7,804 research outputs found

    Inclusive Electron Scattering from Nuclei at x≃1x \simeq 1

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    The inclusive A(e,e') cross section for x≃1x \simeq 1 was measured on 2^2H, C, Fe, and Au for momentum transfers Q2Q^2 from 1-7 (GeV/c)2^2. The scaling behavior of the data was examined in the region of transition from y-scaling to x-scaling. Throughout this transitional region, the data exhibit Ο\xi-scaling, reminiscent of the Bloom-Gilman duality seen in free nucleon scattering.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX; 4 figures (postscript in .tar.Z file

    Correlation functions near Modulated and Rough Surfaces

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    In a system with long-ranged correlations, the behavior of correlation functions is sensitive to the presence of a boundary. We show that surface deformations strongly modify this behavior as compared to a flat surface. The modified near surface correlations can be measured by scattering probes. To determine these correlations, we develop a perturbative calculation in the deformations in height from a flat surface. Detailed results are given for a regularly patterned surface, as well as for a self-affinely rough surface with roughness exponent ζ\zeta. By combining this perturbative calculation in height deformations with the field-theoretic renormalization group approach, we also estimate the values of critical exponents governing the behavior of the decay of correlation functions near a self-affinely rough surface. We find that for the interacting theory, a large enough ζ\zeta can lead to novel surface critical behavior. We also provide scaling relations between roughness induced critical exponents for thermodynamic surface quantities.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figure

    Thermal fluctuations of an interface near a contact line

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    The effect of thermal fluctuations near a contact line of a liquid interface partially wetting an impenetrable substrate is studied analytically and numerically. Promoting both the interface profile and the contact line position to random variables, we explore the equilibrium properties of the corresponding fluctuating contact line problem based on an interfacial Hamiltonian involving a "contact" binding potential. To facilitate an analytical treatment we consider the case of a one-dimensional interface. The effective boundary condition at the contact line is determined by a dimensionless parameter that encodes the relative importance of thermal energy and substrate energy at the microscopic scale. We find that this parameter controls the transition from a partially wetting to a pseudo-partial wetting state, the latter being characterized by a thin prewetting film of fixed thickness. In the partial wetting regime, instead, the profile typically approaches the substrate via an exponentially thinning prewetting film. We show that, independently of the physics at the microscopic scale, Young's angle is recovered sufficiently far from the substrate. The fluctuations of the interface and of the contact line give rise to an effective disjoining pressure, exponentially decreasing with height. Fluctuations therefore provide a regularization of the singular contact forces occurring in the corresponding deterministic problem.Comment: 40 Pages, 12 Figure

    The propensity of molecules to spatially align in intense light fields

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    The propensity of molecules to spatially align along the polarization vector of intense, pulsed light fields is related to readily-accessible parameters (molecular polarizabilities, moment of inertia, peak intensity of the light and its pulse duration). Predictions can now be made of which molecules can be spatially aligned, and under what circumstances, upon irradiation by intense light. Accounting for both enhanced ionization and hyperpolarizability, it is shown that {\it all} molecules can be aligned, even those with the smallest static polarizability, when subjected to the shortest available laser pulses (of sufficient intensity).Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to be submitted to PR

    Normal and lateral critical Casimir forces between colloids and patterned substrates

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    We study the normal and lateral effective critical Casimir forces acting on a spherical colloid immersed in a critical binary solvent and close to a chemically structured substrate with alternating adsorption preference. We calculate the universal scaling function for the corresponding potential and compare our results with recent experimental data [Soyka F., Zvyagolskaya O., Hertlein C., Helden L., and Bechinger C., Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 208301 (2008)]. The experimental potentials are properly captured by our predictions only by accounting for geometrical details of the substrate pattern for which, according to our theory, critical Casimir forces turn out to be a sensitive probe.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Elastic and Raman scattering of 9.0 and 11.4 MeV photons from Au, Dy and In

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    Monoenergetic photons between 8.8 and 11.4 MeV were scattered elastically and in elastically (Raman) from natural targets of Au, Dy and In.15 new cross sections were measured. Evidence is presented for a slight deformation in the 197Au nucleus, generally believed to be spherical. It is predicted, on the basis of these measurements, that the Giant Dipole Resonance of Dy is very similar to that of 160Gd. A narrow isolated resonance at 9.0 MeV is observed in In.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure

    Wetting of a symmetrical binary fluid mixture on a wall

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    We study the wetting behaviour of a symmetrical binary fluid below the demixing temperature at a non-selective attractive wall. Although it demixes in the bulk, a sufficiently thin liquid film remains mixed. On approaching liquid/vapour coexistence, however, the thickness of the liquid film increases and it may demix and then wet the substrate. We show that the wetting properties are determined by an interplay of the two length scales related to the density and the composition fluctuations. The problem is analysed within the framework of a generic two component Ginzburg-Landau functional (appropriate for systems with short-ranged interactions). This functional is minimized both numerically and analytically within a piecewise parabolic potential approximation. A number of novel surface transitions are found, including first order demixing and prewetting, continuous demixing, a tricritical point connecting the two regimes, or a critical end point beyond which the prewetting line separates a strongly and a weakly demixed film. Our results are supported by detailed Monte Carlo simulations of a symmetrical binary Lennard-Jones fluid at an attractive wall.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Basins of attraction on random topography

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    We investigate the consequences of fluid flowing on a continuous surface upon the geometric and statistical distribution of the flow. We find that the ability of a surface to collect water by its mere geometrical shape is proportional to the curvature of the contour line divided by the local slope. Consequently, rivers tend to lie in locations of high curvature and flat slopes. Gaussian surfaces are introduced as a model of random topography. For Gaussian surfaces the relation between convergence and slope is obtained analytically. The convergence of flow lines correlates positively with drainage area, so that lower slopes are associated with larger basins. As a consequence, we explain the observed relation between the local slope of a landscape and the area of the drainage basin geometrically. To some extent, the slope-area relation comes about not because of fluvial erosion of the landscape, but because of the way rivers choose their path. Our results are supported by numerically generated surfaces as well as by real landscapes

    Geometry of River Networks I: Scaling, Fluctuations, and Deviations

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    This article is the first in a series of three papers investigating the detailed geometry of river networks. Large-scale river networks mark an important class of two-dimensional branching networks, being not only of intrinsic interest but also a pervasive natural phenomenon. In the description of river network structure, scaling laws are uniformly observed. Reported values of scaling exponents vary suggesting that no unique set of scaling exponents exists. To improve this current understanding of scaling in river networks and to provide a fuller description of branching network structure, we report here a theoretical and empirical study of fluctuations about and deviations from scaling. We examine data for continent-scale river networks such as the Mississippi and the Amazon and draw inspiration from a simple model of directed, random networks. We center our investigations on the scaling of the length of sub-basin's dominant stream with its area, a characterization of basin shape known as Hack's law. We generalize this relationship to a joint probability density and show that fluctuations about scaling are substantial. We find strong deviations from scaling at small scales which can be explained by the existence of linear network structure. At intermediate scales, we find slow drifts in exponent values indicating that scaling is only approximately obeyed and that universality remains indeterminate. At large scales, we observe a breakdown in scaling due to decreasing sample space and correlations with overall basin shape. The extent of approximate scaling is significantly restricted by these deviations and will not be improved by increases in network resolution.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, Revtex4, submitted to PR

    Surface critical behavior of driven diffusive systems with open boundaries

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    Using field theoretic renormalization group methods we study the critical behavior of a driven diffusive system near a boundary perpendicular to the driving force. The boundary acts as a particle reservoir which is necessary to maintain the critical particle density in the bulk. The scaling behavior of correlation and response functions is governed by a new exponent eta_1 which is related to the anomalous scaling dimension of the chemical potential of the boundary. The new exponent and a universal amplitude ratio for the density profile are calculated at first order in epsilon = 5-d. Some of our results are checked by computer simulations.Comment: 10 pages ReVTeX, 6 figures include
