19 research outputs found

    Molecular Diversification and Phylogeny of Mangifera (Anacardiaceae) in Indonesia and Thailand

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    Phylogenetic relationships among 19  Mangifera L. species of Indonesia and Thailand were analyzed by comparing sequences of maturase-K gene of chloroplast genome. Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony method revealed that the gene could clasify Mangifera into three major groups. Although this classification system is different with the previous system, it can provide a new information about Mangifera taxonomy. Results further exhibited that DNA sequences of the matK of two Mangifera species (M. laurina dan M. macrocarpa) are different between Indonesia and Thailand specimens


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    This study aims to analyze the scientific literacy skills of high school students on PISA released items reading and science questions based on the PISA framework on the "Process Aspects" in terms of scientific literacy and reading literacy on the biological content of the material "Viruses and Bacteria". This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The instruments used were PISA questions in 2000, 2006, and 2015 which have been released (main instrument) as well as school curriculum biology questions (comparative instruments), questionnaires, and interviews. The research began to be carried out in February 2020 and began with conducting research trials conducted in schools (A). The subjects in this study were students in SMA (B) and (C) grades 10, 11, and 12 with different school curriculum characteristics, school (B) with the 2013 curriculum and school (C) with the Cambridge curriculum. Sampling was carried out using convenience sampling method. The results showed that the scientific literacy skills of school B students resulted in: 80% (grade 10), 81% (grade 11) and 75% (grade 12) in the "High" category, school C resulted in: 47% (grade 10), 51% (grade 11) and 55% (grade 12) in the "Very Low" category. The students' results in the 2013 school curriculum biology questions (B) were included in the "Very High" category, while schools (C) that used the Cambridge curriculum were included in the "Low" category. Acquisition of scientific literacy skills which is included in the "High" category is in line with the experience of students in learning in schools which as a whole uses the PBL (Problem Based Learning) method, while the acquisition of scientific literacy skills which is included in the "Low" category turns out to be less in line with students' experiences in learning. in schools that as a whole use the PjBL (Project Based Learning) method

    Effectivity of Silver Nanoparticles-Temu Giring (Curcuma heyneana) Rhizome on Inhibiting the Growth of Bacteria Causing Nosocomial Infection

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    Biofilms are a common cause of nosocomial infections that often attack hospitalized patients. The main objective of this study was to examine the efficacy of silver nanoparticles-temu giring rhizomes in combating bacteria and preventing biofilm formation. The antibacterial and antibiofilm properties of these nanoparticles were evaluated against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. The  research  began  with the extraction of temu giring rhizome, synthesis of silver nanoparticles-temu giring rhizome, disk diffusion test, biofilm formation inhibitory activity test, and characterization of silver nanoparticles-temu giring rhizome. In this research, silver nanoparticles-temu giring rhizome were utilized at concentrations of 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 μg/ml, and  a control in the form of chlorhexidine. The results showed that the silver nanoparticles-temu giring rhizome produced a larger inhibition zone for bacterial growth compared to the control against the three bacteria. The IC50 value of silver nanoparticles-temu giring rhizome required to inhibit biofilm formation was 27.64 μg/ml in E. coli, 29.29 μg/ml in P. aeruginosa, and 26.21 μg/ml in S. aureus. In P. aeruginosa, E. coli, and S. aureus, the IC50 for preventing biofilm formation by silver nanoparticles-temu giring rhizome was determined to be 27.64 μg/ml, 29.29 μg/ml, and 26.21 μg/ml, respectively. Evaluation of silver nanoparticles revealed the success of temu giring rhizomes in reducing silver ions. This is shown that silver nanoparticles-temu giring rhizomes can be developed into active ingredients that inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause nosocomial infections

    Utility of matK Gene as DNA Barcode to Assess Evolutionary Relationship of Important Tropical Forest Tree genus Mangifera (Anacardiaceae) in Indonesia and Thailand

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    MaturaseK (matK) gene of chloroplast DNA has been served as appropriate candidate to be a DNA barcode in angiosperms. Using this DNA marker, 19 species of genus Mangifera, one of ecologically important crop, collected from Indonesia and Thailand were analyzed. Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony method revealed that the gene could clasify Mangifera into three major groups, namely group I, II, and III. Moreover, the matK barcode can identify Mangifera species that is originated from Thailand. Although this classification system is different with the previous system, it can provide a new information about Mangifera taxonomy. Results further exhibited that DNA sequences of the matK of two Mangifera species (M. laurina dan M. macrocarpa) are different between Indonesia and Thailand specimens. Keywords— DNA barcode, Mangifera, matK gene, parsimony, phylogenetic analysi

    Review: Potensi Bakteri Dari Saluran Pencernaan Ikan Sidat (Anguilla sp.) Sebagai Pendegradasi Sampah Plastik

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    Ikan sidat (Anguilla sp.) banyak ditemukan di perairan Indonesia, berpotensi sebagai komoditas ekspor dan banyak di konsumsi di berbagai negara. Komunitas mikroba yang terdapat pada saluran pencernaan ikan sidat memainkan peran penting. Setiap fase siklus hidup ikan sidat memiliki populasi dan kelimpahan bakteri yang berbeda beda. Bakteri saluran pencernaan ikan sidat memiliki potensi dalam mendegradasi sampah plastik. Diperlukan upaya dalam penanganan limbah plastik yang semakin meningkat. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan yaitu melakukan biodegradasi atau penguraian limbah plastik dengan memanfaatkan mikroorganisme. Banyak mikroorganisme yang memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan sebagai agen pendegradasi plastik, contohnya yaitu bakteri yang terdapat pada saluran pencernaan ikan sidat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bakteri saluran pencernaan ikan sidat yang berpotensi sebagai kandidat bakteri pendegradasi sampah plastik, mengetahui mekanisme degradasi, dan jenis plastik yang terdegradasi. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder melalui berbagai database. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah berbagai jenis bakteri saluran pencernaan sesuai dengan kelimpahan tertinggi pada setiap fase siklus hidup ikan sidat yang berpotensi sebagai pendegradasi sampah plastik yaitu Clostridium dan Aeromonas terdapat pada fase eel elver wild. Shewanella dan Vibrio terdapat pada fase eel fingerling wild. Pseudomonas dan Bacillus terdapat pada fase eel elver cultivated. Diketahui mekanisme degradasi dan jenis plastik yang terdegradasi oleh bakteri tersebut. Informasi yang diperoleh dapat menjadi sumber informasi penting bagi penelitian selanjutnya mengenai potensi bakteri saluran pencernaan ikan sidat dalam mendegradasi sampah plastik.Kata Kunci: Ikan sidat, Anguilla sp., Bakteri, Saluran Pencernaan, Plastik, Biodegradasi


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    MaturaseK ( K) gene of chloroplast DNA has served as an appropriate candidate to be aDNA marker in angiosperms. Using this marker, 19 species of genus , one of theecologically important crop, collected from Indonesia and Thailand were analyzed.Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony method revealed that the gene could clasifyinto three major groups, namely group I, II, and III. Moreover, the K gene can identifyspecies originated from Thailand. Although this classification system is differentwith the previous classification system, it can provide a new information on the current status oftaxonomy. Further result exhibited that DNA sequences of the K of twospecies ( dan ) are different between Indonesia and Thailand specimens

    Aplikasi Probiotik Dalam Pakan Sidat (Anguilla bicolor) Terhadap Bakteri Patogen Aeromonas sp.

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    Anguilla bicolor bicolor merupakan salah satu jenis ikan sidat yang ada di perairan Indonesia, karena nilai jualnya yang tinggi menjadi salah satu komoditas perikanan yang potensial sehingga menjadi produk unggulan ekspor perikanan Indonesia di pasar internasional. Pada budidaya sidat, pemeliharaan benih dan pemeliharaan pada setiap pergantian tahapan merupakan tahap krusial yang harus diperhatikan. Tahap pertumbuhan ikan sidat terbagi menjadi tiga yaitu 1) Glass eel, 2) Elver, 3) Fingerling. Pada penelitian ini diperoleh menggunakan data sekunder dan hasil data dianalisis dengan cara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian pada ketiga tahap menunjukkan kelimpahan bakteri probiotik dan patogen yang beragam. Hasil studi metagenomik dapat menyediakan data salah satunya untuk mengetahui kelimpahan relatif bakteri probiotik dan bakteri patogen pada tahap perkembangan ikan sidat.Kata kunci: Ikan sidat, probiotik, patogen, kelimpahan, Aeromonas hydrophila, pakan ika

    Successful Primer Picking and Pooling for the Design of Multiplex PCR Primers Specific to Pork, Beef, Chicken, and Rat DNA

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    DNA markers and Multiplex-PCR have emerged as methods for species detection in processed meat products. The primary objective of this study is to design multiplex primer sequences for pork, rat, beef, and chicken, generating distinguishable amplicons through agarose gel electrophoresis for halal detection in processed meat products. Primer design involved utilizing mitochondrial genomic data and the NCBI-Primer BLAST site to obtain specific pork and beef primer sequences. In silico simulations, including single and multiplex-PCR, were conducted using Primer Pooler. In vitro validation encompassed Single-PCR and Multiplex-PCR annealing temperature optimization, using samples of chicken, beef, pork, and rat as well as processed meat products like meatballs, sausages, and nuggets. In vitro validation demonstrated that the halal marker gene's multiplex primer efficiently amplified the target sequence, specifically at the optimal annealing temperature of 58°C. Amplicons from beef (1,217 bp), pork (860 bp), rat (622 bp), and chicken (272 bp) primers could be distinguished on a 1.5% agarose gel. The study's results can aid in cost-effective and rapid halal testing and authentication of processed meat products, offering advantages over PCR with a single primer

    Development matK gene as DNA barcode to assess evolutionary relationship of important tropical forest tree genus Mangifera (anacardiaceae) in Indonesia and Thailand

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    MaturaseK (matK) gene of chloroplast DNA has been served as appropriate candidate to be a DNA barcode in angiosperms. Using this DNA marker, 19 species of genus Mangifera, one of ecologically important crop, collected from Indonesia and Thailand were analyzed. Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony method revealed that the gene could clasify Mangifera into three major groups, namely group I, II, and III. Moreover, the matK barcode can identify Mangifera species that is originated from Thailand. Although this classification system is different with the previous system, it can provide a new information about Mangifera taxonomy. Results further exhibited that DNA sequences of the matK of two Mangifera species (M. laurina dan M. macrocarpa) are different between Indonesia and Thailand specimens