7 research outputs found

    European Young Surveyors - zajedno za izazove sutraŔnjice

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    Slavonijo, tko te nije volio...

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    Ovim radom predstavlja se novi pristup koji je na velika vrata uÅ”ao u AEC (Architectural, Engineering and Construction) sektor. Building information modeling (BIM), kao način upravljanja cijelim procesom životnog ciklusa građevine od razvoja preko građenja do uporabe, renovacije ili prenamjene, omogućio je novi pogled na oblikovanje ažurnije 3D projektne dokumentacije. BIM postaje ne samo želja pojedinih investitora i izazov pojedinim dizajnerima već standard koji će u narednih nekoliko godina biti temelj prostornog planiranja u okviru održivog razvoja. Mnogi stručnjaci AEC industrije tvrde da se događa prijelaz sličan onome prije 30-ak godina kada se prelazilo s papira u CAD (Computer-aided Design) samo Å”to se sad prelazi na inteligentne BIM modele. Postavlja se pitanje koja je uloga geodeta i geoinformatičara u ovoj evoluciji tržiÅ”ta, odnosno promjeni paradigme upravljanja prostornim podacima te ima li za nas mjesta u ovom novom pogledu na prostornu infrastrukturu. Naravno da ima, ali o nama samima ovisi koliko ćemo se prilagoditi toj promjeni i iskoristiti naÅ”a prostorna znanja i vjeÅ”tine. Naime, nove tehnologije, među kojima i lasersko skeniranje, dobivaju sve veći značaj u ovom segmentu, a upravo time i naÅ”a struka sve važniju ulogu i vrijednost. Čovjekova svijest o zaÅ”titi ekosustava i kulturne baÅ”tine sve viÅ”e potiče koriÅ”tenje postojećih objekata, tj. njihovu prenamjenu. Jasno da je za oblikovanje modela buduće željene uporabe prije svega potrebno napraviti modele postojećeg stanja te imati ključne, primjereno kvalitetne i cjelovite prostorne podatke koje je potrebno prikupiti Å”to točnije, efikasnije i jeftinije. Kao dio ovog rada prikazana je i uporaba dobivenog BIM modela postojećeg stanja obiteljske kuće za analizu energetske učinkovitosti.This paper presents a new approach which has the largest entry in the AEC (Architectural, Engineering and Construction) sector. Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a way of managing the entire life cycle process of a building, from development through construction to use, renovation or reuse with a completely new view on creation of 3D documentation. BIM is not only the desire of individual investors and a challenge for individual designers, but a standard which in the next few years will be the basis for spatial planning in the framework of sustainable development. Many specialists claim that in AEC industry the transition similar to the one from 30 years ago, when a transfer from paper to CAD occurred is happening again, but now from CAD to BIM intelligent models. The question is: what is the role of surveyors and geoinformation experts in this evolution of the market and the change of paradigm for spatial data management, and, also, whether there is a place for surveyors in this new spatial infrastructure paradigm shift. Of course there is, but it is up to us to adapt to this change and take advantage of our spatial skills and knowledge. Specifically, new technologies, including laser scanning, are gaining an increasing importance in this segment, and with it, consequently, our professions role and value is also rising. Human consciousness about protecting ecosystems and cultural heritage is increasingly encouraging the use of existing facilities, i.e. their reuse, but with the preservation of their cultural and historical features. It is clear that for creation of models for future use, models of current conditions need to be made, prerequisite of which is collection of essential and comprehensive spatial data of appropriate quality as accurately, efficiently and less costly as possible. As part of this paper an example of as built BIM model for energy efficiency analysis was made

    Geodetic works in research and development plan in remediation of landslide Kostanjek

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    Modern surveyors play an important role in the field of disaster and risk management. Nowadays in most cases results of their measurements take part in a multidisciplinary study. Projects main idea was realized during 2011 and 2012 within the frame of scientific Japanese-Croatian project and will be continued. According to the previous studies landslide Kostanjek is the largest active landslide in Croatia and since its activation in 1963, it has caused substantial damage to local infrastructure. Different surveying methods were implemented in several phases. In each phase, survey method and required accuracies, were adjusted to the needs of further research. It is significant that the results obtained using different surveying methods has showed important role of geodesy in managing high-risk areas such as landslides

    Integracija mjernih sustava, napredno kodiranje i atributiranje uz sinkronizaciju terena i ureda

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    Integracija GNSS-a i mjerne stanice, primjena kodiranja i atributiranja te sinkronizacija terena i ureda predstavljaju inovacije u geodetskoj praksi. Napredovanje tehnologije neminovno utječe na tehnike izvođenja geodetskih radova. U svrhu praktične primjene istih, obavljena je terenska radionica izmjere dijela Studentskog doma dr. Ante Starčevića. Predstavljene su pojedine mogućnosti kojima se povećava produktivnost, skraćuje vrijeme izvođenja terenskih radova, pojednostavljuje obrada podataka itd., a uz očuvanje kvalitete podataka. Iako nove tehnologije nude mnoga poboljÅ”anja, od svih sudionika se, kao i uvijek, zahtijeva stručan i odgovoran pristup


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    Ovim radom predstavlja se novi pristup koji je na velika vrata uÅ”ao u AEC (Architectural, Engineering and Construction) sektor. Building information modeling (BIM), kao način upravljanja cijelim procesom životnog ciklusa građevine od razvoja preko građenja do uporabe, renovacije ili prenamjene, omogućio je novi pogled na oblikovanje ažurnije 3D projektne dokumentacije. BIM postaje ne samo želja pojedinih investitora i izazov pojedinim dizajnerima već standard koji će u narednih nekoliko godina biti temelj prostornog planiranja u okviru održivog razvoja. Mnogi stručnjaci AEC industrije tvrde da se događa prijelaz sličan onome prije 30-ak godina kada se prelazilo s papira u CAD (Computer-aided Design) samo Å”to se sad prelazi na inteligentne BIM modele. Postavlja se pitanje koja je uloga geodeta i geoinformatičara u ovoj evoluciji tržiÅ”ta, odnosno promjeni paradigme upravljanja prostornim podacima te ima li za nas mjesta u ovom novom pogledu na prostornu infrastrukturu. Naravno da ima, ali o nama samima ovisi koliko ćemo se prilagoditi toj promjeni i iskoristiti naÅ”a prostorna znanja i vjeÅ”tine. Naime, nove tehnologije, među kojima i lasersko skeniranje, dobivaju sve veći značaj u ovom segmentu, a upravo time i naÅ”a struka sve važniju ulogu i vrijednost. Čovjekova svijest o zaÅ”titi ekosustava i kulturne baÅ”tine sve viÅ”e potiče koriÅ”tenje postojećih objekata, tj. njihovu prenamjenu. Jasno da je za oblikovanje modela buduće željene uporabe prije svega potrebno napraviti modele postojećeg stanja te imati ključne, primjereno kvalitetne i cjelovite prostorne podatke koje je potrebno prikupiti Å”to točnije, efikasnije i jeftinije. Kao dio ovog rada prikazana je i uporaba dobivenog BIM modela postojećeg stanja obiteljske kuće za analizu energetske učinkovitosti.This paper presents a new approach which has the largest entry in the AEC (Architectural, Engineering and Construction) sector. Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a way of managing the entire life cycle process of a building, from development through construction to use, renovation or reuse with a completely new view on creation of 3D documentation. BIM is not only the desire of individual investors and a challenge for individual designers, but a standard which in the next few years will be the basis for spatial planning in the framework of sustainable development. Many specialists claim that in AEC industry the transition similar to the one from 30 years ago, when a transfer from paper to CAD occurred is happening again, but now from CAD to BIM intelligent models. The question is: what is the role of surveyors and geoinformation experts in this evolution of the market and the change of paradigm for spatial data management, and, also, whether there is a place for surveyors in this new spatial infrastructure paradigm shift. Of course there is, but it is up to us to adapt to this change and take advantage of our spatial skills and knowledge. Specifically, new technologies, including laser scanning, are gaining an increasing importance in this segment, and with it, consequently, our professions role and value is also rising. Human consciousness about protecting ecosystems and cultural heritage is increasingly encouraging the use of existing facilities, i.e. their reuse, but with the preservation of their cultural and historical features. It is clear that for creation of models for future use, models of current conditions need to be made, prerequisite of which is collection of essential and comprehensive spatial data of appropriate quality as accurately, efficiently and less costly as possible. As part of this paper an example of as built BIM model for energy efficiency analysis was made