27 research outputs found

    "Marknadsanalys Rosenkraft" : en diskursanalys

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    RosengĂ„rd, en av Malmös stadsdelar, har fĂ„tt mycket negativ publicitet i medierna över Ă„ren. Detta pĂ„verkar invĂ„narnas liv, dĂ„ de möts av fördomar av omvĂ€rlden. Malmö Stad har givit i uppdrag, att göra en undersökning - ”Marknadsanalys Rosenkraft” - som har undersökt situationen och potentialen pĂ„ RosengĂ„rd. Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att se pĂ„ bilden mediarapporteringen givit oss av RosengĂ„rd och undersöka om det finns en annan diskurs Ă€n denna negativa och hur denna i sĂ„ fall ser ut. Som metod anvĂ€nds som utgĂ„ngspunkt van Dijks kritiska diskursanalys och teorin baserar pĂ„ Platsmarknadsföring. Som generellt resultat för denna undersökning, kan sĂ€gas att det finns en positiv diskurs om RosengĂ„rd som förs fram pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt av Malmöborna som bor pĂ„ RosengĂ„rd. Även Marknadsanalys Rosenkraft bidrar enligt min analys till den positiva diskursen. Det kan dock konstateras, att det Ă€r omöjligt att förĂ€ndra diskursen och den allmĂ€nna bilden av en ort endast genom en slags platsmarknadsföring. Denna behöver nödvĂ€ndigtvis kompletteras med bland annat fysiska insatser. RosengĂ„rds invĂ„nare har ofrivilligt fĂ„tt en identitet pĂ„ grund av den negativa publicitet som funnits om RosengĂ„rd, som enligt rapporten Marknadsanalys Rosenkraft inte stĂ€mmer överens med den identitetsbild de har av sig sjĂ€lva som invĂ„nare pĂ„ RosengĂ„rd

    DNA methylation analysis on purified neurons and glia dissects age and Alzheimer's disease-specific changes in the human cortex

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    Background: Epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) based on human brain samples allow a deep and direct understanding of epigenetic dysregulation in Alzheimer's disease (AD).However, strong variation of cell-type proportions across brain tissue samples represents a significant source of data noise.Here, we report the first EWAS based on sorted neuronal and non-neuronal (mostly glia) nuclei from postmortem human brain tissues. Results: We show that cell sorting strongly enhances the robust detection of disease-related DNA methylation changes even in a relatively small cohort.We identify numerous genes with eell-type-specific methylation signatures and document differential methylation dynamics associated with aging specifically in neurons such as CLU, SYNJ2 and NCOR2 or in glia RAI1,CXXC5 and INPP5A.Further, we found neuron or glia-specific associations with AD Braak stage progression at genes such as MCF2L,ANK1, MAP2, LRRC8B, STK32C and S100B.A comparison of our study with previous tissue-based EWAS validates multiple AD-associated DNA methylation signals and additionally specifies their origin to neuron, e.g., HOXA3 or glia (ANK1). In a meta-analysis, we reveal two novel previously unrecognized methylation changes at the key AD risk genes APP and ADAM17. Conclusions: Our data highlight the complex interplay between disease, age and cell-type-specific methylation changes in AD risk genes thus offering new perspectives for the validation and interpretation of large EWAS results

    Lernspiele fĂŒr Kinder: Was interessiert dich?

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    Zsfassung in engl. Sprache. - Literaturverz. S. 119 - 127Kinder wachsen in einem digitalen Zeitalter auf, wodurch sie schon sehr frĂŒh mit Technik und den verschiedensten Technologien in BerĂŒhrung kommen. Digitale Lernspiele greifen dieses Wissen von Kindern auf, um den Kindern das Lernen zu erleichtern und einen Spaßfaktor hinzuzufĂŒgen. Bisher entwickelte Lernspiele sehen das Kind jedoch nicht als Designpartner und Experten ihrer eigenen BedĂŒrfnisse und FĂ€higkeiten an, sondern als Endtester, die ein fertiges Lernspiel vorgesetzt bekommen. In dieser Arbeit soll das Thema, sowie die prĂ€ferierten Technologien fĂŒr das Lernspiel von den Kindern selbst gewĂ€hlt werden. Kinder sind sich jedoch meist nicht bewusst ĂŒber ihre WĂŒnsche und BedĂŒrfnisse bezĂŒglich Interesse und mögliche EingabegerĂ€te, geschweige denn diese klar auszudrĂŒcken. Das Interesse und die gewĂŒnschte Technologie der Kinder wird aus diesem Grund in dieser Arbeit ĂŒber Cultural Probe und Technology Probe eruiert. Diese beiden Methoden werden mit (Video-)Beobachtungen ergĂ€nzt und fĂŒhren auch zu Erkenntnissen ĂŒber die bildliche Darstellung von Abbildungen. Aufbauend auf den daraus resultierenden Ergebnissen wird ein Lernspiel-Prototyp fĂŒr Kleinkinder im Alter von 4 - 6 Jahren erstellt und im Anschluss mit den Kindern getestet, evaluiert und analysiert.Children grow up in a digital era, making them accustomed to be surrounded by technologies and to interact with them. Educational games build upon children-s technology knowledge to simplify learning for children and add a fun factor. Up to now, educational games do not consider children as design partners and experts of their own needs and skills. Instead, they are considered as end users and test the finished educational game. In this master thesis the topic as well as the technology for the educational game should be chosen by children. Children are usually not aware of their wishes and needs regarding interests and possible input devices, let alone able to express them. Hence, in this thesis children-s interest and their preferred technology are determined by cultural probe and technology probe. Both methods are supplemented by (video) observations and guide to findings regarding visual form of representation. Based on these results an educational game-prototype for children aged between 4 and 6 was created, followed by user tests with children, evaluation and analysis.12

    Wnt-driven O-glycosylation by LARGE2 in human colon and colorectal cancer

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    Right to Privacy : The Case of Mikrozensus in Austria

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    This essay studies the term privacy and its relation with the Mikrozensus survey, which is a survey conducted in Austria, amongst other countries, and forces chosen respondents by law to be part of the study. For the purpose of this essay, the questionnaire used for the Mikrozensus study published by Statistik Austria, which is the responsible institution for the survey, has been analysed using a content analysis in addition to a concept analysis of the term privacy. The theoretical frame on the subject of privacy is based on Raymond Wacks views. Further EU law and especially Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights form the legal framework of the study. The main results of the study show that privacy is a very broad term, difficult to define clearly since it’s meaning differs from culture to culture, person to person and over time. In the legal sense privacy cannot be used very specifically, but instead it’s meaning is built up over time with the help of legal cases concerning privacy. But the ECHR Article 8 (1) does state that generally everyone has the right to respect for his/her private life. The Mikrozensus is conducted without keeping the individuality of the privacy term in mind. Therefor the Mikrozensus study does not have its place in the discussion on privacy as a human right. It becomes clear that questions about matters classed as private in the communication between individuals are not necessarily so in communication between individuals and the state. Finally, this study points towards that the Mikrozensus survey in Austria is based on law, but breaches can be observed

    Gentle general networked training and learning environment

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    Abstract: This paper describes a web based training system which has been used as a working prototype to assist teachers in lecturing since fall 1997. The main goal of this system is to provide an integrated environment for both students and trainers. Lecturers can use it to create, maintain and offer courses and also administrate student affairs. Ric

    Copyright 1999. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Distributed via the Web by permission of AACE Design and Implementation of Interactive, Web Based Courses

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    Abstract: Setting up virtual, Web based courses has become very popular among teachers recently. Still, most of them are not familiar with the proper implementation of training material for the Web. This was, at least in parts, also true for the authors of this paper. In this paper a comprehensive course construction concept using novel Web technologies i

    An enantioselective synthesis of the epoxyquinol (+)-isoepiepoformin

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    The epoxyquinol natural product: (+)-isoepiepoformin (1) has been synthesized for the first time and in an unambiguous fashion by using the scalemic cis-l,2-dihydrocatechol 2 as starting material. The spectroscopic data derived from the synthetic sample of compound 1 match those reported in the literature for the natural product and thereby confirm the structure assigned to the latter