145 research outputs found

    Quality and quantity in historical research in criminality and criminal justice: the case of Leiden in the 17th and 18th centuries

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    Die Stadt Leiden war während des 17.Jahrhunderts eines der führenden Industriezentren in Europa. Von den 72.000 Einwohnern war 1670 die Hälfte in der Textilindustrie beschäftigt. Bis 1800 fiel die Population auf 30.000. Im Zusammenhang mit dieser Entwicklung untersucht der vorliegende Beitrag anhand einer Zeitreihenanalyse von 5.200 Kriminalfällen von 1601 bis 1811 die Veränderungen im Strafvollzugswesen. Absicht der Arbeit ist eine Überprüfung der Modernisierungsthese, die eine Verschiebung der Kriminalitätsmuster von Gewalttätigkeiten hin zu Eigentumsdelikten behauptet, d.h. sie als Reaktion auf ökonomische Entwicklungen sieht. Die Daten legen folgende Schlußfolgerung nahe: Während der Expansion Leidens dominierte Gewaltkriminalität; in der Zeit des Abstiegs häuften sich ökonomische Delikte. (pmb)'The town of Leiden during the 19th century was one of the leading industrial towns in Europe. Around 1670 it had about 72.000 inhabitants of which half were employed in the textile industry. Around 1800 this population had dropped under the level of 30.000. For the analysis of the practice of criminal justice we have quantified and analysed a complete series of about 5.200 criminal sentences for the years 1601 to 1811. In this contribution the following theoretical points of departure are tested: the theory of the 'modernisation' of crime patterns (the change from violence to property crime); the pacification of civilisation theory (criminal violence and violence as a means of punishment diminish as the process of state formation develops), and the theory that crime patterns are a reaction to economic developments. One of the conclusions of the article is that during the period of economic and demographic expansion in the 17th century a pattern of criminality of adjustment could be found implying more violence, whereas during the period of decay in the 18th century, economic distress might have determined criminal behaviour.' (author's abstract

    Aviation's Impact on Agriculture and Its Animal Habitat

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    Aviation also plays a role in agriculture, where aircraft are used for cropdusting. The benefits of cropdusting are evident but this is also an activity, which may lead to damage to the environment. The article discusses some of these aspects, viewed in the light of the Rome Convention of 1952 on damage caused to third parties on the surface. Also the applicability of national laws and case law is considered, together with the responsibility for the damage caused by spraying. As this kind of aircraft has to fly at low altitude, the noise may also affect animals

    The Operator\u27s Liability With Regard To Transport Of Goods By Space Shuttle

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    The Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Object3 covers only the damage caused to third parties and objects in space. A parallel to the Warsaw Convention of 1929 which regulates the liability of air carriers for injury to transported passengers, luggage and goods, and also for delay in delivery, has not been established in space law. Until now there was no need for such a Convention. With the development of the transportation of goods in space, however, legal rules governing this liability will become desirable, if not necessary

    Current Issues in Remote Sensing

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    In this article certain problems surrounding Satellite remote sensing (SRS) will be addressed with particular emphasis on their legal implications. Aspects of air law as they affect remote sensing will not be discussed in any detail, nor will it be necessary to refer to the vexing problem of determining the satisfactory boundary between the airspace and outer space. This fundamental problem is still in dispute and under constant review, both in scholarly circles and in the United Nations; and the world community may consider itself fortunate that the issue has not prevented a number of important international agreements on space law from being adopted. The status of SRS in the regimes created by these agreements will be the focus of this article

    Herstel en revalidatie na hartinfarct

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    'n Ekosistemiese herbeskouing van pleegsorgdienste

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    Text in AfrikaansIn die studie word die ontwikkelingspad van 'n Newtoniaanse benadering na 'n ekosistemiese benadering in die denke van die navorser en lewering van pleegsorgdienste deur die maatskaplike werker/navorser, beskryf. In die beskrywing is gefokus op drie beginsels elk van die Newtoniaanse - en die ekosistemiese benaderings. Die gekose beginsels is met 'n gevallestudie geillustreer. Aan die ha d van die beginsels van die ekosistemiese benadering word 'n konsepsuele raamwerk gebied waardeur die outonomie van mense en sisteme in stand gehou en gebruik kan word. Volgens tweede orde kubernetika, is die studie die konstruksie van die navorser. Pleegsorg is 'n komplekse alternatiewe versorgingsposisie vir 'n kind en die lewering van begeleidingsdienste stel besondere eise aan die professionele persone betrokke. Hierdie studie suggereer dat pleegsorgdienste wat aan die hand van die ekosistemiese benadering gelewer word, 'n konstruksie van gedeelde verantwoordelikheid tussen al die betrokke partye voorstel.Social WorkM. A. (Social Science: Mental Health

    Leiden im 18. Jahrhundert, oder: Gibt es Grenzen des Niedergangs?

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    In diesem Beitrag wird die Position der Stadt Leiden innerhalb des Urbanisierungsprozesses in den Niederlanden im 18. Jahrhundert untersucht. Leiden wies ab etwa 1840 einen plötzlichen Niedergang auf, der aber in eine lange Phase einer relativen Stabilisierung eingebettet war. Untersucht wird zum einen der Einfluß des Niedergangs auf die Berufs-, Haushalts- und Familienstruktur der Stadt und zum anderen die bestimmenden Faktoren der stabilisierenden Phase, insbesondere die Frage, ob die das Bevölkerungsminimum erhaltenden Kräfte einem relativ selbständigen, städtischen Mechanismus zu verdanken sind. Leiden ist im demographischen Sinne nur durch Einwanderung gewachsen. Die Verringerung der Gesamtbevölkerung wurde nicht durch einen Sterbeüberschuß, sondern auch durch Auswanderung, die im Zusammenhang mit der einsetzenden Textilkrise gesehen werden muß, bewirkt. Die Hypothese eines stabilisierenden städtischen Mechanismus wird durch die Datenanalyse erhärtet. (SD

    Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a minimal psychological intervention to reduce non-severe depression in chronically ill elderly patients: the design of a randomised controlled trial [ISRCTN92331982]

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    BACKGROUND: Depression is a prevalent disorder in chronically ill elderly persons. It may decrease quality of life, and increase functional disability, medical costs, and healthcare utilisation. Because patients may slip into a downward spiral, early recognition and treatment of depression is important. Depression can be treated with antidepressants or psychological interventions; the latter can also be applied by trained paraprofessionals. In this paper, we describe the design of the DELTA study (Depression in Elderly with Long-Term Afflictions). The first objective of the DELTA study is to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a minimal psychological intervention (MPI) to reduce depression in chronically ill elderly patients. The second objective is to evaluate whether a potential effect of the MPI may differ between types of chronic illnesses. The tailor-made intervention is administered by nurses, who are trained in the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy and self-management. METHODS/DESIGN: DELTA is a two-armed randomised controlled trial, comparing MPI to usual care. A total number of 180 patients with diabetes mellitus type II (DM) and 180 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), who in addition suffer from non-severe depression, will be included in the study. In our study, non-severe depression is defined as having minor depression, mild major depression or moderate major depression. The primary outcome measure is depression using the Beck Depression Inventory. Secondary outcome measures include quality of life, daily functioning, self-efficacy, autonomy, and participation. In the economic evaluation, cost-effectiveness and cost-utility ratios will be calculated. Furthermore, a process evaluation will be carried out. Analyses will include both univariate and multivariate techniques and according to the intention to treat principle. The economic evaluation will be done from a societal perspective and data of the process evaluation will be analysed using descriptive techniques. DISCUSSION: A total number of 361 patients has been included in the study. All interventions have been administered and follow-up data will be complete in September 2006. Preliminary results from the process evaluation indicate that patients' satisfaction with the intervention is high. If this intervention proves to be effective, implementation of the DELTA intervention is considered and anticipated