5 research outputs found

    Studi Komparasi Strategi Pembelajaran Course Review Horay Dengan Two Stay Two Stray Pada Tema Indahnya Negeriku Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas 4 SD Negeri Tegalsumur Brati Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan hasil belajar siswa antara pembelajaran yang menggunakan strategi Course Review Horay dengan strategi Two Stay Two Stray pada siswa kelas 4 SD Negeri Tegalsumur dan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Untuk menguji instrument dilakukan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Kemudian dilakukan uji prasyarat anaslisis yang meliputi uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini adalah uji hipotesis menggunakan teknik uji-t. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari total 15 soal terdapat 12 soal yang valid dengan kriteria rhitung > rtabel (rhitung > 0,444), dan diperoleh nilai koefisien KR-20sebesar 0,478.Berdasarkan perhitungan uji hipotesis diperoleh sebesar -2,121 sedangkan- sebesar -2,018. Dengan demikian, dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan rerata hasil belajar antara siswa yang diajar menggunakan Two Stay Two Stray dengan Course Review Horay. Nilai rerata kelas eksperimen yang diajar menggunakan strategi Two Stay Two Stray lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan kelas yang diajar dengan menggunakan strategi Course Review Horay yaitu 79,17 > 70,05. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan strategi Two Stay Two Stray lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan penggunaan strategi Course Review Horay

    Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter melalui Pembiasaan Menyanyikan Lagu Wajib Nasional pada Siswa Kelas Atas di SDM 21 Surakarta

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    This study aims to describe: 1) Implementation of character education nationalism and national spirit through singing the national anthem in HR 21 Surakarta. 2) Barriers to implementation of character education nationalism and national spirit through singing the national anthem in HR 21 Surakarta. 3) The solution to overcome obstacles in the implementation of character education nationalism and national spirit through singing the national anthem in HR 21 Surakarta. This type of research is qualitative research (Qualitative Research). The informants are students upscale and upscale guardian. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed through data reduction measures and conclusion. Mechanical data validity checking is done by triangulation of sources and techniques. The results showed that in HR 21 Surakarta has implemented character education nationalism and national spirit through singing the national anthem is good. Although there is little resistance, but the teacher has given a solution so that these obstacles can be minimized

    Studi Komparasi Strategi Word Square Dengan Everyone Is A Teacher Here Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Kelas III MIM Srebegan Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016

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    The objectives of the research are: (1) to describe differences of the learning outcome in using Word Square strategy and Everyone Is A Teacher Here strategy in “IPS” learning at the third grade of MIM Srebegan in the academic year of 2015/2016 (2) to describe what strategy that has greater influence toward learning outcome of social science learning at the third grade of MIM Srebegan in the academic year of 2015/2016. The subject of the research was the students at the third grade of MIM Srebegan in the academic year of 2015/2016. The research is a quantitative research. The technique of the data analysis by using uji-t that the previous of analysis prerequisite test, are homogeneity and normality test. Based on data analysis with the significant degree 5% it again tcount>ttabel is 9,004>1,998. Based on the percentage of average I> the percentage average II, 83,79310345 > 79,4444, can be conclude that (1) can be found of social science learning at the third grade of MIM Srebegan in the academic year of 2015/2016 (2) Everyone Is A Teacher Here have a large of influence compare with learning word square strategy in the result of increasing social science learning at the third grade of MIM Srebegan in the academic year of 2015/2016. Keyword: learning result, Word Square Strategy, Everyone Is A Teacher Here Strateg

    Kesiapan Guru dalam Penerapan Pendekatan Saintifik pada Pembelajaran Tematik untuk Siswa Kelas I di SD Muhammadiyah 16 Surakarta

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    This study aims to: (1) find out how the preparation of first grade teachers in applying the scientific approach. (2) knowing how to implement first class teacher learning by using a scientific approach in thematic learning. (3) find out how the first grade teacher assessment system in thematic learning. This type of research is qualitative research. The place of research is carried out at SD Muhammadiyah 16 Surakarta. Data collection through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis using the Miles and Huberman models. The validity of the data uses source triangulation techniques. The results of the study show that: (1) teacher preparation in applying the scientific approach is the making of prota, promissory notes and syllabus (2) the implementation of thematic learning that adheres to the lesson plans created by highlighting scientific activities. (3) teacher assessment techniques used are affective, cognitive, and psychomotor assessments

    Penggunaan Media Audio-Visual Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Ingat Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Kelas III di SD Muhammadiyah 16 Surakarta

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    The article aimed to 1) describe the teaching and learning strategy through audio-visual media, as an attempt to improve Third Grade students' memory for Social Science subject at Muhammadiyah 16 Surakarta Primary School; 2) provide evidence that the use of audio-visual media could improve Third Grade students' memory for Social Science subject at Muhammadiyah 16 Surakarta Primary School. It featured a Classroom Action Research with a Descriptive Qualitative approach. The research included four stages of procedures, including 1) planning; 2) implementation; 3) observation; and reflection. Meanwhile, the data collecting technique used interview, observation, documentation, test, and field notes. The data analysis technique consisted of data reduction, data display, and verification. In more detail, it deployed source triangulation for its validity check. The findings revealed that the utilization of audio-visual media could improve the students' memory. The memory improvement was observed through three cycles, including pre-cycle, cycle I, and cycle II. With regards to the learning phase, the students' memory improved by 38.70% at the pre-cycle, 51.38% at the cycle I, and 80.64% at the cycle II. With regards to the storing phase, their memory improved by 67.74% at the pre-cycle, 76.66% at the cycle I, and 96.77% at the cycle II. With regards to the recalling phase, their memory improved by 51.61% at the pre-cycle, 66.12% at the cycle I, and 90.32% at the cycle II. Meanwhile, the posttest produced the average of each cycle, including 73.10 for the pre-cycle, 76.77 for the cycle I, and 90.85 for the cycle II