73 research outputs found

    Confining Properties of Abelian(-Projected) Theories

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    Representations of the Abelian-projected SU(2)- and SU(3)-gluodynamics in terms of the magnetic monopole currents are derived. Besides the quadratic part, the obtained effective actions contain interactions of these currents with the world-sheets of electric strings in 4D or electric vortex lines in 3D. Next, we illustrate that 3D compact QED is a small gauge boson mass limit of 3D Abelian Higgs model with external monopoles and give a physical interpretation to the confining string theory as the integral over the monopole densities. Finally, we derive the bilocal field strength correlator in the weak-field limit of 3D compact QED, which turns out to be in line with the one predicted by the Stochastic Vacuum Model.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure

    k-string tensions in the 4-d SU(N)-inspired dual Abelian-Higgs-type theory

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    The k-string tensions are explored in the 4-d [U(1)]N−1[U(1)]^{N-1}-invariant dual Abelian-Higgs-type theory. In the London limit of this theory, the Casimir scaling is found in the approximation when small-sized closed dual strings are disregarded. When these strings are treated in the dilute-plasma approximation, explicit corrections to the Casimir scaling are found. The leading correction due to the deviation from the London limit is also derived. Its N-ality dependence turns out to be the same as that of the first non-trivial correction produced by closed strings. It also turns out that this N-ality dependence coincides with that of the leading correction to the k-string tension, which emerges by way of the non-diluteness of the monopole plasma in the 3-d SU(N) Georgi-Glashow model. Finally, we prove that, in the latter model, Casimir scaling holds even at monopole densities close to the mean one, provided the string world sheet is flat.Comment: 21 pages, no figures, uses JHEP3.cl

    String representation of the dual Ginzburg-Landau theory beyond the London limit

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    The effective string action of the color-electric flux tube in the dual Ginzburg-Landau (DGL) theory is studied by performing a path-integral analysis by taking into account the finite thickness of the flux tube. A modified Yukawa interaction appears as a boundary contribution and is reduced into the ordinary Yukawa interaction in the London Limit.Comment: 3 Pages, Talk given at 5th International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Gargnano, Brescia, Italy, 10-14 Sep 200

    Extended NJL Model for light and heavy mesons without q-qbar thresholds

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    We consider the NJL model as an effective quark theory to describe the interaction which is responsible for the quark flavor dynamics at intermediate energies. In addition to the usual ultraviolet cut-off which is necessary since the model is non-renormalizable, we also introduce an infrared cut-off which drops off the unknown confinement part of the quark interaction, which is believed to be less important for the flavor dynamics. The infrared cut-off eliminates all q-qbar thresholds, which plague the application of the usual NJL model beyond low-energy pion physics. We apply this two-cut-off prescription to the extended NJL model with chiral and heavy quark symmetries proposed recently by us. We find a satisfactoring description even of the heavy mesons with spin/parity J/P = (0+, 1+). Furthermore, the shape-parameters of the Isgur-Wise function are studied as a function of the residual heavy meson mass.Comment: 9 pages LaTeX, 3 figures included using epsfig.sty, also available via http://qft3.physik.hu-berlin.de/~feldmann/pub/9608223.ps.Z, Citation [3] correcte

    String Representation of Field Correlators in the SU(3)-Gluodynamics

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    The string representation of the Abelian projected SU(3)-gluodynamics partition function is derived by using the path-integral duality transformation. On this basis, we also derive analogous representations for the generating functionals of correlators of gluonic field strength tensors and monopole currents, which are finally applied to the evaluation of the corresponding bilocal correlators. The large distance asymptotic behaviours of the latter turn out to be in a good agreement with existing lattice data and the Stochastic Model of the QCD vacuum.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure
