9 research outputs found

    Religious Tastes and Styles as Markers of Class Belonging: A Bourdieuian Perspective on Pentecostalism in South America

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    Studies on the relationship between social class and religion tend to highlight the demographic dimension of class, but neglect its symbolic dimension. By addressing the symbolic dimensions through a Bourdieuian approach, this article contends that religious tastes and styles can be employed as class markers within the sphere of religion. A case study on Argentinean Pentecostalism and in-depth analysis of a lower and middle class church illustrate how symbolic class differences are cultivated in the form of distinctive religious styles. While the lower class church displays a style marked by emotional expressiveness and the search for life improvement through spiritual practices, the middle class church performs a sober and calm style of Pentecostalism. The study highlights the role of styles in the reproduction of class boundaries, while shedding a critical light on the importance of tastes

    The Cuban lexicon Lucumí and African language Yorùbá: musical and historical connections

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    Lucumí’s vocabulary is strongly related to Yorùbá in southwest Nigeria due to a historical connection stemming from the transatlantic slave trade. It is variously described as an Afro-Cuban language still spoken by contemporary religious devotees, aCuban dialectof Yorùbá, derived from amixtureof Yorùbá dialectsin southwestNigeria,an archaic formofYorùbáthat haspreservedtheNigerianpast in Cuba, and/or corrupted or incomplete Yorùbá. The word “lexicon,” however, rarely appears in Lucumí portrayals. Since inadequate linguistic research was undertaken in Cuba while African vernaculars were still spoken outside of ritual and musical contexts in the first decades of the twentieth century, Lucumí explanations are frequently highly presumptuous or speculative. Much contemporary research lacks scholarly rigor and has relied uncritically on anecdotal evidence collected from selected field respondents, whose narratives are frequently compromised by religious identity politics within a hierarchical and secretive spiritual tradition. A growing body of literature about Lucumí has been little challenged and continues to be uncritically recycled into new scholarship and the religious community itself. Along with critiquing existing literature about uttered Lucumí, this chapter draws on my ethnomusicological field work in Nigeria and Cuba since 1998 to arguethat Lucumí has been alexicon – a memorized corpus of words and phrases largely devoid of syntax – dependent on musical and ritual performance and written sources for almost a hundred years. While much Lucumí analysis has relied solely on transcribed text without any regard for the sonic dimensions of pitch, rhythm, and amplitude of uttered, sung, and drummed texts, I assert that musical structure can be more enduring than linguistic content. By drawing on empirical historical evidence and illustrating my argument with analyses of my field data, published song texts, and commercial recordings, I demonstrate how musical analysis can be harnessed as a powerful method of determining the vestigial relationship between the Lucumí lexicon in Cuba and the Yorùbá language in Africa

    The Established and the Newcomers. A Weberian-Bourdieusian View of Congregations in the Swiss Religious Field

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    Using the Weberian/Bourdieusian field theory and a representative National Congregation Study (NCS), we measure and compare the activities and resources of established and newcomer congregations across all major religious traditions in Switzerland. As expected, establishment status is linked to strong privileges for the established groups. Other than expected, established groups do not seem to compete with newcomer groups by using exclusion strategies, but explicitly seek ecumenical and interreligious contacts and are very tolerant concerning individual social and religious diversity. We suggest that this does not contradict the Weberian/Bourdieusian field theory, but can itself be seen as a strategy by established groups to preserve their threatened establishment status

    Changing World Religion Map: Status, Literature and Challenges

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    Annuaire 2001-2002

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    Annuaire 2003-2004

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    Annuaire 2002-2003

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