9 research outputs found

    A neuromorphic controller for a robotic vehicle equipped with a dynamic vision sensor

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    Neuromorphic electronic systems exhibit advantageous characteristics, in terms of low energy consumption and low response latency, which can be useful in robotic applications that require compact and low power embedded computing resources. However, these neuromorphic circuits still face significant limitations that make their usage challenging: these include low precision, variability of components, sensitivity to noise and temperature drifts, as well as the currently limited number of neurons and synapses that are typically emulated on a single chip. In this paper, we show how it is possible to achieve functional robot control strategies using a mixed signal analog/digital neuromorphic processor interfaced to a mobile robotic platform equipped with an event-based dynamic vision sensor. We provide a proof of concept implementation of obstacle avoidance and target acquisition using biologically plausible spiking neural networks directly emulated by the neuromorphic hardware. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a working spike-based neuromorphic robotic controller in this type of hardware which illustrates the feasibility, as well as limitations, of this approach

    A neuromorphic controller for a robotic vehicle equipped with a dynamic vision sensor

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    Neuromorphic electronic systems exhibit advantageous characteristics, in terms of low energy consumption and low response latency, which can be useful in robotic applications that require compact and low power embedded computing resources. However, these neuromorphic circuits still face significant limitations that make their usage challenging: these include low precision, variability of components, sensitivity to noise and temperature drifts, as well as the currently limited number of neurons and synapses that are typically emulated on a single chip. In this paper, we show how it is possible to achieve functional robot control strategies using a mixed signal analog/digital neuromorphic processor interfaced to a mobile robotic platform equipped with an event-based dynamic vision sensor. We provide a proof of concept implementation of obstacle avoidance and target acquisition using biologically plausible spiking neural networks directly emulated by the neuromorphic hardware. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a working spike-based neuromorphic robotic controller in this type of hardware which illustrates the feasibility, as well as limitations, of this approach

    pForest: In-Network Inference with Random Forests

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    The concept of "self-driving networks" has recently emerged as a possible solution to manage the ever-growing complexity of modern network infrastructures. In a self-driving network, network devices adapt their decisions in real-time by observing network traffic and by performing in-line inference according to machine learning models. The recent advent of programmable data planes gives us a unique opportunity to implement this vision. One open question though is whether these devices are powerful enough to run such complex tasks? We answer positively by presenting pForest, a system for performing in-network inference according to supervised machine learning models on top of programmable data planes. The key challenge is to design classification models that fit the constraints of programmable data planes (e.g., no floating points, no loops, and limited memory) while providing high accuracy. pForest addresses this challenge in three phases: (i) it optimizes the features selection according to the capabilities of programmable network devices; (ii) it trains random forest models tailored for different phases of a flow; and (iii) it applies these models in real time, on a per-packet basis. We fully implemented pForest in Python (training), and in P4_16 (inference). Our evaluation shows that pForest can classify traffic at line rate for hundreds of thousands of flows, with an accuracy that is on-par with software-based solutions. We further show the practicality of pForest by deploying it on existing hardware devices (Barefoot Tofino)

    On Sample Selection for Continual Learning: a Video Streaming Case Study

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    Machine learning (ML) is a powerful tool to model the complexity of communication networks. As networks evolve, we cannot only train once and deploy. Retraining models, known as continual learning, is necessary. Yet, to date, there is no established methodology to answer the key questions: With which samples to retrain? When should we retrain? We address these questions with the sample selection system Memento, which maintains a training set with the "most useful" samples to maximize sample space coverage. Memento particularly benefits rare patterns—the notoriously long "tail" in networking—and allows assessing rationally when retraining may help, i.e., when the coverage changes. We deployed Memento on Puffer, the live-TV streaming project, and achieved a 14% reduction of stall time, 3.5× the improvement of random sample selection. Memento is model-agnostic and can be applied beyond video streaming

    A New Hope for Network Model Generalization

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    A New Hope for Network Model Generalization

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    Generalizing machine learning (ML) models for network traffic dynamics tends to be considered a lost cause. Hence for every new task, we design new models and train them on model-specific datasets closely mimicking the deployment environments. Yet, an ML architecture called Transformer has enabled previously unimaginable generalization in other domains. Nowadays, one can download a model pre-trained on massive datasets and only fine-tune it for a specific task and context with comparatively little time and data. These fine-tuned models are now state-of-the-art for many benchmarks. We believe this progress could translate to networking and propose a Network Traffic Transformer (NTT), a transformer adapted to learn network dynamics from packet traces. Our initial results are promising: NTT seems able to generalize to new prediction tasks and environments. This study suggests there is still hope for generalization through future research

    Obstacle Avoidance and Target Acquisition for Robot Navigation Using a Mixed Signal Analog/Digital Neuromorphic Processing System

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    Neuromorphic hardware emulates dynamics of biological neural networks in electronic circuits offering an alternative to the von Neumann computing architecture that is low-power, inherently parallel, and event-driven. This hardware allows to implement neural-network based robotic controllers in an energy-efficient way with low latency, but requires solving the problem of device variability, characteristic for analog electronic circuits. In this work, we interfaced a mixed-signal analog-digital neuromorphic processor ROLLS to a neuromorphic dynamic vision sensor (DVS) mounted on a robotic vehicle and developed an autonomous neuromorphic agent that is able to perform neurally inspired obstacle-avoidance and target acquisition. We developed a neural network architecture that can cope with device variability and verified its robustness in different environmental situations, e.g., moving obstacles, moving target, clutter, and poor light conditions. We demonstrate how this network, combined with the properties of the DVS, allows the robot to avoid obstacles using a simple biologically-inspired dynamics. We also show how a Dynamic Neural Field for target acquisition can be implemented in spiking neuromorphic hardware. This work demonstrates an implementation of working obstacle avoidance and target acquisition using mixed signal analog/digital neuromorphic hardware