3 research outputs found

    DataSheet_1_Utilizing genomic prediction to boost hybrid performance in a sweet corn breeding program.pdf

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    Sweet corn breeding programs, like field corn, focus on the development of elite inbred lines to produce commercial hybrids. For this reason, genomic selection models can help the in silico prediction of hybrid crosses from the elite lines, which is hypothesized to improve the test cross scheme, leading to higher genetic gain in a breeding program. This study aimed to explore the potential of implementing genomic selection in a sweet corn breeding program through hybrid prediction in a within-site across-year and across-site framework. A total of 506 hybrids were evaluated in six environments (California, Florida, and Wisconsin, in the years 2020 and 2021). A total of 20 traits from three different groups were measured (plant-, ear-, and flavor-related traits) across the six environments. Eight statistical models were considered for prediction, as the combination of two genomic prediction models (GBLUP and RKHS) with two different kernels (additive and additive + dominance), and in a single- and multi-trait framework. Also, three different cross-validation schemes were tested (CV1, CV0, and CV00). The different models were then compared based on the correlation between the estimated breeding values/total genetic values and phenotypic measurements. Overall, heritabilities and correlations varied among the traits. The models implemented showed good accuracies for trait prediction. The GBLUP implementation outperformed RKHS in all cross-validation schemes and models. Models with additive plus dominance kernels presented a slight improvement over the models with only additive kernels for some of the models examined. In addition, models for within-site across-year and across-site performed better in the CV0 than the CV00 scheme, on average. Hence, GBLUP should be considered as a standard model for sweet corn hybrid prediction. In addition, we found that the implementation of genomic prediction in a sweet corn breeding program presented reliable results, which can improve the testcross stage by identifying the top candidates that will reach advanced field-testing stages.</p

    Table_1_Identification of genomic regions associated with soybean responses to off-target dicamba exposure.xlsx

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    The widespread adoption of genetically modified (GM) dicamba-tolerant (DT) soybean was followed by numerous reports of off-target dicamba damage and yield losses across most soybean-producing states. In this study, a subset of the USDA Soybean Germplasm Collection consisting of 382 genetically diverse soybean accessions originating from 15 countries was used to identify genomic regions associated with soybean response to off-target dicamba exposure. Accessions were genotyped with the SoySNP50K BeadChip and visually screened for damage in environments with prolonged exposure to off-target dicamba. Two models were implemented to detect significant marker-trait associations: the Bayesian-information and Linkage-disequilibrium Iteratively Nested Keyway (BLINK) and a model that allows the inclusion of population structure in interaction with the environment (GĂ—E) to account for variable patterns of genotype responses in different environments. Most accessions (84%) showed a moderate response, either moderately tolerant or moderately susceptible, with approximately 8% showing tolerance and susceptibility. No differences in off-target dicamba damage were observed across maturity groups and centers of origin. Both models identified significant associations in regions of chromosomes 10 and 19. The BLINK model identified additional significant marker-trait associations on chromosomes 11, 14, and 18, while the GĂ—E model identified another significant marker-trait association on chromosome 15. The significant SNPs identified by both models are located within candidate genes possessing annotated functions involving different phases of herbicide detoxification in plants. These results entertain the possibility of developing non-GM soybean cultivars with improved tolerance to off-target dicamba exposure and potentially other synthetic auxin herbicides. Identification of genetic sources of tolerance and genomic regions conferring higher tolerance to off-target dicamba may sustain and improve the production of other non-DT herbicide soybean production systems, including the growing niche markets of organic and conventional soybean.</p