7 research outputs found


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    En el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje el componente, método, es fundamental para que los alumnos puedan apropiarse de los saberes y de ellos, los activos, propician una participación protagónica de los estudiantes. El objetivo de esta investigación es caracterizar las actividades de la plataforma interactiva en la asignatura Herramientas informáticas para, desde los métodos activos de enseñanza, garantizar un crecimiento en los estudiantes. La metodología utilizada fue la cuantitativa y los métodos teóricos fueron el inductivo deductivo y analítico sintético. Desde la práctica predominaron los métodos estadísticos matemáticos, tanto descriptivos como inferenciales. Los resultados fundamentales estuvieron en la wiki los puntajes fueron altos, debido al trabajo cooperativo que realizaron los alumnos en esta actividad, los foros tuvieron puntuaciones homogéneas y la valoración de los docentes es que el trabajo colaborativo logrado en el componente autónomo provoca un crecimiento, consiente y duradero de los saberes en los alumnos, el taller, la calidad de la nota es más baja que en las dos actividades anteriores y a criterio de los docentes esta actividad colaborativa y cooperativa está considerada con alta dificultad por la cantidad de veces que los alumnos tiene que reunirse para la toma de decisiones y críticas a sus colegas. En sentido general se puede concluir que se ha caracterizado las actividades de la plataforma interactiva en la asignatura Herramientas informáticas la cual, a través de los métodos activos de enseñanza, utilizados denotaron un crecimiento en los estudiantes

    Educational inclusion in distance education through management platforms

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    The mode of distance education through management platforms, being a pedagogical environment with its particularities, requires the incorporation of the theoretical assumptions of developing learning. The objective of the present work is to analyze educational inclusion in the context of distance education, with emphasis on the use of certain mediators as a pedagogical way of solving this problem. On the theoretical bases of the developing learning and the mediators´ epistemological conceptions in the process of teaching learning, schemes are developed on mediators´ didactics, fundamental elements to guarantee an inclusive education in the modality of distance education

    Educational inclusion in distance education through management platforms

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    The mode of distance education through management platforms, being a pedagogical environment with its particularities, requires the incorporation of the theoretical assumptions of developing learning. The objective of the present work is to analyze educational inclusion in the context of distance education, with emphasis on the use of certain mediators as a pedagogical way of solving this problem. On the theoretical bases of the developing learning and the mediators´ epistemological conceptions in the process of teaching learning, schemes are developed on mediators´ didactics, fundamental elements to guarantee an inclusive education in the modality of distance education

    Hybrid learning spaces. Towards an education of the future at the Guayaquil University

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    The pedagogical hybrid learning model is increasingly used in higher education, due to the fact that it promotes significant changes in learning. The objective of this article is to facilitate a theoretical proposal on the inverted class methodology, for its implementation in the teaching process of the Dentistry Experimental Faculty of the Guayaquil University. This concept implies opening effective opportunities for dialogue and collaborative content construction, as well as the promotion of digital culture in terms of collaboration and cooperation between managers and teachers to act differently in the classroom

    Problem based learning in dentistry ducation

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    Learning is a topic of constant discussion in the pedagogical sciences field. Within this, the student protagonism is a complex subject, which has as an alternative problem based learning. The aim of this article is to review the research supporting the effectiveness of problem based learning as a teaching method in dental education. This concept was introduced in the 1960s in Canada in response to the problems and limitations of traditional approaches to teaching. The theoretical aspects of problem based approach to learning, as well as its different trends, extrapolated to dentistry education, are presented and discussed. Problem based learning can improve dentistry students’ critical thinking by teaching them to analyze and solve real problems which prepare them for their future professional life


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    La educación del siglo XXI trata de formar mejores seres humanos para poder vivir con dignidad y esfuerzo personal en función del desarrollo local en un ambiente saludable. El objetivo del presente trabajo es diseñar una estrategia pedagógica, para la inclusión social, medio ambiente y el desarrollo local sostenible como eje transversal desde la gerencia educativa. El estudio se desarrolló en dos colegios del Cantón de Machala, Provincia de El Oro, Ecuador. A partir de los métodos el inductivo deductivo, la observación y la entrevista a profundidad, se practicó un diagnóstico con el cual se diseñó una estrategia pedagógica que posibilitará un desarrollo de los alumnos con necesidades especiales con una cosmovisión holística del medio ambiente y del desarrollo local sostenible

    Problem based learning in dentistry ducation

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    Learning is a topic of constant discussion in the pedagogical sciences field. Within this, the student protagonism is a complex subject, which has as an alternative problem based learning. The aim of this article is to review the research supporting the effectiveness of problem based learning as a teaching method in dental education. This concept was introduced in the 1960s in Canada in response to the problems and limitations of traditional approaches to teaching. The theoretical aspects of problem based approach to learning, as well as its different trends, extrapolated to dentistry education, are presented and discussed. Problem based learning can improve dentistry students’ critical thinking by teaching them to analyze and solve real problems which prepare them for their future professional life