77 research outputs found
A) Titration curve of humAb binding to HBsAg in an ELISA.
<p>Diamonds: ADRI-2F3, Squares: PK-3D1, Triangles PK-10C7. B) Western blot showing reactivity of humAb ADRI-2F3 (lanes 1 and 2), PK-10C7 (lane 3) and PK-3D1 (lane 4). Lane 5; positive control serum, lane 6; negative control. MW indicates a molecular weight marker. Note that in lanes 3, 4 and 5 a 24 kDa band is recognized, indicating binding to the HBsAg polypeptide. C) Competitive inhibition of serial dilutions (0 ng/ml—400 ng/ml) of humAb ADRI-2F3, and its corresponding recombinant recADR12F3, binding to HBsAg by 200 ng of murine mAb Hyb-824 specific for the HBsAg common “a” determinant. D) Competitive inhibition of humAb ADRI-2F3, recADRI2F3, PK-10C7, PK-3D1 by murine mAb Hyb-824. CM3B6, a HCV-NS3 specific humAb, served as negative control. Co20-F10 is an isotype control.</p
Non-synonymous mutations in the S region of Palestinian D1 subgenotypes.
<p>Positions of the nucleotide (nt) mutation and the correlating amino acid (aa) are presented based on their location in the archived GenBank reference DQ315778. Occurrence reflects the number of samples (patients) in which the mutation was detected. Known escape mutations are in boldface. Exchanges marked with (*) are considered polymorphisms due to their prevalence in>10% of the 40 patients. Corresponding references and proposed functions are provided in the last two columns. Unreported mutations were considered novel.</p><p>Non-synonymous mutations in the S region of Palestinian D1 subgenotypes.</p
Non-synonymous mutations in the S region of Palestinian D3 subgenotype.
<p>Positions of the nucleotide (nt) mutation and the correlating amino acid (aa) are presented based on their location in the archived GenBank reference JF754625. Corresponding references and proposed functions are provided in the last two columns. Unreported mutations were considered novel.</p><p>Non-synonymous mutations in the S region of Palestinian D3 subgenotype.</p
Synonymous mutations in the RT region of Palestinian D3 subgenotypes.
<p>Positions of the nucleotide (nt) mutation and the correlating amino acid (aa) are presented based on their location in the archived GenBank reference JF754625.</p><p>Synonymous mutations in the RT region of Palestinian D3 subgenotypes.</p
Neutralizing activity of three human monoclonal antibodies PK-3D1, PK-10C7 and ADRI-2F3 in comparison with mouse monoclonal antibody MA18/7.
<p>It is shown herein that a dilution of 1:10,000 of monoclonal antibody supernatant ADRI-2F3 completely neutralizes the activity of HBV, whereas EC50 is reached at a dilution of 1: 100,000.</p
Transport-competing HBV myr-preS1-peptide binding to monkey Ntcps.
<p>HEK293 cells were transiently transfected with human/monkey NTCP/Ntcp wild type or mutant constructs. Transport activity was qualitatively verified with NBD-TC (green fluorescence, nuclei blue fluorescence) and was quantitatively measured with [<sup>3</sup>H]TC. Absence of myr-preS1 served as positive control (scaled to 100%, open bars). HBV (blue bars) or WMHBV (red bars) myr-preS1-peptides served as inhibitors at increasing concentrations. Negative control: uptake in sodium-free buffer (black bars). Data represent means ± SD of n = 3 determinations. <sup>#</sup>Significant transport inhibition compared to positive control, <i>p</i><0.0001. *Significantly different from the corresponding value of the wild type NTCP/Ntcp, <i>p</i><0.001 (two-way ANOVA).</p
<i>De novo</i> cloned monkey Ntcps.
<p><i>De novo</i> cloned monkey Ntcps.</p
Flow diagram of the analysis procedure used for the UDPS data.
<p>Flow diagram of the analysis procedure used for the UDPS data.</p
Mutations detected by CBS and UDPS.
<p>Mutations detected by CBS and UDPS.</p
The first output table of the “Rosetta Tool”, showing codon (triplets), followed by single-letter translated amino acids, for each read in the input FASTA alignment.
<p>This alignment can be used to easily locate mutations of interest and to locate synonymous and non-synonymous mutations. The visibility of the nucleotide and/or amino acids columns can be toggled on or off, as required.</p
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