4 research outputs found

    Placa bacteriană. Formare și dezvoltare. Rolul plăcii bacteriene în evoluţia gingivitei catarale cronice

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    Rezumat. Ginvita catarală este recunoscută la ora actuală, ca fiind o infecţie bacteriană și una dintre cele mai frecvente afecţiuni cronice umane, placa bacteriană constituind un sistem ecologic microbian riguros, cu o activitate metabolică intensă, bine adaptat mediului său. Factorii ce favorizează formarea plăcii bacteriene sunt: igiena compromisă, incongruenţa dento-alveolară, pH-ul scăzut, alimentele lipicioase și bogate în glucide, fumatul, antibioticoterapia neraţională, etc. Placa bacteriană acţionează asupra gingiei prin mecanisme directe (exotoxine, endotoxine, eliberarea de enzime cu rol de agresiune asupra componentelor adiacente, metaboliţi toxici) și indirecte (răspunsul imunologic al gazdei), declanșînd inflamaţia sub formă de: hiperemie, edem, sîngerarea gingiei, etc. În frotiurile pacienţilor sănătoși cu nivelul de igienă bun — aproape lipsesc microorganismele, iar cu nivelul de igienă satisfăcător apar coci și în cantităţi mici bacili, elementele celulare fiind absente. În frotiurile pacienţilor afectaţi de gingivită am depistat flora polimorfă (coci, bacili), cantităţi diverse de leptotrihii, spirilari și protozoare însoţite de elemente ale inflamaţiei (leucocite, monocite…). Cunoașterea factorului etiologic al gingivitelor catarale este o sarcină deosebit de importantă, întrucît permite aplicarea terapiei etiologice cu menţinerea etapelor de profilaxie.Summary. Catharal Gingivitesis weel known recently, as being a bacterial infection and one of the most frequent human chronic affections, bacterial plaque constituing an ecological, rigorous, microbial system, with an intense metabolic activity, well adapted to its environment. The factors favouring the formation of bacterial plaque are: compromised hygiene, dental-alveolate incongruity, reduced pH, sticky food and rich in glucides, smoking, irrational antibiotictherapy, etc. Bacterial plaque influences upon gingivitis directly through mechanisms (exotoxins, endotoxins, enzymes elimination having an aggressive role upon adjacent components, toxic metabolites) and indirectly (immunologic reply of the hostess), starting an inflammation as a form of: hyperemia, oedema, gum bleeding, etc. In smeals of the healthy patients with a good hygienic level — the microorganisms nearly are absent, and when the hygienic level is satisfactory then began to appear cocii and in small quantities bacilus, cellular elements being absent. In smeals of patients affected with gingivitis we traced out polymorphous florae (cocci, bacillus), different quantities of leptotrichia,spirillum and protozoa acompanied elements of swell inflammation (leucocytes, monocite etc.). Knowing the etiological factor of catharal gingivitis is extremely important task because allowes the application of etiological therapy maintaining the levels of prophylaxis

    Talking on the Phone While Driving: A Literature Review on Driving Simulator Studies

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    Distracted driving is a growing concern around the world and has been the focus of many naturalistic and simulator-based studies. Driving simulators provide excellent practical and theoretical help in studying the driving process, and considerable efforts have been made to prove their validity. This research aimed to review relevant simulator-based studies focused on investigating the effects of the talking-on-the-phone-while-driving distraction on drivers’ behavior. This work is a scoping review which followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines. The search was performed on five databases, covering twenty years of research results. It was focused on finding answers to three research questions that could offer an overview of the main sources of distraction, the research infrastructure, and the measures that were used to analyze and predict the effects of distractions. A number of 4332 studies were identified in the database search, from which 83 were included in the review. The main findings revealed that TPWD distraction negatively affects driving performance, exposing drivers to dangerous traffic situations. Moreover, there is a general understanding that the driver’s cognitive, manual, visual, and auditory resources are all involved, to a certain degree, when executing a secondary task while driving

    Predicting the Feasibility of Curative Resection in Low Rectal Cancer: Insights from a Prospective Observational Study on Preoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Accuracy

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    Background and Objectives: A positive pathological circumferential resection margin is a key prognostic factor in rectal cancer surgery. The point of this prospective study was to see how well different MRI parameters could predict a positive pathological circumferential resection margin (pCRM) in people who had been diagnosed with rectal adenocarcinoma, either on their own or when used together. Materials and Methods: Between November 2019 and February 2023, a total of 112 patients were enrolled in this prospective study and followed up for a 36-month period. MRI predictors such as circumferential resection margin (mCRM), presence of extramural venous invasion (mrEMVI), tumor location, and the distance between the tumor and anal verge, taken individually or combined, were evaluated with univariate and sensitivity analyses. Survival estimates in relation to a pCRM status were also determined using Kaplan–Meier analysis. Results: When individually evaluated, the best MRI predictor for the detection of a pCRM in the postsurgical histopathological examination is mrEMVI, which achieved a sensitivity (Se) of 77.78%, a specificity (Sp) of 87.38%, a negative predictive value (NPV) of 97.83%, and an accuracy of 86.61%. Also, the best predictive performance was achieved by a model that comprised all MRI predictors (mCRM+ mrEMVI+ anterior location+ p Conclusions: The use of selective individual imaging predictors or combined models could be useful for the prediction of positive pCRM and risk stratification for local recurrence or distant metastasis

    The Landscape of Nanovectors for Modulation in Cancer Immunotherapy

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    Immunotherapy represents a promising strategy for the treatment of cancer, which functions via the reprogramming and activation of antitumor immunity. However, adverse events resulting from immunotherapy that are related to the low specificity of tumor cell-targeting represent a limitation of immunotherapy’s efficacy. The potential of nanotechnologies is represented by the possibilities of immunotherapeutical agents being carried by nanoparticles with various material types, shapes, sizes, coated ligands, associated loading methods, hydrophilicities, elasticities, and biocompatibilities. In this review, the principal types of nanovectors (nanopharmaceutics and bioinspired nanoparticles) are summarized along with the shortcomings in nanoparticle delivery and the main factors that modulate efficacy (the EPR effect, protein coronas, and microbiota). The mechanisms by which nanovectors can target cancer cells, the tumor immune microenvironment (TIME), and the peripheral immune system are also presented. A possible mathematical model for the cellular communication mechanisms related to exosomes as nanocarriers is proposed