17 research outputs found

    Kansenkaarten voor duurzaam benutten Natuurlijk Kapitaal

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    Local projects conducted within the framework of the Natural Capital Netherlands (NKN) programmeidentified various opportunities for mutual improvement of natural capital and the economy. In a follow-upstudy we investigated whether the insights gained also apply to other parts of the Netherlands. Which areasoffer the best opportunities? What measures are needed in these areas to actually capitalise on theseopportunities, and who are the relevant stakeholders? To address these questions, the local opportunitiesidentified in the NKN projects were explored at the national level, using ‘opportunity maps’. The three localprojects are: Greening the Common Agricultural Policy, Clean Water and Delta Programm

    The effects of siblings on the migration of women in two rural areas of Belgium and the Netherlands, 1829-1940

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    This study explores the extent to which the presence and activities of siblings shaped the chances of women migrating to rural and urban areas in two rural areas of Belgium and the Netherlands during the second half of the nineteenth and first decades of the twentieth century. Shared-frailty Cox proportional hazard analyses of longitudinal data from historical population registers show that siblings exerted an additive impact on women's migration, independently of temporal and household characteristics. Just how siblings influenced women's migration depended on regional modes of production and on employment opportunities. In the Zeeland region, sisters channelled each other into service positions. In the Pays de Herve, where men and women found industrial work in the Walloon cities, women were as much influenced by their brothers' activities. Evidence is found for two mechanisms explaining the effects of siblings: micro-economic notions of joint-household decision-making and social capital theory

    Le marché du travail et ses institutions. Le cas des Pays-Bas du XVIe au XXe siècle.

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    Labour's market and its institutions. The case of the Netherlands, XVIth till XXth century. Labour's market and its institutions. The case of the Netherlands, XVIth till XXth century. Netherlands, xvith till xxth century. This article deals with problems of the labour market and its institutions in the Netherlands for the period since the sixteenth century up to the present. In the article the argument is brought forward that the idea of a free market for labour is part of nineteenth century ideology. During most of history labour was not free. The constraints were part of the structure of society or of production like the guild system or slavery, but also in colonial situations coercion outside slavery was normal. Apart from that contract labour could be enforced by legal methods. The discussion on free or unfree labour has been focused on forced labour as part of the poor relief system and the prison system. Both cases show an overlap, but both can be hardly explained by economic factors. Nor the workhouse in the poor relief, nor the prison could produce in such a way that profit was the result.Cette contribution traite des problèmes du marché du travail et de ses institutions aux Pays-Bas pendant la période qui va du XVIe siècle à nos jours. Il s'agit de montrer que l'idée d'un marché libre du travail s'inscrit dans l'idéologie du XIXe siècle, mais que la plupart des époques ignorent le travail libre. Les contraintes étaient inhérentes aux structures de la société et de la production (corporations, esclavage) mais, en situation coloniale, la coercition s'exerçait ordinairement en l'absence d'esclavage. L'engagement de travail était aussi entretenu par des moyens légaux. La discussion sur travail libre / travail non libre s'est focalisée sur la place du travail forcé dans le système d'assistance aux pauvres et le système pénitentiaire. Dans les deux cas, le fonctionnement ne peut s'expliquer par des raisons purement économiques. Car ni dans la «maison de travail» du système d'assistance, ni dans la prison, l'organisation de la production ne permettait de dégager un profit.Arbeidsmarkt en instituties in Nederland vanaf de XVIe tot XXe eeuw. Het artikel handelt over problemen van de arbeidsmarkt en de erbij horende instituties in Nederland vanaf de xvie eeuw tot heden. In het artikel wordt betoogd dat gedurende het grootste deel van de geschiedenis er geen sprake was van een vrije arbeidsmarkt. Een vrije arbeidsmarkt is deel van de negen- tiende eeuwse idéologie. Beperkingen werden opgelegd door bijvoorbeeld het gildensysteem en zeker in de slavernij, maar ook in koloniale situaties waren naast slavernij andere vormen van dwang een normaal verschijnsel. Contract arbeid kon met légale sancties worden afgedwongen. De discussie over vrije dan wel onvrije arbeid heeft zich ook beziggehouden met dwangarbeid als onderdeel van de armenzorg en de gevangenisstraf. Armenzorg en gevange- nisstraf zijn deels overlappende verschijnselen, maar beide kunnen moeilijk verklaard vanuit economische factoren. Noch het werkhuis als onderdeel van de armenzorg, noch gevangenisarbeid leverde winst op.Diederiks H. A. Le marché du travail et ses institutions. Le cas des Pays-Bas du XVIe au XXe siècle.. In: Revue du Nord, tome 76, n°307, Octobre-décembre 1994. pp. 763-787

    Le choix du conjoint à Amsterdam au début du XIXe siècle

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    After a brief review of existing studies on spouse selection, particularly in the Netherlands, the author discusses the subject from the point of view of the influence of certain social variables on the «marriage market». Sex distribution, age at marriage and age-difference between spouses, influence of place of origin and denomination are successively analysed. Taking the example of Amsterdam in the early XIXth century, the decisive factor seems to be sharing the same denomination, followed by proximity of neighbourhood or place of origin.L'auteur, après un bref rappel des études faites sur le choix du conjoint, notamment aux Pays-Bas, aborde le problème du point de vue du «marché des mariages» et de l'influence sur celui-ci des variables sociales. Il analyse successivement la répartition des sexes, l'âge au mariage et l'écart d'âges entre époux, l'influence du lieu d'origine, la confession enfin. A considérer l'exemple d'Amsterdam au début du XIXe siècle, l'appartenance à la même confession semble être le facteur décisif et, secondairement, la proximité de quartier ou du lieu d'origine.Diederiks H. A. Le choix du conjoint à Amsterdam au début du XIXe siècle. In: Annales de démographie historique, 1986. Démographie historique en Amérique Latine. pp. 183-194

    Kansenkaarten voor duurzaam benutten Natuurlijk Kapitaal

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    Local projects conducted within the framework of the Natural Capital Netherlands (NKN) programmeidentified various opportunities for mutual improvement of natural capital and the economy. In a follow-upstudy we investigated whether the insights gained also apply to other parts of the Netherlands. Which areasoffer the best opportunities? What measures are needed in these areas to actually capitalise on theseopportunities, and who are the relevant stakeholders? To address these questions, the local opportunitiesidentified in the NKN projects were explored at the national level, using ‘opportunity maps’. The three localprojects are: Greening the Common Agricultural Policy, Clean Water and Delta Programm

    Civilization, economic change, and trends in interpersonal violence in western societies

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