18 research outputs found

    Jumlah Bakteri Staphylococcus Aureus Dan Skor California Mastitis Test (CMT) Pada Susu Kambing Peranakan Etawa Akibat Dipping Ekstrak Daun Babadotan (Ageratum Conyzoides L.)

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    The aim of this research is to determine the effect of teat dipping of Ettawa crossbred goat using babadotan leaves (Ageratum conyzoides Linn.) extract on the number of Staphylococcus aureusin milk. The udder inflammation degree also was determined using California Mastitis Test (CMT). The treatments were post milking teat dipping using antiseptic solutions containing 1%, 3%, and 5% of babadotan leaves extract (T1, T2 and T3, respectively). Milk samples were collected at before treatment (H0) and on the day 3, 6 and 9 day of the treatments (H3, H6 and H9, respectively). Commercially antiseptic povidone iodine was used as positive control (K+). Experimental research design was completely randomized design (CRD) split plot types, with the different extract concentration as the main plot and the day of treatment as subplot. CMT scores was analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test. The results showed that babadotan leaves extract 5% had the same effectiveness (p>0,05) with povidone iodine to reduce the number of Staphylococcus aureusin milk. All extract concentrations (1%, 3% and 5%) had the same effectiveness (H>c0,05(3)) to decrease the CMT scores by postmilking teat dip treatments for 9 days

    Hubungan Antara Konsumsi Serat Kasar Terhadap Produksi Dan Lemak Susu Sapi Perah Di Peternakan Rakyat Kabupaten Klaten (the Relation Between Crude Fiber Intake with Total Milk Production and Milk Fat in Smallholder Dairy Farms in Klaten)

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    The research was done to evaluate the correlation between crude fiber intake with total milk production and milk fat by using a total of 30 dairy cattle. The concentrations of milk fat were analyzed using Gerber method, while crude fiber in the diets were analyzed using proximate analysis. The data analyzed by corellation method to find relationship value of independent variabel and dependent variabel, the non linier quadratic regression was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the average crude fiber intake was 5.99 kg/d which give total milk production of 10.95 kg/d, with milk fat content of 0.33kg/d. Correlation coefficient between crude fiber intake and total milk production was low (r=0.275), as well as the determinant coefficient(R2=0.076)with these equation y = - 0.208x2 + 3.026x + 0.828. Correlation coeficient (r) between crude fiber intake and milk fat content were very low (r=0.190), and the determinant coefficient (R2=0.036) with these equation y = - 0.005x2 + 0.070x + 0.086. In conclusion, the correlation between crude fiber intake, milk production and milk fat were followed the quadratic regression. It was suggested that increasing crude fiber intake did not increase milk production and milk fat

    Hubungan Antara Konsumsi Protein Dengan Produksi, Protein Dan Laktosa Susu Kambing Peranakan Ettawa

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    The study aimed to determine a correlation between crude protein intake, milk production, milk protein and milk lactose. This study used purposive sampling method. The sample used in this study were 35 Etawa crossbred goats with months of lactation 4-5 and lactation periods 2-3. Parameters observed were crude protein intake, milk production, milk protein and milk lactose. Data were analyzed using correlation analysis and simple linear regression. The result showed that crude protein intake, total milk production concentrations of milk protein and lactose were 0.77 kg/day; 0.30 kg/day; 0.196% and 3.32% respectively. There was a medium positive linear correlation between the crude protein intake with total milk production, protein and lactose content of milk. The correlation coefficient (r) were 0.258; 0.254 and 0,255 respectively. It could be concluded that the higher crude protein intake would increase the amount of milk production, protein and lactose contents

    Efektifitas Daun Kersen (Muntinga Calabura L.) Dalam Menurunkan Jumlah Bakteri Dalam Susu Dan Peradangan Pada Ambing Sapi Perah

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    Indonesia has a huge potency of medical plants. However the utilization for livestock health and production are limited. A research was conducted to determine the efficacy of Muntinga calabura L. leaves to reduce bacterial population in milk using postmilking teat dip method with Muntinga calabura leaves solution in the concentration of 20%, 30% and 40%. The degree of mammary inflammation was observed using California Mastitis Test (CMT). The result showed that the bacterial population in milk were reduced by 79.36%, 71.12% and 73.84% with Muntinga calabura solution (in the concentration of 20%, 30% and 40%, respectively). The bacterial counts among the treatment groups were similar (P>0.05). Compared with synthetic antiseptic povidone iodine, the reduction of bacterial population in milk did not differ (P>0.05) with the Muntinga calabura groups. Postmilking teat dip using povidone iodine reduced bacterial population in milk by 79.36%. Moreover, the CMT reading were decrease by 39.96%, 34.76% and 31.15% in the Muntinga calabura groups (solution concentration of 20%, 30% and 40% respectively). The CMT results of Muntinga calabura groups were comparable (P>0.05) with iodine group (35.16%). In conclusion, our results indicated that Muntinga calabura leaf can be use as an alternative teat dip antiseptic to reduce bacterial population in milk and it can be use for sub clinical mastitis treatment

    Hubungan Antara Konsumsi Protein Pakan Dengan Produksi, Kandungan Protein Dan Laktosa Susu Sapi Perah Di Kota Salatiga (Relationship Between Crude Protein Intake, Milk Production, Milk Protein and Lactose of Dairy Cows at Salatiga District)

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    This research was conducted to examine the relationship between crude protein (CP) intake and milk production, milk protein and lactose on dairy cows in Salatiga District. A total of 30 dairy cows in the lactation month of 2-3 and lactation period of 2-3 were used. The result showed that dry matter (DM) intake, CP content and CP intake were 13.29 kg/d, 11.33% and 1.01 kg/d, respectively. Milk production was 9.96 L/d or equal to 10.28 kg/d with the contents of protein and lactose in milk were 2.70% (0.28kg/d) and 4.10% (0.4 kg/d), respectively. The correlation between CP intake and milk production were fitted to the quadratic linear regression relationship (r= 0.385). Similarly, the correlation between CP intake and milk protein content also follow the quadratic linear regression (r= 0.349). Moreover, the relationship between milk lactose with CP intake and milk lactose with total milk production were fitted to the linear models (r= 0.17, r= 0.46). It could be concluded that CP intake have quadratic relationship with milk production and milk protein. Milk lactose have a linearly relationship with CP intake and total milk production

    Pengaruh Berbagai Kandungan Urea Dalam Pakan Terhadap Fungsi Hati Kambing Peranakan Etawa Laktasi (the Effects of Urea Levels in Feed on the Liver Function of Etawa Crossbred)

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    This research was conducted to determine the effects of urea levels in feed on the liver function as indicated by the concentrations of serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) and serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT) in lactating Etawa crossbred. Goats fed diets in mixed ration which partially replaced with urea in the amount of 0%, 0.4%, 0.8% and 1.2% on DM basis for 28 days. The experimental design used in randomized complete block design. The blood samples were taken from jugular vein on day 28 to measure the concentrations of SGPT and SGOT. The results showed that the concentrations of SGPT and SGOT did not differ among the experimental diets (P>0.05). Thus, urea could be used in the diets of lactating dairy crossbred goats up to 1.2% DM, without any detrimental effects on the liver function

    Kajian Kualitas Susu Segar Dari Tingkat Peternak Sapi Perah, Tempat Pengumpulan Susu Dan Koperasi Unit Desa Jatinom Di Kabupaten Klaten (Quality of Raw Milk From Dairy Farm, Milk Collection Center and Dairy Cooperative Jatinom Kabupaten Klaten)

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    This research was conducted to determine the level of bacterial contamination in raw milk as analyzed by the reductation test, alcohol test, total acid and standard plate count. The raw milk samples were collected from dairy farm, milk collection centre (MCC) and dairy cooperative. Results indicated that the bacterial count in all of milk samples were higher than SNI 3141.1:2001 standard. The dairy cooperative milk sample had the highest (P<0.05) bacterial count among the samples and there is no different (P>0.05) in the bacterial count between the dairy farm and MCC . Although the bacterial counts were above the SNI standard, however, the average of reductation time were above 8 hours, indicating good quality of raw milk. The number of bacteria increase when the shipping time from farm to dairy cooperative increased. Although some of the samples were positive in the alcohol test, the acid concentrations in all samples were in the range of SNI standard. In conclution, farmers and government should pay attention to milking hygiene, handling and cold chain to prevent the bacterial contamination in raw milk

    Jumlah Staphylococcus Aureus Dan Kandungan Nutrien Susu Akibat Dipping Puting Menggunakan Ekstrak Daun Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn) Pada Sapi Perah Penderita Mastitis Subklinis

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    The aim of the experiment was to examine the influence of Averrhoa bilimbi leaves extract as an antiseptic for teat dipping in dairy cattle on the number of Staphylococcus aureus and milk nutrients. A total of 16 subclinical mastitic cows were used in a completely randomized Split in Time Design with 4 treatments and 4 replications. Teat dipping was conducted everyday after morning and evening milking for 9 days. The main plot was the different antiseptic: antiseptic solution containing 1%, 3% and 5% of Averrhoa bilimbi leaves extract (T1, T3 and T5 respectively) and povidone iodine (K+). The sub plot was the duration of teat dipping, in which the milk samples were taken at before treatment (H0) and 3 day, 6 day and 9 day of the treatment (H3, H6 and H9, respectively). The result showed no interaction between the different antiseptic and the duration of teat dipping. The number of Staphylococcus aureus in milk was reduced significantly (P<0.01) from H0 (5.26x103 CFU/ml) to H9 (0.09x103 CFU/ml). Moreover, the contents of protein, lactose and fat were increased significantly (P<0.01) with teat dipping treatment for 9 days. In conclusion, Averrhoa bilimbi leaves extract could be used as a natural teat dip antiseptic to prevent Staphylococcus aureus infection and to ensure a better milk quality