15,266 research outputs found

    Diet, nutrition and osteoarthritis

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    Community-based Participatory Research to Promote Healthy Diet and Nutrition and Prevent and Control Obesity among African Americans: A Literature Review

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    The literature on community-based participatory research (CBPR) approaches for promoting healthy diet, nutrition, and preventing and controlling obesity in African American communities was systematically reviewed. CBPR studies of diet, nutrition, and weight management among African Americans were identified from 1989 through October 31, 2015 using PubMed and CINAHL databases and MeSH term and keyword searches. A total of 16 CBPR studies on healthy diet, nutrition, and weight management among African Americans were identified; outcome evaluation results were available for all but two. Of the remaining 14 studies, 11 focused on adults, 1 on children, and 2 on both children and adults. Eight studies employed CBPR methods to address diet, nutrition, and weight management in church settings. Four had a cluster randomized controlled design. Others had a pre-post test, quasi-experimental, or uncontrolled design. Only one study addressed four levels of the socioecological model; none addressed all five levels of the model. The identified studies indicate that CBPR approaches can be effective for promoting healthy diet, nutrition, and weight management among African American adults but there is a need for additional studies with rigorous study designs that overcome methodologic limitations of many existing studies. There is only limited evidence for the effectiveness of CBPR approaches for promoting healthy eating and weight control among African American children and adolescents To address health disparities, additional CBPR studies are needed to promote healthy diet, nutrition, and weight management in African American communities. Of particular interest are multilevel CBPR studies that include interventions aimed at multiple levels of the socioecological model

    Introduction [to] Man Bac Biological Research Objectives

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    The principle aim of this volume is the examination and elucidation of the human biology of the Man Bac cemetery population and associated faunal assemblages, in order to reveal the micro-evolutionary history, palaeohealth, local palaeoenvironmental conditions, subsistence strategies and general life-ways of this ancient community. Building on previous Man Bac research we wish to provide a wealth of new information about population history, colonisation, diet, nutrition, adaptive shifts, and specific and general aspects of health in the current volume

    Diet, Nutrition, and Substance Use Disorder

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    Consuming a healthy diet can benefit everyone—especially individuals with substance use disorder (SUD), a disorder that occurs when frequent use of drugs or alcohol causes impairment, health issues, and difficulties with managing daily responsibilities (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA], 2020). Although often overlooked, nutrition can play a key role in the treatment and recovery process for individuals with SUD, and should be included as part of a holistic approach toward recovery. In this fact sheet we will review how diet and nutrition are impacted during an active addiction, and the influence nutrition can have on treatment and recovery. This fact sheet also includes tips to use when advocating for integrating nutrition interventions into SUD treatment and recovery

    Health Information Online

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    Presents findings from a survey conducted in November 2004. Looks at the growth in Internet use for finding health information; the specific health topics that are most frequently searched; and trends that are likely to influence online health searching

    Diet, nutrition, obesity and their role in arthritis

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    Obesity and poor nutrition, individually and together, have created costly musculoskeletal disease epidemic in the United States. Processed food, with abundant empty calories, has contributed greatly to our dietary woes. Much of the food consumed today is packed with calories but refined to the point that essential nutrients are lacking. Even worse, processed food may have ingredients added that are detrimental to good health. Abundant research has documented a close relationship between obesity, poor diet and orthopaedic problems. Dietary supplements have been proven to provide both disease prevention and therapeutic benefits. Unfortunately, many weight loss programs and methods are ineffective and possibly dangerous. Additionally, the FDA does not regulate the nutritional supplement industry and product quality is high variable. It is imperative that physicians treating patients with musculoskeletal complaints understand these disease producing relationships and have a network in place to refer patients to reputable weight loss entities and for high quality nutritional supplements


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    Following the publication of research into the commitments required of male Gaelic players to play senior inter-county, and knock-on effects of inter-county commitment (Kelly et al., 2018), the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) and Gaelic Players Association (GPA) established a working group to make an in-depth analysis of the report’s findings. One of the decisions taken by the working group was that further research was required to examine a range of issues that emerged from the original study. These included in particular: (i) the education and (ii) the professional career experiences of senior inter-county players, (iii) their engagement in risky behaviours (e.g. alcohol consumption), (iv) supplement usage, (v) players’ views on both provided and required supports, and (vi) what they would change about their experience of playing inter-county and the inter-county set-up
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