13,527 research outputs found

    Directional Sensitivity and Mechanical Coupling Dynamics of Campaniform Sensilla During Chordwise Deformations of the Fly Wing

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    The complex morphology of an insect campaniform sensillum is responsible for transforming strains of the integument into a displacement of the campaniform dome and subsequently a deformation of the dendritic membrane. In this paper, the first step in this coupling process was investigated in identified campaniform sensilla on the wing of the blowfly by stimulating the sensilla with chord-wise deflections of the wing blade. Campaniform sensilla neurones were sensitive to both dorsal and ventral deflections of the wing, and thus exhibited no strong directional sensitivity to the chord-wise components of wing deformation. These results are consistent with a simplified mechanical model in which the wing veins act as cylinders that undergo bending and torsion during chord-wise wing deformation. By comparing the responses of campaniform neurones to chord-wise deflections of the wing with those evoked by direct punctate stimulation of the dome, it is possible to estimate the dynamic properties of the coupling process that links wing deformation to dome deformation. In the identified campaniform neurone examined, wing-dome coupling attenuates high frequencies and transforms the chord-wise deflections of the wing into dome deformation similar in degree of excitation to that caused by direct punctate indentions that are two or more orders of magnitude smaller in size

    The Effects of Wing Rotation on Unsteady Aerodynamic Performance at Low Reynolds Numbers

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    The downstroke-to-upstroke transition of many insects is characterized by rapid wing rotation. The aerodynamic consequences of these rapid changes in angle of attack have been investigated using a mechanical model dynamically scaled to the Reynolds number appropriate for the flight of small insects such as Drosophila. Several kinematic parameters of the wing flip were examined, including the speed and axis of rotation, as well as the duration and angle of attack during the wing stroke preceding rotation. Alteration of these kinematic parameters altered force generation during the subsequent stroke in a variety of ways. 1. When the rotational axis was close to the trailing edge, the model wing could capture vorticity generated during rotation and greatly increase aerodynamic performance. This vortex capture was most clearly manifested by the generation of lift at an angle of attack of 0°;. Lift at a 0°; angle of attack was also generated following rotation about the leading edge, but only if the downstroke angle was large enough to generate a von Karman street. The lift may be due to an alteration in the effective angle of attack caused by the inter-vortex stream in the downstroke wake. 2. The maximum lift attained (over all angles of attack) was substantially elevated if the wing translated backwards through a wake generated by the previous stroke. Transient lift coefficient values of nearly 4 were obtained when the wing translated back through a von Karman street generated at a 76.5°; angle of attack. This effect might also be explained by the influence of the inter-vortex stream, which contributes a small component to fluid velocity in the direction of translation. 3. The growth of lift with angle of attack was significantly elevated following a 7.5 chord stroke with a 76.5°; angle of attack, although it was relatively constant under all other kinematic conditions. 4. The results also indicate the discrepancies between transient and time-averaged measures of performance that arise when unsteady mechanisms are responsible for force generation. Although the influence of wing rotation was strong during the first few chords of translation, averaging the performance over as little as 6.5 chords of motion greatly attenuated the effects of rotation. 5. Together, these modeling results suggest that the unsteady mechanisms generated by simple wing flips could provide an important source for the production of aerodynamic forces in insect flight. Furthermore, the extreme sensitivity to small variations in almost all kinematic parameters could provide a foundation for understanding the aerodynamic mechanisms underlying active flight control

    Linear and Nonlinear Encoding Properties of an Identified Mechanoreceptor on the Fly wing Measured with Mechanical Noise Stimuli

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    The wing blades of most flies contain a small set of distal campaniform sensilla, mechanoreceptors that respond to deformations of the cuticle. This paper describes a method of analysis based upon mechanical noise stimuli which is used to quantify the encoding properties of one of these sensilla (the d-HCV cell) on the wing of the blowfly Calliphora vomitoria (L.). The neurone is modelled as two components, a linear filter that accounts for the frequency response and phase characteristics of the cell, followed by a static nonlinearity that limits the spike discharge to a narrow portion of the stimulus cycle. The model is successful in predicting the response of campaniform neurones to arbitrary stimuli, and provides a convenient method for quantifying the encoding properties of the sensilla. The d-HCV neurone is only broadly frequency tuned, but its maximal response near 150 Hz corresponds to the wingbeat frequency of Calliphora. In the range of frequencies likely to be encountered during flight, the d-HCV neurone fires a single phase-locked action potential for each stimulus cycle. The phase lag of the cell decreases linearly with increasing frequency such that the absolute delay between stimulus and response remains nearly constant. Thus, during flight the neurone is capable of firing one precisely timed action potential during each wingbeat, and might be used to modulate motor activity that requires afferent input on a cycle-by-cycle basis

    Comparison of Encoding Properties of Campaniform Sensilla on the Fly Wing

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    The wing blade of the blowfly Calliphora vomitoria (L.) carries an array of campaniform sensilla which have previously been divided into slowly and rapidly adapting classes based on their responses to step indentations. In the present study, the physiological characteristics of six sensilla of these two classes are examined within a 20–400 Hz frequency range, using a noise analysis that quantifies linear and nonlinear encoding properties. Both classes exhibit a broad response maximum near 150 Hz, corresponding to the typical wingbeat frequency of the blowfly, and display rectification, limiting the spike response to a narrow portion of a stimulus cycle. The similarity in the encoding properties between the two groups is largely a consequence of the high wingbeat frequency of flies, which precludes any individual neurone from acting as a magnitude detector. Instead, during flight the campaniform neurones might act as ‘one-shot’ detectors, firing a single action potential at a precise phase of each wing stroke cycle. An array of such detectors would be capable of monitoring the passage of a deformational wave as it travels along the wing during each wingbeat

    A comparison of visual and haltere-mediated equilibrium reflexes in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster

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    Flies exhibit extraordinary maneuverability, relying on feedback from multiple sensory organs to control flight. Both the compound eyes and the mechanosensory halteres encode angular motion as the fly rotates about the three body axes during flight. Since these two sensory modalities differ in their mechanisms of transduction, they are likely to differ in their temporal responses. We recorded changes in stroke kinematics in response to mechanical and visual rotations delivered within a flight simulator. Our results show that the visual system is tuned to relatively slow rotation whereas the haltere-mediated response to mechanical rotation increases with rising angular velocity. The integration of feedback from these two modalities may enhance aerodynamic performance by enabling the fly to sense a wide range of angular velocities during flight

    Summation of visual and mechanosensory feedback in Drosophila flight control

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    The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster relies on feedback from multiple sensory modalities to control flight maneuvers. Two sensory organs, the compound eyes and mechanosensory hindwings called halteres, are capable of encoding angular velocity of the body during flight. Although motor reflexes driven by the two modalities have been studied individually, little is known about how the two sensory feedback channels are integrated during flight. Using a specialized flight simulator we presented tethered flies with simultaneous visual and mechanosensory oscillations while measuring compensatory changes in stroke kinematics. By varying the relative amplitude, phase and axis of rotation of the visual and mechanical stimuli, we were able to determine the contribution of each sensory modality to the compensatory motor reflex. Our results show that over a wide range of experimental conditions sensory inputs from halteres and the visual system are combined in a weighted sum. Furthermore, the weighting structure places greater influence on feedback from the halteres than from the visual system

    Biofluiddynamic scaling of flapping, spinning and translating fins and wings

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    Organisms that swim or fly with fins or wings physically interact with the surrounding water and air. The interactions are governed by the morphology and kinematics of the locomotory system that form boundary conditions to the Navier–Stokes (NS) equations. These equations represent Newton's law of motion for the fluid surrounding the organism. Several dimensionless numbers, such as the Reynolds number and Strouhal number, measure the influence of morphology and kinematics on the fluid dynamics of swimming and flight. There exists, however, no coherent theoretical framework that shows how such dimensionless numbers of organisms are linked to the NS equation. Here we present an integrated approach to scale the biological fluid dynamics of a wing that flaps, spins or translates. Both the morphology and kinematics of the locomotory system are coupled to the NS equation through which we find dimensionless numbers that represent rotational accelerations in the flow due to wing kinematics and morphology. The three corresponding dimensionless numbers are (1) the angular acceleration number, (2) the centripetal acceleration number, and (3) the Rossby number, which measures Coriolis acceleration. These dimensionless numbers consist of length scale ratios, which facilitate their geometric interpretation. This approach gives fundamental insight into the physical mechanisms that explain the differences in performance among flapping, spinning and translating wings. Although we derived this new framework for the special case of a model fly wing, the method is general enough to make it applicable to other organisms that fly or swim using wings or fins

    The influence of wing–wake interactions on the production of aerodynamic forces in flapping flight

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    We used two-dimensional digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) to visualize flow patterns around the flapping wing of a dynamically scaled robot for a series of reciprocating strokes starting from rest. The base of the wing was equipped with strain gauges so that the pattern of fluid motion could be directly compared with the time history of force production. The results show that the development and shedding of vortices throughout each stroke are highly stereotyped and influence force generation in subsequent strokes. When a wing starts from rest, it generates a transient force as the leading edge vortex (LEV) grows. This early peak, previously attributed to added-mass acceleration, is not amenable to quasi-steady models but corresponds well to calculations based on the time derivative of the first moment of vorticity within a sectional slice of fluid. Forces decay to a stable level as the LEV reaches a constant size and remains attached throughout most of the stroke. The LEV grows as the wing supinates prior to stroke reversal, accompanied by an increase in total force. At stroke reversal, both the LEV and a rotational starting vortex (RSV) are shed into the wake, forming a counter-rotating pair that directs a jet of fluid towards the underside of the wing at the start of the next stroke. We isolated the aerodynamic influence of the wake by subtracting forces and flow fields generated in the first stroke, when the wake is just developing, from those produced during the fourth stroke, when the pattern of both the forces and wake dynamics has reached a limit cycle. This technique identified two effects of the wake on force production by the wing: an early augmentation followed by a small attenuation. The later decrease in force is consistent with the influence of a decreased aerodynamic angle of attack on translational forces caused by downwash within the wake and is well explained by a quasi-steady model. The early effect of the wake is not well approximated by a quasi-steady model, even when the magnitude and orientation of the instantaneous velocity field are taken into account. Thus, the wake capture force represents a truly unsteady phenomenon dependent on temporal changes in the distribution and magnitude of vorticity during stroke reversal

    The effect of advance ratio on the aerodynamics of revolving wings

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    Recent studies have demonstrated that a quasi-steady model closely matches the instantaneous force produced by an insect wing during hovering flight. It is not clear, however, if such methods extend to forward flight. In this study we use a dynamically scaled robotic model of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster to investigate the forces produced by a wing revolving at constant angular velocity while simultaneously translating at velocities appropriate for forward flight. Because the forward and angular velocities were constant wing inertia was negligible, and the measured forces can be attributed to fluid dynamic phenomena. The combined forward and revolving motions of the wing produce a time-dependent free-stream velocity profile, which suggests that added mass forces make a contribution to the measured forces. We find that the forces due added mass make a small, but measurable, component of the total force and are in excellent agreement with theoretical values. Lift and drag coefficients are calculated from the force traces after subtracting the contributions due to added mass. The lift and drag coefficients, for fixed angle of attack, are not constant for non-zero advance ratios, but rather vary in magnitude throughout the stroke. This observation implies that modifications of the quasi-steady model are required in order to predict accurately the instantaneous forces produced during forward flight. We show that the dependence of the lift and drag coefficients upon advance ratio and stroke position can be characterized effectively in terms of the tip velocity ratio – the ratio of the chordwise components of flow velocity at the wing tip due to translation and revolution. On this basis we develop a modified quasi-steady model that can account for the varying magnitudes of the lift and drag coefficients. Our model may also resolve discrepancies in past measurements of wing performance based on translational and revolving motion