14 research outputs found

    Research note: The administration schedule of coccidia is a major determinant in broiler necrotic enteritis models

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    A reliable and reproducible in vivo experimental model is an essential tool to study the pathogenesis of broiler necrotic enteritis and to evaluate control methods. Most current in vivo models use Eimeria as predisposing factor. Nevertheless, most models only result in a limited number of animals with intestinal necrosis. This research describes the necrotic enteritis incidence and severity using 2 previously described experimental models varying in the time point and frequency of Eimeria administration: single late and early repeated Eimeria administration models. In an in vivo model in which Clostridium perfringens is administered at 3 consecutive days between day 18 and 20 of age, birds belonging to the single late Eimeria administration regimen received a single administration of a tenfold dose of a live attenuated Eimeria vaccine on the second day of C. perfringens challenge. Broilers belonging to the early repeated administration regimen were inoculated with the same Eimeria vaccine 4 and 2 d before the start of the C. perfringens challenge. Early repeated coccidial administration resulted in a significant increase in average necrotic lesion score (value 3.26) as compared with a single late Eimeria administration regimen (value 1.2). In addition, the number of necrotic enteritis-positive animals was significantly higher in the group that received the early repeated coccidial administration. Single Eimeria administration during C. perfringens challenge resulted in a skewed distribution of lesion scoring with hardly any birds in the high score categories. A more centered distribution was obtained with the early repeated Eimeria administration regimen, having observations in every lesion score category. These findings allow better standardization of a subclinical necrotic enteritis model and reduction of the required numbers of experimental animals

    Sensing of endogenous nucleic acids by ZBP1 induces keratinocyte necroptosis and skin inflammation

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    Aberrant detection of endogenous nucleic acids by the immune system can cause inflammatory disease. The scaffold function of the signaling kinase RIPK1 limits spontaneous activation of the nucleic acid sensor ZBP1. Consequently, loss of RIPK1 in keratinocytes induces ZBP1-dependent necroptosis and skin inflammation. Whether nucleic acid sensing is required to activate ZBP1 in RIPK1-deficient conditions and which immune pathways are associated with skin disease remained open questions. Using knock-in mice with disrupted ZBP1 nucleic acid–binding activity, we report that sensing of endogenous nucleic acids by ZBP1 is critical in driving skin pathology characterized by antiviral and IL-17 immune responses. Inducing ZBP1 expression by interferons triggers necroptosis in RIPK1-deficient keratinocytes, and epidermis-specific deletion of MLKL prevents disease, demonstrating that cell-intrinsic events cause inflammation. These findings indicate that dysregulated sensing of endogenous nucleic acid by ZBP1 can drive inflammation and may contribute to the pathogenesis of IL-17–driven inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis

    Novel insights into factors associated to the pathogenesis of broiler necrotic enteritis

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    Spotlight on avian pathology : untangling contradictory disease descriptions of necrotic enteritis and necro-haemorrhagic enteritis in broilers

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    Necrotic enteritis (NE) is one of the most detrimental infectious diseases in the modern poultry industry, characterized by necrosis in the small intestine. It is commonly accepted that NetB-producing C. perfringens type G strains are responsible for the disease. However, based on both macroscopic and histopathological observations, two distinct types of NE are observed. To date, both a haemorrhagic form of NE and the type G-associated non-haemorrhagic disease entity are commonly referred to as NE and the results from scientific research are interchangeably used, without distinguishing between the disease entities. Therefore, we propose to rename the haemorrhagic disease entity to necro-haemorrhagic enteritis

    Digital PCR : a tool in clostridial mutant selection and detection

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    The ClosTron mutagenesis system has enabled researchers to efficiently edit the clostridial genome. Since site-specific insertion of the mobile ClosTron insert may cause errors, validation is key. In this paper we describe the use of digital PCR (dPCR) as an alternative tool in selecting clostridial mutant strains. Clostridium perfringens chitinase mutant strains were constructed in which the mobile ClosTron intron was inserted into one of the chitinase genes. On-target insertion of the mobile intron was validated through conventional PCR. In order to confirm the absence of off-target insertions, dPCR was used to determine the amount of the ClosTron intron as well as the amount of a reference gene, located in close proximity to the interrupted gene. Subsequently, mutant strains containing an equivalent amount of both genes were selected as these do not contain additional off-target mobile ClosTron inserts. The outcome of this selection procedure was confirmed through a validated PCR-based approach. In addition to its application in mutant selection, dPCR can be used in other aspects of clostridial research, such as the distinction and easy quantification of different types of strains (wildtype vs. mutant) in complex matrices, such as faecal samples, a process in which other techniques are hampered by bacterial overgrowth (plating) or inhibition by matrix contaminants (qPCR). This research demonstrates that dPCR is indeed a high-throughput method in the selection of clostridial insertion mutants as well as a robust and accurate tool in distinguishing between wildtype and mutant C. perfringens strains, even in a complex matrix such as faeces