985 research outputs found

    Quantum Theory of Helimagnetic Thin Films

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    We study properties of a helimagnetic thin film with quantum Heisenberg spin model by using the Green's function method. Surface spin configuration is calculated by minimizing the spin interaction energy. It is shown that the angles between spins near the surface are strongly modified with respect to the bulk configuration. Taking into account this surface spin reconstruction, we calculate self-consistently the spin-wave spectrum and the layer magnetizations as functions of temperature up to the disordered phase. The spin-wave spectrum shows the existence of a surface-localized branch which causes a low surface magnetization. We show that quantum fluctuations give rise to a crossover between the surface magnetization and interior-layer magnetizations at low temperatures. We calculate the transition temperature and show that it depends strongly on the helical angle. Results are in agreement with existing experimental observations on the stability of helical structure in thin films and on the insensitivity of the transition temperature with the film thickness. We also study effects of various parameters such as surface exchange and anisotropy interactions. Monte Carlo simulations for the classical spin model are also carried out for comparison with the quantum theoretical result

    Phase Transition in Heisenberg Stacked Triangular Antiferromagnets: End of a Controversy

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    By using the Wang-Landau flat-histogram Monte Carlo (MC) method for very large lattice sizes never simulated before, we show that the phase transition in the frustrated Heisenberg stacked triangular antiferromagnet is of first-order, contrary to results of earlier MC simulations using old-fashioned methods. Our result lends support to the conclusion of a nonperturbative renormalization group performed on an effective Hamiltonian. It puts an end to a 20-year long controversial issue.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Helimagnetic thin films: surface reconstruction, surface spin-waves and magnetization

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    Quantum properties of a helimagnetic thin film of simple cubic lattice with Heisenberg spin model are studied using the Green's function method. We find that the spin configuration across the film is strongly non uniform. Using the exactly determined spin configuration we calculate the spin-wave spectrum and the layer magnetizations as functions of temperature T. We show the existence of surface-localized modes which strongly affect the surface magnetization. We also show that quantum fluctuations cause interesting spin contractions at T = 0 and give rise to a cross-over between layer magnetizations at low T .Comment: To appear in JMMM. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1412.018

    Tricriticality of the Blume-Emery-Griffiths Model In Thin Films of Stacked Triangular Lattices

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    We study in this paper the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model in a thin film of stacked triangular lattices.The model is described by three parameters: bilinear exchange interaction between spins JJ, quadratic exchange interaction KK and single-ion anisotropy DD. The spin S_iS\_i at the lattice site ii takes three values (−1,0,+1)(-1,0,+1).This model can describe the mixing phase of He-4 (S_i=+1,−1S\_i =+1,-1) and He-3 (S_i=0S\_i =0) at low temperatures.Using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that there exists a critical value of DD below (above) which the transition is of second-(first-)order.In general, the temperature dependence of the concentrations of He-3 is different from layer by layer. At a finite temperature in the superfluid phase, the film surface shows a deficit of He-4 with respect to interior layers. However, effects of surface interaction parameters can reverse this situation. Effects of the film thickness on physical properties will be also shown as functions of temperature.Comment: To appear in Modern Physics Letters B (2015

    Competition between supersolid phases and magnetisation plateaux in the frustrated easy-axis antiferromagnet on a triangular lattice

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    The majority of magnetic materials possess some degree of magnetic anisotropy, either at the level of a single ion, or in the exchange interactions between different magnetic ions. Where these exchange interactions are also frustrated, the competition between them and anisotropy can stabilize a wide variety of new phases in applied magnetic field. Motivated by the hexagonal delafossite 2H-AgNiO 2, we study the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a layered triangular lattice with competing first- and second-neighbour interactions and single-ion easy-axis anisotropy. Using a combination of classical Monte Carlo simulation, mean-field analysis, and Landau theory, we establish the magnetic phase diagram of this model as a function of temperature and magnetic field for a fixed ratio of exchange interactions, but with values of easy-axis anisotropy D extending from the Heisenberg (D =0) to the Ising (D=&#8734) limits. We uncover a rich variety of different magnetic phases. These include several phases which are magnetic supersolids (in the sense of Matsuda and Tstuneto or Liu and Fisher), one of which may already have been observed in AgNiO 2. We explore how this particular supersolid arises through the closing of a gap in the spin-wave spectrum, and how it competes with rival collinear phases as the easy-axis anisotropy is increased. The finite temperature properties of this phase are found to be different from those of any previously studied magnetic supersolid.Comment: 25 pages; 29 figures; minor revisions; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Frustration Effects in Antiferromagnetic FCC Heisenberg Films

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    We study the effects of frustration in an antiferromagnetic film of FCC lattice with Heisenberg spin model including an Ising-like anisotropy. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations have been used to study thermodynamic properties of the film. We show that the presence of the surface reduces the ground state (GS) degeneracy found in the bulk. The GS is shown to depend on the surface in-plane interaction JsJ_s with a critical value at which ordering of type I coexists with ordering of type II. Near this value a reentrant phase is found. Various physical quantities such as layer magnetizations and layer susceptibilities are shown and discussed. The nature of the phase transition is also studied by histogram technique. We have also used the Green's function (GF) method for the quantum counterpart model. The results at low-TT show interesting effects of quantum fluctuations. Results obtained by the GF method at high TT are compared to those of MC simulations. A good agreement is observed.Comment: 11 pages, 19 figures, submitted to J. Phys.: Condensed Matte

    A Monte Carlo study of critical properties of strongly diluted magnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As

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    Within a Monte Carlo technique we examine critical properties of diluted bulk magnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As modeled by a strongly diluted ferromagnetic Heisenberg spin-52\frac{5}{2} system on a face centered cubic lattice. We assumed that 5\% of Ga atoms is substituted by Mn atoms and the interaction between them is of the RKKY-type. The considered system is randomly quenched and a double average was performed: firstly, over the Boltzmann probability distribution and secondly - over 2048 configurations related to the quenched disorder. We estimated the critical temperature: Tc=97±6T_c=97\pm6 K, which is in agreement with the experiment. The calculated high value of critical exponent ν\nu seems to point to a possibility of non-universal critical behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure
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