11 research outputs found


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    Watershed Area is a land area that receives rain water to then flow it back through one main river to downstream. Watershed section upstream is often the focus of watershed management planning because in addition to its, as acatchment, there are alsonbiophsical links to downstream areas. This study aims to determine the level of erosion and sedimentation in  Air Betung sub-watershed. Erosion and sedimentation analysis used the formula USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) which was influenced by faktors such as, rain erosion index (R), soil erodibility index (K), slope length and slop (LS), management factor values safe and assement of land coversation factors (CP). Based on the result of the analysis with using the USLE method and approached with ILWIS 3.3 showed that value erosion  was  54,565.73 tons/ha/year. From the results of measurements in the large sediment field hovering that occured in Betung sub-watershed was 1.26 grams in 2L water with debit 5.25m3/se


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    Dusun Sukajadi Kota Pagar Alam, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan berada pada jalur lintas provinsi sehingga aktivitas mobilisasi yang tinggi pada jalur ini lebih berisiko dalam penyebaran covid-19. Sumber air di Dusun Sukajadi adalah air tanah dengan kondisi yang sering berwarna atau keruh. Kondisi air yang keruh tidak memenuhi syarat kesehatan. Salah satu teknologi tepat guna yang dapat meningkatkan mutu kesehatan dan pencegahan covid-19 pada masyarakat Dusun Sukajadi yang lingkungan alaminya kurang tersedia air bersih adalah dengan pembuatan konstruksi penjernih air sederhana. Tujuan dari Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mitra tentang penjernih air dan meningkatkan keterampilan membuat konstruksi penjernih air. Manfaat dari kegiatan ini adalah bagi masyarakat Dusun Sukajadi dapat memahami tentang konstruksi penjernih air dan meningkatnya keterampilan masyarakat dalam membuat penjernih air. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan tentang bahaya covid-19 dan cara pencegahannya kemudian penyuluhan tentang penjernih air dan melakukan pelatihan membuat  penjernih air dengan ceramah, tanya-jawab, diskusi dan praktik. Hasil yang dicapai dalam kegiatan PkM ini adalah minat dan motivasi mitra cukup tinggi dalam berkontribusi dalam kegiatan berupa pelatihan yang diberikan oleh tim pelaksana dan peserta memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang penjernih air. Hasil yang dicapai dalam kegiatan ini juga meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta tentang bahaya Covid-19 dan upaya-upaya dalam pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19

    Optimasi Sumber Daya Air Di Sub DAS Air Betung, Kota Pagar Alam Sumatera Selatan

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    Saat ini, keseimbangan air di Sub DAS Air Betung mengalami penurunan kualitas dan kuantitas sebagai akibat dari perkembangan wilayah perkotaan dan peningkatan kegiatan ekonomi. Dari kondisi tersebut, sangat penting untuk dialokasikan secara efisien agar konflik kepentingan terhadap air dapat dihindari. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengoptimalkan SDA untuk memenuhi kebutuhan udara rumah tangga, industri, dan irigasi. Metode analisis menggunakan aplikasi program linier. Hasil SDA tahun 2019 dan 2028 diperoleh nilai maksimal Rp 19.721.880 dan Rp 22.621.050. Alokasi air untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air rumah tangga dan industri dipasok dari air permukaan.Selanjutnya, alokasi air untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan air irigasi disediakan dari air permukaan dengan debit mata air lainnya


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    The fulfillment of The clean Water needs residents of Perumnas Griya Sejahtera, Pagaralam City managed by the UPTD Publis Water Utilities (PAMS). The water supply from the source of water derived from the intake Gunung Dempo, Antan Delapan. Perumnas Griya Sejahtera was became a customer of UPTD Publis Water Utilities (PAMS) since 2018. To that year, It  was registered 95 domestic connections. In the following years there was an enhancemet, in 2019 was 167 connections and in 2020 was 254 connections. But for non domestic connection there was only 1 connection. The research aimed to determine the capacity of streamed water supply to Perumnas Griya Sejahtera Pagaralam City now and to know the sufficient of clean water needs for the next 10 years (2030). The study used arithmetic methods, geometry and last-square. Based on the results of the analysis was known that the water discharge UPTD Publis Water Utilities (PAMS) for Perumnas Griya Sejahtera was 1,974 liters/sec or 5.287.161,6 liters/month. Total Clean water needs of Perumnas Griya Sejahtera customers in 2030 was 6,469 liters/sec or 17.322.589,2 liter/month. So that it could be deduced water discharge UPTD Publis Water Utilities (PAMS) for Perumnas Griya Sejahtera was not enough for the customers Perumnas Griya Sejahtera until the year 2030


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    Natural disasters are one of the phenomena that can occur at any time, anywhere and at any time, causing risks to human life, both property losses and human lives. Based on the data, the purpose of the study is the mapping of the evacuation route of Mount Merapi Dempo using the GIS Application. The method used Network analysis (Network Analysis) with the Model Find the best facilities This form of network analysis combines the network and physical facilities Routes This form complements the convenience of connecting networks by providing solutions to determine the best routes that must be passed. And Find the nearest facility of this network analysis between the network and other facilities to get services that are faster or easier to reach. The results of the evacuation route by class, Find the nearest Facilities and Find the Best Route as for the route that goes to the class Find the closeset Facilities Are Kampung 4, Janang, Talang beduk, Bedeng Krese,  Ptpn 7, Rimau, Tangsi II, enter the class route Find the Best Route


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    The infiltration well will have the effect of reducing surface runoff. The rainwater that initially falls on the tile surface does not immediately flow to the drainage or yard of the house, but flows through zinc and continues to be collected into the infiltration well. The impact that can be felt is that rainwater does not spread into the yard or ditch, thereby reducing the occurrence of surface runoff. The purpose of this study way to calculate runoff discharge in the Swakarya area and plan the need for infiltration wells in the Swakarya area. Frequency method used the normal distribution method of gumbell distribution and log normal distribution. From the compatibility test using the Smirnov-Kolmogorov test, the results obtained were used the Gumbell method, while the value obtained war 131.10 mm with a period of 10 years. From the analysis, it rould be concluded that the planned flood discharge with a period of 10 years in the self-workshop area was 0,0001m3 / sec. The need for infiltration well for the self-contained area of ​​each housing unit requires an infiltration well with a diameter of 1 m and a depth of 0,625 m. Each infiltration well could accommodate a capacity of 0,639 m

    Water and Land Productivity of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) at Floating Pot on Wetland

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    The objective of this study was to determine the values of water productivity and land productivity at the floating pot on wetland and to find out whether the floating pots were optimal or not for agriculture in wetlands. The planting media used were mineral soil, and peat soil consisting of 0%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 100% each of which had hydraulic conductivity values respectively except the 100% was 36.07 cm/hour, 38.33 cm/hour, 51.23 cm/hour and 69.60 cm/hour. The water delivery used was legacy cloth which had hydraulic conductivity value was 158.4 cm/hour. The floating pots were applied to the experiment tank in the greenhouse. The decrease in water level in the experimental pool was total evapotranspiration for all plants in five types of planting media. Water level reduction during the 41-days planting period was 40.56 mm with a total water volume was 0.081 m3. The productivity values of land and water in the 0%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 100% peat planting media, respectively were 1.29, 1.25, 1.06, 0.8 dan 0 kg/m2 dan 1.63, 1.63, 1.38, 1.04 dan 0 kg/m3.The objective of this study was to determine the values of water productivity and land productivity at the floating pot on wetland and to find out whether the floating pots were optimal or not for agriculture in wetlands. The planting media used were mineral soil, and peat soil consisting of 0%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 100% each of which had hydraulic conductivity values respectively except the 100% was 36.07 cm/hour, 38.33 cm/hour, 51.23 cm/hour and 69.60 cm/hour. The water delivery used was legacy cloth which had hydraulic conductivity value was 158.4 cm/hour. The floating pots were applied to the experiment tank in the greenhouse. The decrease in water level in the experimental pool was total evapotranspiration for all plants in five types of planting media. Water level reduction during the 41-days planting period was 40.56 mm with a total water volume was 0.081 m3. The productivity values of land and water in the 0%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 100% peat planting media, respectively were 1.29, 1.25, 1.06, 0.8 dan 0 kg/m2 dan 1.63, 1.63, 1.38, 1.04 dan 0 kg/m3


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    Desa Penantian Kecamatan Jarai Kabupaten Lahat Provinsi Sumatera Selatan merupakan salah satu Desa yang memiliki potensi air yang banyak namun kualitas air yang kurang layak untuk dikonsumsi sehingga memberikan dampak yang kurang baik terhadap Kesehatan  masyarakat sekitar. Salah satu teknologi yang efisien untuk meninghkatkan mutu kehidupan masyarakat desa penantian adalah pembuatan struktur bangunan penjernihan air bersih secara sederhana. Tujuan kegiatan Pengabduan kepada Masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat dalam peningkatan mutu Kesehatan dan cara pembuatan struktur bangunan penjernihan air. Manfaat dari kegiatan ini adalah bagi masyarakat Desa Penantian dapat memahami tentang struktur bangunan penjernihan air dan meningkatnya pengetahuan masyarakat dalam mengetahui komposisi penjernihan air serta memanfaatkan sumber daya yang ada di sekitar Desa Penantian Kecamatan Jarai Kabupaten Lahat. Metode yang dipakai adalah memberikan sosialiasi dan pelatihan serta praktik secara langsung dengan masyarakat Desa Penantian dan tanya jawan maupun berdiskusi. Hasil yang dicapai dalam kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai peningkatan mutu kualitas Kesehatan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

    Pelatihan Digital Sosial Media Pada Desa Pulau Panggung Kabupaten Lahat Dengan Model Empat Level

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    Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan berkaitan dengan digitlasisasi media sosial sebagai sarana publik untuk berkomunikasi. Permasalahan yang terjadi yaitu belum diptimalkan media sosial sebagai sarana penunjang produktifitas. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini yaitu metode empat level KirkPatric yang terdiri dari rekasi, pembelajaran, prilaku dan hasil, yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat keberhasilan dalam pelatihan. Hasil yang didapatkand dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa Tingkat Reaksi (3,6), Belajar (3,8), Perilaku (4,24) dan Tingkat Hasil (3,2), semua mereka hampir dapat diterima dan perlu perhatian serius terhadap efektivitas Pelatihan di desa Pulau Panggung. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan yang disajikan, telah terpengaruh, tetapi efek ini tidak terlalu dramatis dalam empat tingkat Model Kirkpatrick


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    Drainage is a very important infrastructure for an area. Increasing population causes changes in land use resulting in reduced land infiltration and increased runoff. As happened in the drainage channel of Jalan Mayjen Harun Sohar in the rainy season. Drainage often overflowed and flooded people's homes. The purpose of this study is to analyze the capacity of drainage channels on Jalan Mayjen Harun Sohar Kota Pagar Alam. Calculation of Rainfall Intensity using the Mononobe equation. calculation of flood discharge plan based on the Rational method. Distribution of rainfall that is suitable in this study area is to use the gumbell method after being tested with the distribution match using the Chi-squared and Smirnov-Kolmogrov method with a planned rainfall Tr50 = 175.72 mm / hour, so the amount of existing Q = 3,563 m3 / sec and the magnitude of the planned flood discharge Q50 = 2,261 m3 / sec. It was concluded that the capacity of the drainage channel on Jalan Mayje  Harun Sohar street was still able to accommodate the planned flood discharge but to avoid detention a dredging of 0.50 m was carried ou