2,287 research outputs found

    Disorder-induced pseudodiffusive transport in graphene nanoribbons.

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    We study the transition from ballistic to diffusive and localized transport in graphene nanoribbons in the presence of binary disorder, which can be generated by chemical adsorbates or substitutional doping. We show that the interplay between the induced average doping (arising from the nonzero average of the disorder) and impurity scattering modifies the traditional picture of phase-coherent transport. Close to the Dirac point, intrinsic evanescent modes produced by the impurities dominate transport at short lengths giving rise to a regime analogous to pseudodiffusive transport in clean graphene, but without the requirement of heavily doped contacts. This intrinsic pseudodiffusive regime precedes the traditional ballistic, diffusive, and localized regimes. The last two regimes exhibit a strongly modified effective number of propagating modes and a mean free path which becomes anomalously large close to the Dirac point

    Bound Magnetic Polaron Interactions in Insulating Doped Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors

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    The magnetic behavior of insulating doped diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) is characterized by the interaction of large collective spins known as bound magnetic polarons. Experimental measurements of the susceptibility of these materials have suggested that the polaron-polaron interaction is ferromagnetic, in contrast to the antiferromagnetic carrier-carrier interactions that are characteristic of nonmagnetic semiconductors. To explain this behavior, a model has been developed in which polarons interact via both the standard direct carrier-carrier exchange interaction (due to virtual carrier hopping) and an indirect carrier-ion-carrier exchange interaction (due to the interactions of polarons with magnetic ions in an interstitial region). Using a variational procedure, the optimal values of the model parameters were determined as a function of temperature. At temperatures of interest, the parameters describing polaron-polaron interactions were found to be nearly temperature-independent. For reasonable values of these constant parameters, we find that indirect ferromagnetic interactions can dominate the direct antiferromagnetic interactions and cause the polarons to align. This result supports the experimental evidence for ferromagnetism in insulating doped DMS.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Magnetic interactions of substitutional Mn pairs in GaAs

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    We employ a kinetic-exchange tight-binding model to calculate the magnetic interaction and anisotropy energies of a pair of substitutional Mn atoms in GaAs as a function of their separation distance and direction. We find that the most energetically stable configuration is usually one in which the spins are ferromagnetically aligned along the vector connecting the Mn atoms. The ferromagnetic configuration is characterized by a splitting of the topmost unoccupied acceptor levels, which is visible in scanning tunneling microscope studies when the pair is close to the surface and is strongly dependent on pair orientation. The largest acceptor splittings occur when the Mn pair is oriented along the symmetry direction, and the smallest when they are oriented along . We show explicitly that the acceptor splitting is not simply related to the effective exchange interaction between the Mn local moments. The exchange interaction constant is instead more directly related to the width of the distribution of all impurity levels -- occupied and unoccupied. When the Mn pair is at the (110) GaAs surface, both acceptor splitting and effective exchange interaction are very small except for the smallest possible Mn separation.Comment: 25 figure

    Spin-related magnetoresistance of n-type ZnO:Al and Zn_{1-x}Mn_{x}O:Al thin films

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    Effects of spin-orbit coupling and s-d exchange interaction are probed by magnetoresistance measurements carried out down to 50 mK on ZnO and Zn_{1-x}Mn_{x}O with x = 3 and 7%. The films were obtained by laser ablation and doped with Al to electron concentration ~10^{20} cm^{-3}. A quantitative description of the data for ZnO:Al in terms of weak-localization theory makes it possible to determine the coupling constant \lambda_{so} = (4.4 +- 0.4)*10^{-11} eVcm of the kp hamiltonian for the wurzite structure, H_{so} = \lambda_{so}*c(s x k). A complex and large magnetoresistance of Zn_{1-x}Mn_{x}O:Al is interpreted in terms of the influence of the s-d spin-splitting and magnetic polaron formation on the disorder-modified electron-electron interactions. It is suggested that the proposed model explains the origin of magnetoresistance observed recently in many magnetic oxide systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-dependent tunneling in modulated structures of (Ga,Mn)As

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    A model of coherent tunneling, which combines multi-orbital tight-binding approximation with Landauer-B\"uttiker formalism, is developed and applied to all-semiconductor heterostructures containing (Ga,Mn)As ferromagnetic layers. A comparison of theoretical predictions and experimental results on spin-dependent Zener tunneling, tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR), and anisotropic magnetoresistance (TAMR) is presented. The dependence of spin current on carrier density, magnetization orientation, strain, voltage bias, and spacer thickness is examined theoretically in order to optimize device design and performance.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, submitted to PR

    Influence of band structure effects on domain-wall resistance in diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors

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    Intrinsic domain-wall resistance (DWR) in (Ga,Mn)As is studied theoretically and compared to experimental results. The recently developed model of spin transport in diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors [Van Dorpe et al., Phys. Rev. B 72, 205322 (2005)] is employed. The model combines the disorder-free Landauer-B\"uttiker formalism with the tight-binding description of the host band structure. The obtained results show how much the spherical 4x4 kp model [Nguyen, Shchelushkin, and Brataas, cond-mat/0601436] overestimates DWR in the adiabatic limit, and reveal the dependence of DWR on the magnetization profile and crystallographic orientation of the wall.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B - Rapid Com

    Cubic anisotropy in high homogeneity thin (Ga,Mn)As layers

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    Historically, comprehensive studies of dilute ferromagnetic semiconductors, e.g., pp-type (Cd,Mn)Te and (Ga,Mn)As, paved the way for a quantitative theoretical description of effects associated with spin-orbit interactions in solids, such as crystalline magnetic anisotropy. In particular, the theory was successful in explaining {\em uniaxial} magnetic anisotropies associated with biaxial strain and non-random formation of magnetic dimers in epitaxial (Ga,Mn)As layers. However, the situation appears much less settled in the case of the {\em cubic} term: the theory predicts switchings of the easy axis between in-plane ⟨100⟩\langle 100\rangle and ⟨110⟩\langle 110\rangle directions as a function of the hole concentration, whereas only the ⟨100⟩\langle 100\rangle orientation has been found experimentally. Here, we report on the observation of such switchings by magnetization and ferromagnetic resonance studies on a series of high-crystalline quality (Ga,Mn)As films. We describe our findings by the mean-field pp-dd Zener model augmented with three new ingredients. The first one is a scattering broadening of the hole density of states, which reduces significantly the amplitude of the alternating carrier-induced contribution. This opens the way for the two other ingredients, namely the so-far disregarded single-ion magnetic anisotropy and disorder-driven non-uniformities of the carrier density, both favoring the ⟨100⟩\langle 100\rangle direction of the apparent easy axis. However, according to our results, when the disorder gets reduced a switching to the ⟨110⟩\langle 110\rangle orientation is possible in a certain temperature and hole concentration range.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Tailoring ferromagnetic chalcopyrites

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    If magnetic semiconductors are ever to find wide application in real spintronic devices, their magnetic and electronic properties will require tailoring in much the same way that band gaps are engineered in conventional semiconductors. Unfortunately, no systematic understanding yet exists of how, or even whether, properties such as Curie temperatures and band gaps are related in magnetic semiconductors. Here we explore theoretically these and other relationships within 64 members of a single materials class, the Mn-doped II-IV-V2 chalcopyrites, three of which are already known experimentally to be ferromagnetic semiconductors. Our first-principles results reveal a variation of magnetic properties across different materials that cannot be explained by either of the two dominant models of ferromagnetism in semiconductors. Based on our results for structural, electronic, and magnetic properties, we identify a small number of new stable chalcopyrites with excellent prospects for ferromagnetism.Comment: 6 pages with 4 figures, plus 3 supplementary figures; to appear in Nature Material
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