contribute to cell death in the absence of a functional checkpoint.Cancer Research UK FC001066UK Medical Research Council FC001066Wellcome Trust FC001066European Molecular Biology Organization ALTF 263–2011European Research Council Advanced 669424-CHROMORE

    Concerted Loading of Mcm2–7 Double Hexamers around DNA during DNA Replication Origin Licensing

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    The licensing of eukaryotic DNA replication origins, which ensures once per cell cycle replication, involves the loading of six related minichromosome maintenance proteins (Mcm2-7) into prereplicative complexes (pre-RCs). Mcm2-7 forms the core of the replicative DNA helicase, which is inactive in the pre-RC. The ATP-dependent Mcm2-7 loading reaction requires the Origin Recognition Complex (ORC), Cdc6 and Cdt1. We have reconstituted Mcm2-7 loading with purified budding yeast proteins. Using biochemical approaches and electron microscopy, we show that single heptamers of Cdt1·Mcm2-7 are loaded cooperatively into stable, head-to-head Mcm2-7 double hexamers connected via N-terminal rings. DNA runs through a central channel in the double hexamer, and, once loaded, Mcm2-7 can slide passively along double-stranded DNA. Our work has significant implications for understanding how eukaryotic DNA replication origins are chosen and licensed, how replisomes assemble during initiation and how unwinding occurs during DNA replication

    DNA synthesis at individual replication forks requires the essential initiation factor Cdc45p

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    Cdc45p assembles at replication origins before initia tion and is required for origin firing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A heat-inducible cdc45 degron mutant was constructed that promotes rapid degradation of Cdc45p at the restrictive temperature. Consistent with a role in initiation, loss of Cdc45p in G(1) prevents all detectable DNA replication without preventing subsequent entry into mitosis. Loss of Cdc45p activity during S-phase blocks S-phase completion but not activation of replication checkpoints. Using density substitution, we show that after allowing replication fork establishment, Cdc45p inactivation prevents the subsequent progression of individual replication forks. This provides the first direct functional evidence that Cdc45p plays an essential role during elongation. Thus, like the large T antigen in SV40 replication, Cdc45p plays a central role in both initiation and elongation phases of chromosomal DNA replication