8 research outputs found

    Wildlife Advocate: John Scanlon (Vol 2. Issue 3)

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    John Scanlon entered office as Secretary-General of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna and Flora in 2010. Internationally, Scanlon has served as head of the law program at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), director of the IUCN Environmental Law Centre, strategic advisor for the World Commission on Dams, and remains a member of the IUCN World Commissions on Environmental Law. In 2007, Scanlon joined the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as a principal advisor and as a team leader of the Strategic Implementation Team where he led the development of the Medium-Term Strategy, a reform framework for UNEP

    Biotechnology Trailblazer: Hayat Sindi (Vol. 3 Issue 1)

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    Hayat Sindi is cofounder of Diagnostics For All, a Massachusetts nonprofit that designs low-cost diagnostic devices to improve health services in developing countries. She is also president of the i2: Institute for Imagination and Ingenuity, an organization that seeks to engage scientists, technologists, and engineers in entrepreneurship and social innovation. She earned a degree in pharmacology from King’s College in London and became the first woman from the Arabian Gulf to earn a PhD in biotechnology, which she completed at Cambridge University. She has combined her knowledge of biotechnology and pharmacology to aid in the invention of low-cost, portable, and efficient testing mechanisms, such as early breast-cancer detecting devices and paper strips that can be used to test for various diseases. Sindi is a visiting scholar at Harvard University, a senior research scientist for biotechnology at Schlumberger Cambridge Research Centre, and an honorary research fellow at the School of Biological and Chemical Science at Exeter University

    Climate Champion: Christiana Figueres (Vol. 1. Issue 2)

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    Christiana Figueres is the Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. She founded the non-profit Center for Sustainable Development of the Americas, and directed it for eight years (1995 – 2003). She also designed and helped to establish national climate change programs in eight Latin American countries, thereby promoting strong participation of the countries in that region in the Climate Change Convention

    Sea Change Scholar: Susan Avery (Vol 2. Issue 2)

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    Susan Avery became the first atmospheric scientist and the first woman to hold the position of president and director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) in 2008. Avery is active in a number of scientific institutions, serving as a member of the Director-General’s Science Advisory Committee for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); on the advisory committee for Environmental Research and Education for the National Science Foundation; and as a chair on the Science Advisory Board for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In addition, in 2013, she was appointed to the UN Scientific Advisory Board, which provide advice to the UN Secretary-General on science, technology, and innovation for sustainable development

    UN System Scholar: Lorraine Elliott (Vol 2. Issue 4)

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    Lorraine Elliott is professor of international relations in the Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs in the College of Asia and the Pacific at the Australian National University (ANU), an ANU Public Policy Fellow, an associate for the Climate and Environment Governance Network (CEGNET) at ANU, and Chair of the Board of Directors for the Academic Council on the UN System (ACUNS). She is also affiliated faculty in the Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security and Global Governance at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Elliott has conducted research on global environmental governance and regional environmental governance in Southeast Asia, climate security and human security in the Asia Pacific, and transnational environmental crime

    Environmentalist Extraordinaire: James Gustave (Gus) Speth (Vol 1. Issue 1)

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    Gus Speth served as the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (1993 – 1999) and as the Dean of Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (1999 – 2009). He founded the Natural Resources Defense Council and the World Resources Institute

    Naturalist and Novelist: Stanley Johnson (Vol 2. Issue 1)

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    Stanley Johnson is a senior fellow at the Center for Governance and Sustainability, an Ambassador for the United Nations Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), and he serves as honorary president of the Gorilla Organization. As a renowned writer and environmental advocate, Johnson has extensive experience working with global environmental governance, and has recently published a book on the first 40 years of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)


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