32 research outputs found

    Edwards Intuity Elite In a Patient With Bicuspid Aortic Stenosis and Ventricular Septal Defect

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    This study reports on 65-year-old male with a bicuspid Aortic Stenosis (AS) low flow, low gradient and a congenital Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) of pars membranosa. A ministernotomy and Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB) by aorto-femoral cannulation was performed. The VSD was below the commissure between right and non coronary sinus. It was decided to correct it by a stitch with a pericardial patch and a further safer coverage by the stent of an Intuity Elite aortic valve. To the best of our knowledge this was the first time that a VSD could be covered with a suturless valve for two reasons: International Journal of e and conformable configuration of the valve


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    The paper deals with the idea, design and implementation of unconventional one-of-a-kind Micropiles Tripods Shields (MTS) intended to break and decelerate moderately rapid earthflows surges in the track zone of the Sassi Neri landslide (Nure Valley, Northern Apennines, Province of Piacenza, Italy). The MTS are inspired to floating anchors and “chevaux de fries” used in wartime. The basic elements are tripods of 193 mm diameter steel micropiles laid out at triangle, driven into the stable bedrock and emerging some meters aboveground. Each tripod consists of a vertical upslope central pile and two lateral oblique piles, linked by two transversal beams and connection plates aboveground. Multiple tripods are spaced along transversal rows to form Micropiles Tripods Shields (MTS) to advancing earthflows. The design of MTS has been based on field investigations such as boreholes and geophysics, that indicated a limited thickness of landslide deposits in the track zone where MTS have been installed. The forces resulting from active earthflows fronts have been estimated both with geotechnical and hydraulic computations. The analysis of vertical and transversal forces as well as bending moments acting on a single tripod versus the characteristic resistances was carried out using a bi-dimensional scheme with finite-elements software Plaxis, that indicated that the stress levels were compatible with the structural resistance of the tripods. The construction of MTS took place in 2018, involving working site preparation with partial lime-treatment of the surficial layers, underground micropiles drilling and installation, aboveground micropiles welding, tripods completion with connection beams and plates. Some tripods have been instrumented with load cells for monitoring earth pressures against micropiles, electric transducers for groundwater monitoring next to the piles, tiltmeters for tripods rotations and a total station for slope and tripods movements monitoring. Results show that the acceleration of slope movements corresponds to a generalized increase of pore water pressure at all the monitored tripods and to temporary slight tilting of the tripods which has so far being fully recovered when the landside slowed down and pressure decreased. This pioneering application indicates that once the characteristics of the earthflows are carefully considered, the depth to the bedrock in the installation zone is limited, and the logistical conditions in the field during construction are adequate, the MTS can be taken into consideration as a possible unconventional solution to break down and control moderately rapid earthflows

    Monophasic and Biphasic Electrical Stimulation Induces a Precardiac Differentiation in Progenitor Cells Isolated from Human Heart

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    Electrical stimulation (ES) of cells has been shown to induce a variety of responses, such as cytoskeleton rearrangements, migration, proliferation, and differentiation. In this study, we have investigated whether monophasic and biphasic pulsed ES could exert any effect on the proliferation and differentiation of human cardiac progenitor cells (hCPCs) isolated from human heart fragments. Cells were cultured under continuous exposure to monophasic or biphasic ES with fixed cycles for 1 or 3 days. Results indicate that neither stimulation protocol affected cell viability, while the cell shape became more elongated and reoriented more perpendicular to the electric field direction. Moreover, the biphasic ES clearly induced the upregulation of early cardiac transcription factors, MEF2D, GATA-4, and Nkx2.5, as well as the de novo expression of the late cardiac sarcomeric proteins, troponin T, cardiac alpha actinin, and SERCA 2a. Both treatments increased the expression of connexin 43 and its relocation to the cell membrane, but biphasic ES was faster and more effective. Finally, when hCPCs were exposed to both monophasic and biphasic ES, they expressed de novo the mRNA of the voltage-dependent calcium channel Cav 3.1(α(1G)) subunit, which is peculiar of the developing heart. Taken together, these results show that ES alone is able to set the conditions for early differentiation of adult hCPCs toward a cardiac phenotype

    Human Cardiac Progenitor Spheroids Exhibit Enhanced Engraftment Potential

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    A major obstacle to an effective myocardium stem cell therapy has always been the delivery and survival of implanted stem cells in the heart. Better engraftment can be achieved if cells are administered as cell aggregates, which maintain their extra-cellular matrix (ECM). We have generated spheroid aggregates in less than 24 h by seeding human cardiac progenitor cells (hCPCs) onto methylcellulose hydrogel-coated microwells. Cells within spheroids maintained the expression of stemness/mesenchymal and ECM markers, growth factors and their cognate receptors, cardiac commitment factors, and metalloproteases, as detected by immunofluorescence, q-RT-PCR and immunoarray, and expressed a higher, but regulated, telomerase activity. Compared to cells in monolayers, 3D spheroids secreted also bFGF and showed MMP2 activity. When spheroids were seeded on culture plates, the cells quickly migrated, displaying an increased wound healing ability with or without pharmacological modulation, and reached confluence at a higher rate than cells from conventional monolayers. When spheroids were injected in the heart wall of healthy mice, some cells migrated from the spheroids, engrafted, and remained detectable for at least 1 week after transplantation, while, when the same amount of cells was injected as suspension, no cells were detectable three days after injection. Cells from spheroids displayed the same engraftment capability when they were injected in cardiotoxin-injured myocardium. Our study shows that spherical in vivo ready-to-implant scaffold-less aggregates of hCPCs able to engraft also in the hostile environment of an injured myocardium can be produced with an economic, easy and fast protocol

    Rabbi Scelomo Askenazy e la repubblica di Venezia

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    [von] Marco DienaAus: Atti del R. Instituto Venato di scienze, lettere ed arti ; T. 9.1897/9