223 research outputs found

    The Colour Purple as a Signifier of Shamanism in Black Panther (2018) – Magic in Afrofuturism

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    On #Materiality

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    Reprogramming and transdifferentiation for cardiovascular development and regenerative medicine: where do we stand?

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    Heart disease remains a leading cause of mortality and a major worldwide healthcare burden. Recent advances in stem cell biology have made it feasible to derive large quantities of cardiomyocytes for disease modeling, drug development, and regenerative medicine. The discoveries of reprogramming and transdifferentiation as novel biological processes have significantly contributed to this paradigm. This review surveys the means by which reprogramming and transdifferentiation can be employed to generate induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CMs) and induced cardiomyocytes (iCMs). The application of these patient-specific cardiomyocytes for both in vitro disease modeling and in vivo therapies for various cardiovascular diseases will also be discussed. We propose that, with additional refinement, human disease-specific cardiomyocytes will allow us to significantly advance the understanding of cardiovascular disease mechanisms and accelerate the development of novel therapeutic options

    Retracing the film material history of the German Democratic Republic

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    Digitizing marginal objects – amateur films from the GDR in color

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    [Blog-Beitrag im Vorfeld des an der Konferenz gehaltenen Vortrages mit Diskussionsrunde]. The Film Colors projects of the University of Zurich and the Filmmuseum Potsdam joined forces, in order to digitize selected color films from the Filmmuseum’s holdings. This blog post focuses on the results of a cooperation between the SNSF project Film Colors : Technologies, Cultures, Institutionslocated at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) and the Filmmuseum Potsdam (Germany), established by Josephine Dieckeand Dennis Basaldella. The aim is to present an innovative collaboration that brings together specialized knowledge in the realms of film production and film technology with a particular focus on typically marginalized topics, such as amateur filmmaking and film stock manufacturing in selected historical contexts. How can both approaches enrich the debates about the preservation, digitization and circulation of marginal objects

    Farbfilmverfahren und Historiografie(n). Ein interdisziplinÀrer Ansatz

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    Technologien reprĂ€sentieren einen elementaren Knotenpunkt zwischen theoretisch und praktisch orientierten Disziplinen und AnsĂ€tzen, so auch in der Filmwissenschaft. Wie ĂŒberbrĂŒcken wir aber die Kluft zwischen Theorie und Praxis in der BeschĂ€ftigung mit Film- und Technikgeschichte? Welche ZugĂ€nge bieten sich an, um bei der wissenschaftlichen Aufarbeitung nicht in die Falle von linearen und teleologischen Schlussfolgerungen zu tappen? Unsere vorgestellte Methodik erzielt die VerschrĂ€nkung von Technologie und Gesellschaft durch die Koppelung von sozialkonstruktivistischen AnsĂ€tzen der Technikgeschichte mit kulturwissenschaftlicher Kontextualisierung. In diesem Aufsatz wenden wir unser theoretisches und methodologisches GerĂŒst am konkreten Fallbeispiel der Herstellung von Rohfilm in Japan in den 1930er Jahren an. Multidirektionale Netzwerke visualisieren die Ergebnisse zusĂ€tzlich

    E-cadherin is crucial for embryonic stem cell pluripotency and can replace OCT4 during somatic cell reprogramming

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    We report new functions of the cell-adhesion molecule E-cadherin in murine pluripotent cells. E-cadherin is highly expressed in mouse embryonic stem cells, and interference with E-cadherin causes differentiation. During cellular reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts by OCT4, SOX2, KLF4 and c-MYC, fully reprogrammed cells were exclusively observed in the E-cadherin-positive cell population and could not be obtained in the absence of E-cadherin. Moreover, reprogrammed cells could be established by viral E-cadherin in the absence of exogenous OCT4. Thus, reprogramming requires spatial cues that cross-talk with essential transcription factors. The cell-adhesion molecule E-cadherin has important functions in pluripotency and reprogramming

    Was machen wir mit digitalen Tools und was machen sie mit uns?

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