1,377 research outputs found

    Shape versus Volume: Making Large Flat Extra Dimensions Invisible

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    Much recent attention has focused on theories with large extra compactified dimensions. However, while the phenomenological implications of the volume moduli associated with such compactifications are well understood, relatively little attention has been devoted to the shape moduli. In this paper, we show that the shape moduli have a dramatic effect on the corresponding Kaluza-Klein spectra: they change the mass gap, induce level crossings, and can even be used to interpolate between theories with different numbers of compactified dimensions. Furthermore, we show that in certain cases it is possible to maintain the ratio between the higher-dimensional and four-dimensional Planck scales while simultaneously increasing the Kaluza-Klein graviton mass gap by an arbitrarily large factor. This mechanism can therefore be used to alleviate (or perhaps even eliminate) many of the experimental bounds on theories with large extra spacetime dimensions.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 5 figure

    Kaluza-Klein States versus Winding States: Can Both Be Above the String Scale?

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    When closed strings propagate in extra compactified dimensions, a rich spectrum of Kaluza-Klein states and winding states emerges. Since the masses of Kaluza-Klein states and winding states play a reciprocal role, it is often believed that either the lightest Kaluza-Klein states or the lightest winding states must be at or below the string scale. In this paper, we demonstrate that this conclusion is no longer true for compactifications with non-trivial shape moduli. Specifically, we demonstrate that toroidal compactifications exist for which all Kaluza-Klein states as well as all winding states are heavier than the string scale. This observation could have important phenomenological implications for theories with reduced string scales, suggesting that it is possible to cross the string scale without detecting any states associated with spacetime compactification.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Higgs Descendants

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    We define a Higgs descendant χ\chi to be a particle beyond the standard model whose mass arises predominantly from the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs boson. Higgs descendants arise naturally from new physics whose intrinsic mass scale is unrelated to the electroweak scale. The coupling of χ\chi to the Higgs boson is fixed by the mass and spin of χ\chi, yielding a highly predictive setup in which there may be substantial modifications to the properties of the Higgs boson. For example, if the decay of the Higgs boson to χ\chi is kinematically allowed, then this branching ratio is largely determined. Depending on the stability of χ\chi, Higgs decays may result in a variety of possible visible or invisible final states. Alternatively, loops of χ\chi may affect Higgs boson production or its decays to standard model particles. If χ\chi is stable dark matter, then the mandatory coupling between χ\chi and the Higgs boson gives a lower bound on the direct detection cross section as a function of the χ\chi mass. We also present a number of explicit models which are examples of Higgs descendants. Finally, we comment on Higgs descendants in the context of the excesses near 125 GeV recently observed at ATLAS and CMS.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; version to appear in Phys. Rev. D; v3 typos correcte

    Probing a Secluded U(1) at B-factories

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    A secluded U(1) gauge field, kinetically mixed with Standard Model hypercharge, provides a `portal' mediating interactions with a hidden sector at the renormalizable level, as recently exploited in the context of WIMP dark matter. The secluded U(1) symmetry-breaking scale may naturally be suppressed relative to the weak scale, and so this sector is efficiently probed by medium energy electron-positron colliders. We study the collider signatures of the minimal secluded U(1) model, focusing on the reach of B-factory experiments such as BaBar and BELLE. In particular, we show that Higgs-strahlung in the secluded sector can lead to multi-lepton signatures which probe the natural range for the kinetic mixing angle of 10^(-2)-10^(-3) over a large portion of the kinematically accessible parameter space.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Shadows of the Planck Scale: The Changing Face of Compactification Geometry

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    By studying the effects of the shape moduli associated with toroidal compactifications, we demonstrate that Planck-sized extra dimensions can cast significant ``shadows'' over low-energy physics. These shadows can greatly distort our perceptions of the compactification geometry associated with large extra dimensions, and place a fundamental limit on our ability to probe the geometry of compactification simply by measuring Kaluza-Klein states. We also discuss the interpretation of compactification radii and hierarchies in the context of geometries with non-trivial shape moduli. One of the main results of this paper is that compactification geometry is effectively renormalized as a function of energy scale, with ``renormalization group equations'' describing the ``flow'' of geometric parameters such as compactification radii and shape angles as functions of energy.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, 2 figure

    CP Violation from 5-dimensional QED

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    It has been shown that QED in (1+4)-dimensional space-time, with the fifth dimension compactified on a circle, leads to CP violation (CPV). Depending on fermionic boundary conditions, CPV may be either explicit (through the Scherk--Schwarz mechanism), or spontaneous (via the Hosotani mechanism). The fifth component of the gauge field acquires (at the one-loop level) a non-zero vacuum expectation value. In the presence of two fermionic fields, this leads to spontaneous CPV in the case of CP-symmetric boundary conditions. Phenomenological consequences are illustrated by a calculation of the electric dipole moment for the fermionic zero-modes.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Adventures in Thermal Duality (II): Towards a Duality-Covariant String Thermodynamics

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    In a recent companion paper, we observed that the rules of ordinary thermodynamics generally fail to respect thermal duality, a symmetry of string theory under which the physics at temperature T is related to the physics at the inverse temperature 1/T. Even when the free energy and internal energy exhibit the thermal duality symmetry, the entropy and specific heat are defined in such a way that this symmetry is destroyed. In this paper, we propose a modification of the traditional definitions of these quantities, yielding a manifestly duality-covariant thermodynamics. At low temperatures, these modifications produce "corrections" to the standard definitions of entropy and specific heat which are suppressed by powers of the string scale. These corrections may nevertheless be important for the full development of a consistent string thermodynamics. We find, for example, that the string-corrected entropy can be smaller than the usual entropy at high temperatures, suggesting a possible connection with the holographic principle. We also discuss some outstanding theoretical issues prompted by our approach.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures, 1 conversatio

    Dark Matter and Dark Forces from a supersymmetric hidden sector

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    We show that supersymmetric "Dark Force" models with gravity mediation are viable. To this end, we analyse a simple string-inspired supersymmetric hidden sector model that interacts with the visible sector via kinetic mixing of a light Abelian gauge boson with the hypercharge. We include all induced interactions with the visible sector such as neutralino mass mixing and the Higgs portal term. We perform a detailed parameter space scan comparing the produced dark matter relic abundance and direct detection cross sections to current experiments.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figures comprising 21 plots. 4Mb total size. v2: figures and references updated; typos removed; some extra explanations added. Matches version published in PR

    Comment on ``Inflation and flat directions in modular invariant superstring effective theories''

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    The inflation model of Gaillard, Lyth and Murayama is revisited, with a systematic scan of the parameter space for dilaton stabilization during inflation.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Higher dimensional models of light Majorana neutrinos confronted by data

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    We discuss experimental and observational constraints on certain models of higher dimensional light Majorana neutrinos. Models with flavor blind brane-bulk couplings plus three or four flavor diagonal light Majorana neutrinos on the brane, with subsequent mixing induced solely by the Kaluza-Klein tower of states, are found to be excluded by data on the oscillations of solar, atmospheric and reactor neutrinos, taken together with the WMAP upper bound on the sum of neutrino masses. Extra dimensions, if relevant to neutrino mixing, need to discriminate between neutrino flavors.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex4, 2 PS figures. Fig. 2a and 2b from earlier version are now combined into one figure. Minor modifications in the text. References adde
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