6 research outputs found

    Brazilian migration into London: Mobility and Contemporary Borders

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    My research addresses the relations between migrants, mobility, tactics, negotiation, and the definition of borders after 9/11. The empirical focus of the thesis analyses how Brazilians from Alto Paranaiba perform mobility through airports located in the Schengen area including British territory in moving to London; and how, after becoming undocumented, they deal with the UK’s inner borders. I use the notion of journey and routes to explore how migration is a negotiation, where actions and skills remain an important link between the migrant and the social spaces through which s/he moves. Thus I contribute to migration and border studies by moving beyond a perspective focused exclusively on migration policies. I question to what degree the fact that borders have proliferated and discriminately filtered migrants can be understood without empirical data focused on the daily actions of these mobile people. Indeed migrants deal with and struggle against border regimes, but they are not powerless social actors. My study argues that migrants are important social actors and a key to understanding how migration takes place through border regimes. Migrants employ cunning tactics to reinvent their journey in negotiation with institutions and structures of power, which manage and delimit their movement with targets and threats. In this process, I explore migration as a process of skilled manoeuvres developed through practical knowledge and exchanges of life experiences by Brazilians in order to journey through the external and internal porosities of EU border regimes

    A segunda onda migratória brasileira: o impacto das mudanças econômicas e sociais no Brasil sobre a migração contemporânea para o Reino Unido

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    This article explores the effects of Brazil’s recent economic growth and the narrowing of the inequality gap on the second Brazilian migration wave to the UK over the last two decades. Migration-related research has emphatically argued that this ongoing international mobility results from transnational networks developed by pioneers who encouraged fellow citizens to travel. Although this paper considers social networks as an important factor shaping the movement of Brazilians abroad, we propose to debate contemporary Brazilian migration by shedding light on the national socio-economic policies implemented since the late 1990s. Thus, through a rigorous literature review of Brazilian transnational migration studies and multi-sited ethnography in Brazil and London, we focus particularly on how the opening up of the Brazilian economy to international capital flow, and the implementation of social programmes followed by the enlargement of its domestic consumer market, helps to explain the current increase and diversification of Brazilians abroad.Este artículo explora los impactos que el reciente crecimiento económico y la reducción de la desigualdad social en Brasil han tenido sobre la segunda onda migratoria brasileña hacia el Reino Unido en las últimas dos décadas. Los estudios migratorios han enfatizado firmemente que esta movilidad internacional, aún en curso, sería el resultado de redes transnacionales establecidas por pioneros capaces de conectar nuevos migrantes. Aunque este artículo considera tal argumento un factor importante para comprender la migración contemporánea brasileña, nuestra propuesta reflexiona acerca de cómo las políticas socioeconómicas nacionales implementadas desde finales de la década de 1990, también intensificaron esa circulación. Así, a través de una rigurosa revisión bibliográfica de estudios enfocados en redes migratorias brasileñas y de una etnografía multisituada en Brasil y Londres, destacamos particularmente como la apertura económica brasileña al flujo de capital internacional y la implementación de programas sociales, acompañados de la expansión del mercado interno, ayudan a comprender el actual aumento y diversificación de la migración brasileña en el exterior.Cet article explore les conséquences du développement économique et de la réduction des inégalités au Brésil sur la seconde vague migratoire vers le Royaume-Uni au cours des deux dernières décennies. Les études sur les migrations ont tout particulièrement insisté sur le fait que cette mobilité internationale, toujours en cours, serait le fruit de réseaux transnationaux mis en place par des pionniers capables de faire venir d’autres migrants à leur suite. Tout en reconnaissant l’importance d’un tel facteur pour comprendre les mouvements migratoires brésiliens contemporains, cet article propose de montrer comment les politiques socioéconomiques nationales mises en place depuis la fin des années 1990 ont, elles aussi, participé à l’intensification des circulations. Ainsi, à partir d’une étude bibliographique des publications portant sur les réseaux migratoires brésiliens, et en se basant sur une enquête ethnographique multi-située au Brésil et à Londres, ce travail entend montrer comment l’ouverture économique brésilienne à des nouveaux flux de capitaux internationaux et l’implantation de pro- grammes sociaux, joints à la croissance du marché interne, aident à comprendre l’augmentation et la diversification actuelle des bré- siliens à l’étranger.Cet article explore les conséquences du développement économique et de la réduction des inégalités au Brésil sur la seconde vague migratoire vers le Royaume-Uni au cours des deux dernières décennies. Les études sur les migrations ont tout particulièrement insisté sur le fait que cette mobilité internationale, toujours en cours, serait le fruit de réseaux transnationaux mis en place par des pionniers capables de faire venir d’autres migrants à leur suite. Tout en reconnaissant l’importance d’un tel facteur pour comprendre les mouvements migratoires brésiliens contemporains, cet article propose de montrer comment les politiques socioéconomiques nationales mises en place depuis la fin des années 1990 ont, elles aussi, participé à l’intensification des circulations. Ainsi, à partir d’une étude bibliographique des publications portant sur les réseaux migratoires brésiliens, et en se basant sur une enquête ethnographique multi-située au Brésil et à Londres, ce travail entend montrer comment l’ouverture économique brésilienne à des nouveaux flux de capitaux internationaux et l’implantation de programmes sociaux, joints à la croissance du marché interne, aident à comprendre l’augmentation et la diversification actuelle des brésiliens à l’étranger.Este artigo explora os impactos do recente crescimento econômico e da redução da desigualdade social no Brasil na segunda onda migratória brasileira para o Reino Unido nas últimas duas décadas. Estudos migratórios têm, enfaticamente, defendido que esta mobilidade internacional, ainda em curso, seria resultante de redes transnacionais estabelecidas por pioneiros capazes de conectar novos migrantes. Embora este artigo considere tal argumento um importante fator para compreender a migração contemporânea brasileira, propomos aqui refletir como as políticas socioeconômicas nacionais implementadas desde o final da década de 1990 também intensificaram essa circulação. Assim, através de uma rigorosa revisão bibliográfica sobre estudos focados em redes migratórias brasileiras e de uma etnografia multi-situada no Brasil e Londres, destacamos particularmente como a abertura econômica brasileira ao fluxo de capital internacional e a implementação de programas sociais, acompanhado pela expansão do mercado interno, ajudam a compreender o atual aumento e diversificação de brasileiros no exterior

    Cultura, política e alfabetização no Brasil: a 'Segunda Campanha de Nacionalização' do ensino (1938-1945).

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    This dissertation provides a reflection about the educational politics that aimed at the teuton-brazilian ethnic group of Santa Catarina, during the period called Estado Novo (1938- 1945), which became known as The Second Nationalization Campaign of teaching. It is claimed that this governmental pedagogic attitude aspired the diffusion of the primary school, which were supported by the state and the federal government, throughout the teuto-brazilian cities, as if it were a vehicle that advertised the nationalist ideals defended by the Brazilian State. Thus, this work investigate the fact that the government concerns were related to a possible territorial fragmentation, seeing that, according to the government, there was a fragile presence of national culture in the south of Brasil or it may me related to a trial to eradicate any cultural trace of the referred ethnical group that could endanger the country with nazi-facist idealisms. To support this argumentation, this dissertation searched for documents and decrees created at the time of Vargas government, besides studyng a bibliography which was previously selected and studying interviews collected from students and locals of the investigated period and place.Financiadora de Estudos e ProjetosEsta Dissertação tem como objetivo refletir sobre a política educacional realizada durante o período do Estado Novo (1937-1945) junto aos grupos étnicos teutobrasileiros localizados no estado de Santa Catarina, a qual ficou conhecida como Segunda Campanha de Nacionalização do ensino. Pretende-se compreender de que forma esta medida pedagógica governamental visava utilizar a difusão de escolas primárias, custeadas pelos governos federal e estadual, entre as cidades teuto-brasileiras, como um veículo de propaganda dos ideais nacionalistas apregoados pelo Estado brasileiro. Sobre essa premissa, propõe-se investigar se as preocupações do governo tinham relação com uma possível fragmentação territorial, pois acusava que nas regiões sulistas havia uma fraca presença da cultura nacional, ou se pretendia erradicar qualquer traço cultural deste grupo étnico que pudesse comprometer o país com idéias nazifascistas. Para dar corpo a essa indagação, a pesquisa recorreu ao estudo de documentos e decretos-leis criados durante a gestão Vargas, além de uma bibliografia previamente selecionada e a entrevistas com estudiosos e nativos do período histórico investigado

    For a better life: Brazilians in London

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    The research reported here was conducted by GEB with the purpose of gathering data to better understand the Brazilian experiences of living in London. The last few years have seen an increasing interest among scholars in issues relating to the Brazilian community in the UK, and particularly in London, where a large part of it is concentrated. Research by Brightwell (2010), Dias (2010), Frangella (2010) and Souza (2010) reflect this growing academic attention. Brazilians in London are one of the groups that make up the so-called ‘new immigration’ that has been pivotal to the emergence of the phenomenon of 'superdiversity’ in the UK (Vertovec, 2007). Despite the impossibility of accurately ascertaining the size of the Brazilian community, Brazilian authorities estimate that between 150,000 and 300,000 Brazilians now live in the UK (MRE, 2009), thereby representing a sizeable community whose interaction with the host society deserves greater attention. Thus, through its research, the GEB seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the experiences of the different groups that comprise the Brazilian community in the UK. As far as is known, this constitutes only the second quantitative study of this community and, while it cannot be said to be wholly representative, the GEB believes that the results reflect the experiences of many Brazilians living in London