103 research outputs found

    Characterization of hydrothermal fluids that alter the upper oceanic crust to spilite and epidosite: Fluid inclusion evidence from the Semail (Oman) and Troodos (Cyprus) ophiolites

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    Pervasive alteration of basaltic oceanic crust by heated seawater at greenschist facies conditions produces two contrasting hydrothermal rocks. “Spilites”, consisting of chlorite + albite + quartz ± actinolite ± epidote, occur typically with regional extents. Locally spilites are metasomatically transformed to “epidosites” consisting of epidote + quartz + titanite + hematite or magnetite. Both alteration types have been proposed as markers of deep hydrothermal upflow in sub-seafloor convection cells, and as sources of the ore metals in basalt-hosted seafloor massive sulfide deposits. Little direct evidence is available for the chemical compositions of these fluids in their states deep in the upflow zones prior to their discharge at the seafloor. To better characterize them we have conducted a field, petrographic and fluid inclusion study of the lavas, sheeted dikes and plagiogranites in the Semail ophiolite, with supporting samples from the Troodos ophiolite. Our results show that both the spilite- and epidosite-forming fluids were single-phase aqueous liquids during the hydrothermal alteration. At some sites their salinity is 3.1–3.2 wt.% NaCleq, which we take to represent the chlorinity of Cenomanian seawater in the Semail realm. At other sites salinities are as low as 2.4 wt.% NaCleq or as high as 5.7 wt.% NaCleq, attributable to liquid–vapor separation and partial remixing deep in the crust along the dew curve of seawater, prior to ascent of the fluids to the sites of fluid inclusion trapping. Hypersaline brines, often accompanied by vapor, are restricted to plagiogranites in both the Semail and Troodos ophiolites and they represent magmatic–hydrothermal fluids that pre-date and are genetically unrelated to the spilite and epidosite alteration. The volcanostratigraphic locations of the samples constrain their maximum depths to 1470–3600 m below seafloor during alteration. The range of possible fluid trapping pressures for all samples is 31–68 MPa. Trapping temperatures vary between sites from 145 to 440 °C for spilite fluids and 255 to 435 °C for epidosite fluids. Quantitative analyses of 12 elements in individual fluid inclusions by LA-ICP-MS define the chemical characters of the two alteration fluids. The Br/Cl ratio in the spilite fluid is the same as in modern seawater and the other elements fit expectations from seawater–basalt experiments at elevated temperature. Accordingly, concentrations of Li, B, Na, Cl, K, Br and Sr in the spilite fluid match those in modern black-smoker vent fluids in basaltic crust. Exceptions are Ca and Fe, which are enriched in the spilite fluid. As these elements may precipitate below or at the seafloor prior to vent sampling, we conclude that the spilite fluids are plausible feeders of basalt-hosted black-smoker vents. The epidosite fluid has broadly similar elemental concentrations to the spilite fluid, but vastly lower Fe, reflecting the highly oxidized state of epidosites. This suggests that epidosite fluids are incapabable of forming basalt-hosted seafloor massive sulfide deposits

    Modification of fluid inclusions in quartz by deviatoric stress I: experimentally induced changes in inclusion shapes and microstructures

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    Fluid inclusions in quartz are known to modify their shapes and microstructures (textures) during weak plastic deformation. However, such changes have not been experimentally demonstrated and criteria are not available to relate them to paleostress conditions. To address these issues, quartz crystals containing natural CO2-H2O-NaCl fluid inclusions have been experimentally subjected to compressive deviatoric stresses of 90-250MPa at 700°C and~600MPa confining pressure. Strains of up to 1% cause the inclusions to develop irregular shapes and to generate microcracks in crystallographic planes oriented subperpendicular to the major compression axis, σ 1. The uniform alignment of the microcracks imparts a planar fabric to the samples. The microcracks heal and form swarms of tiny satellite inclusions. These new inclusions lose H2O by diffusion, thereby triggering plastic deformation of the surrounding quartz via H2O-weakening. Consequently, the quartz samples deform plastically only in domains originally rich in inclusions. This study shows that fluid inclusions deformed by deviatoric stresses may indeed record information on paleostress orientations and that they play a key role in facilitating crystal-plastic deformation of quart

    Modification of fluid inclusions in quartz by deviatoric stress. II: experimentally induced changes in inclusion volume and composition

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    Fluid inclusions in quartz are known to modify their densities during shear deformation. Modifications of chemical composition are also suspected. However, such changes have not been experimentally demonstrated, their mechanisms remain unexplained, and no criteria are available to assess whether deformed inclusions preserve information on paleofluid properties. To address these issues, quartz crystals containing natural CO2-H2O-NaCl fluid inclusions have been experimentally subjected to compressive deviatoric stresses of 90-250MPa at 700°C and ~600MPa confining pressure. The resulting microcracking of the inclusions leads to expansion by up to 20%, producing low fluid densities that bear no relation to physical conditions outside the sample. Nevertheless, the chemical composition of the precursor inclusions is preserved. With time the microcracks heal and form swarms of tiny satellite inclusions with a wide range of densities, the highest reflecting the value of the maximum principle stress, σ 1. These new inclusions lose H2O via diffusion, thereby passively increasing their salt and gas contents, and triggering plastic deformation of the surrounding quartz via H2O-weakening. Using microstructural criteria to identify the characteristic types of modified inclusions, both the pre-deformation fluid composition and syn-deformation maximum stress on the host mineral can be derived from microthermometric analysis and thermodynamic modellin

    Potential for deep geological sequestration of CO2 in Switzerland: a first appraisal

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    Possibilities to sequester anthropogenic CO2 in deep geological formations are being investigated worldwide, but the potential within Switzerland has not yet been evaluated. This study presents a first-order appraisal based solely on geological criteria collated from the literature. The Swiss Molasse Basin (SMB) and the adjacent Folded Jura are the only realms of the country where CO2 could conceivably be stored in saline aquifers. Evaluation of geological criteria at the basin-wide scale shows that the SMB-Jura has moderate potential (score of 0.6 on a scale from 0 to 1) when compared to basins elsewhere. At the intrabasinal scale, inspection of the stratigraphy reveals four regional candidate aquifers that are sealed by suitable caprocks: top Basement plus basal Mesozoic sandstones, all sealed by the Anhydrite Group; Upper Muschelkalk sealed by the Gipskeuper; Hauptrogenstein sealed by the Effinger Member, and Upper Malm plus Lower Cretaceous sealed by the Lower Freshwater Molasse. Nine geological criteria are defined to evaluate the storage potential of these and other smaller scale candidates. A numerical scoring and weighting scheme allows the criteria to be assessed simultaneously, permitting the storage potential to be depicted using the 0-1 scale in contoured maps. Approximately 5,000km2 of the central SMB exhibits potentials between 0.6 and 0.96. The Fribourg-Olten-Luzern area is the most favoured owing to the presence of several sealed aquifers within the preferred 800-2,500m depth interval, and to its low seismicity, low geothermal gradient, low fault density, and long groundwater residence times. Smaller areas with good potential lie between ZĂŒrich and St. Gallen. In contrast, western Switzerland, the Jura and the southern SMB have markedly poorer potential. Considering only the portions of the aquifers with potential above 0.6, the theoretical, effective storage capacity of the basin is estimated to be 2,680 million tonnes of CO

    Permeability and Groundwater Flow Dynamics in Deep‐Reaching Orogenic Faults Estimated From Regional‐Scale Hydraulic Simulations

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    Numerical modeling is used to understand the regional scale flow dynamics of the fault-hosted orogenic geothermal system at the Grimsel Mountain Pass in the Swiss Alps. The model is calibrated against observations from thermal springs discharging in a tunnel some 250 m underneath Grimsel Pass to derive estimates for the bulk permeability of the fault. Simulations confirm that without the fault as a hydraulic conductor the thermal springs would not exist. Regional topography alone drives meteoric water in a single pass through the fault plane where it penetrates to depths exceeding 10 km and acquires temperatures in excess of 250°C. Thermal constraints from the thermal springs at Grimsel Pass suggest bulk fault permeabilities in the range of 2e−15 m2–4.8e−15 m2. Reported residence times of >30,000 and 7 years for the deep geothermal and shallow groundwater components in the thermal spring water, respectively, suggest fault permeabilities of around 2.5e−15 m2. We show that the long residence time of the deep geothermal water is likely a consequence of low recharge rates during the last glaciation event in the Swiss Alps, which started some 30,000 years ago. Deep groundwater discharging at Grimsel Pass today thus infiltrated the Grimsel fault prior to the last glaciation event. The range of permeabilities estimated from observational constraints is fully consistent with a subcritical single-pass flow system in the fault plane

    Causes of abundant calcite scaling in geothermal wells in the Bavarian Molasse Basin, Southern Germany

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    The carbonate-dominated Malm aquifer in the Bavarian Molasse Basin in Southern Germany is being widely exploited and explored for geothermal energy. Despite favorable reservoir conditions, the use of geothermal wells for heat and power production is highly challenging. The main difficulty, especially in boreholes >3000 m deep with temperatures >120 °C, is that substantial amounts of calcite scales are hindering the proper operation of the pumps within the wells and of the heat exchangers at the surface. To elucidate the causes of scaling we present an extensive geochemical dataset from the geothermal plant in Kirchstockach. Based on chemical analyses of wellhead water samples, chemical and mineralogical analyses of scales collected along the uppermost 800 m of the production well, and chemical analyses of gas inclusions trapped in calcite-scale crystals, four processes are evaluated that could promote calcite scaling. These are (i) decompression of the produced fluid between the reservoir and the wellhead, (ii) corrosion of the casing that drives pH increase and subsequent calcite solubility decrease, (iii) gas influx from the geothermal reservoir and subsequent stripping of CO2 from the aqueous fluid, and (iv) boiling within the geothermal well. The effectiveness of the four scenarios was assessed by performing geochemical speciation calculations using the codes TOUGHREACT and CHILLER, which explicitly simulate boiling of aqueous fluids (CHILLER) and take into account the pressure dependence of calcite solubility (TOUGHREACT). The results show that process i causes notable calcite supersaturation but cannot act as the sole driver for scaling, whereas ii and iii are negligible in the present case. In contrast, process iv is consistent with all the available observations. That is, scaling is controlled by the exsolution of CO2 upon boiling at the markedly sub-hydrostatic pressure of 4–6 bar within the production well. This process is confirmed by the visible presence of gas inclusions in the calcite scales above the downhole pump, where the production fluid should nominally have been in the homogeneous liquid state. Whereas minor calcite scaling may have been triggered by fluid decompression within the production well, we conclude that the abundant scaling along the pump casing is due to cavitation induced by operating the pump at high production rates

    Effect of Glacial/Interglacial Recharge Conditions on Flow of Meteoric Water Through Deep Orogenic Faults: Insights Into the Geothermal System at Grimsel Pass, Switzerland

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    Many meteoric-recharged, fault-hosted geothermal systems in amagmatic orogenic belts have been active through the Pleistocene glacial/interglacial climate fluctuations. The effects of climate-induced recharge variations on fluid flow patterns and residence times of the thermal waters are complex and may influence how the geothermal and mineralization potential of the systems are evaluated. We report systematic thermal-hydraulic simulations designed to reveal the effects of recharge variations, using a model patterned on the orogenic geothermal system at Grimsel Pass in the Swiss Alps. Previous studies have shown that fault-bounded circulation of meteoric water is driven to depths of ∌10 km by the high alpine topography. Simulations suggest that the current single-pass flow is typical of interglacial periods, during which (a) meteoric recharge into the fault is high (above tens of centimeters per year), (b) conditions are at or somewhat below the critical Rayleigh number, and (c) hydraulic connectivity along the fault plane is extensive (an extent of at least 10 km into increasingly higher terrain is required to explain the 10 km penetration depth). The subcritical condition constrains the bulk fault permeability to <1e-14 m2. In contrast, the limited recharge during the numerous Pleistocene glaciation events likely induced a layered flow system, with single-pass flow confined to shallow depths while non-Rayleigh convection occurred deeper in the fault. The same layering can be observed at low aspect ratios (length/depth) of the fault plane, when the available recharge area limits flux through the fault

    Rock‐Matrix Porosity and Permeability of the Hydrothermally Altered, Upper Oceanic Crust, Oman Ophiolite

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    Porosity and permeability are key controls on hydrothermal circulation and alteration in magmatically heated upper oceanic crust. However, the hydraulic properties of basalts altered above 200°C are largely unknown, leaving their role in high-temperature systems unclear. Here, we assess rock-matrix porosities and permeabilities of pervasively altered MORB-like basalts from outcrops in the sheeted dikes and axial lavas of the Semail ophiolite, Oman. The samples represent regional spilite alteration (chlorite–albite–quartz ± actinolite; 150–440°C) and localized epidosite alteration (epidote–quartz; 255–435°C). Porosity and permeability of spilitized rocks vary as follows: interpillow hyaloclastites (14–27 vol.%, 10−17–10−15 m2) > pillow cores (4–12 vol.%; ∌10−19–6 × 10−18 m2) > pillow rims (4–11 vol.%; ∌10−19–2 × 10−18 m2) > massive sheet flows (1–9 vol.%; ∌10−19 m2) ≄ dikes (1–5 vol.%; ∌10−19 m2). Pillow values fall within the ranges of existing data on fresh and low-temperature altered basalts in in situ crust. However, hyaloclastite permeabilities are 1–4 orders of magnitude higher and are clearly preferred flow paths. Epidosites have elevated porosity and permeability irrespective of rock morphology (18–26 vol.%; ∌10−16–10−14 m2). Pillow stacks have upscaled (∌104 m3) matrix porosities and permeabilities of ∌9 vol.% and ∌10−17–10−16 m2 when spilitized and 16 vol.% and up to ∌10−14 m2 when epidotized. Upscaled permeabilities of spilites meet minimum requirements for observed heat and fluid discharge from high-temperature seafloor systems even without fracture networks, and reflect strong flow through the rock-matrix

    Effects of progressive burial on matrix porosity and permeability of dolostones in the foreland basin of the Alpine Orogen, Switzerland

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    The changes in rock-matrix porosity and permeability that carbonate reservoirs undergo with increasing burial depth are poorly understood. This lack of understanding raises the risks involved in exploring and engineering deep reservoirs for geo-energy applications. To provide more insight into compaction processes, the present study examines the e ects of progressive burial on two dolomitized mudstone units belonging to the Middle Triassic Muschelkalk within the Swiss Molasse Basin, situated in the foreland of the Alpine Orogen. Based on investigations of wireline logs and drill cores retrieved from up to 5000 m depth, we report the burial mod- i cation of crystal textures, pore sizes, pore geometries and their impact on matrix porosity and permeability. Within the rst 1500 m below surface, porosity is found to drop from 40 ± 2 to 18 ± 1 vol% and permeability drops from 105 ± 15 to ∌1 mD. At depths > 3000 m, porosity and permeability maintain nearly constant values of 6 ± 2 vol% and 1900 m, mechanical compaction is inactive and pressure solution at crystal contacts and along stylolites (both di- agenetic and tectonic), without any associated cementation, accounts for porosity loss. At depths > 3000 m, collapse of pores by pressure solution is compounded by pore-clogging by hydrothermal dolomite introduced by external uids. Throughout the entire depth range, stylolitization incrementally thins the formations, however, the dissolved material is not locally reprecipitated
