73 research outputs found

    Hybrid Solution for Integrated Trading

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    Integrated applications are complex solutions, whose complexity are determined by the economic processes they implement, the amount of data employed (millions of records grouped in hundreds of tables, databases, hundreds of GB) and the number of users. Service oriented architecture (SOA), is now the most talked-about integration solution in mainstream journals, addressing both simple applications, for a department but also at enterprise level. SOA can refer to software architecture or to a way of standardizing the technical architecture of an enterprise and it shows its value when operating in several distinct and heterogeneous environments.System Integration, Data Integration, Web Services, Java, XML, Stock Market

    The Level of Information Systems Integration in Romania

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    Integration is an activity that unites people, equipments, programs but also managerial practices and helps a company to put its knowledge into good use. In Romania, more and more private companies choose to have integrated systems to help them grow. Public owned companies and institutions, for example The National House of Pensions and Other Social Insurance Right, invested large amounts of founds in the development of new information systems to help them gather, process and disseminate data from the population.integration, information systems, standards, data integration, application integration

    TCP/IP XML Solution

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    Since its introduction, Extensible Markup Language (XML) has evolved and helped us evolve in the way which we think about structuring, describing, and exchanging information. The ways in which XML is used in the software industry are many and growing. For example, for Web services the importance of XML is crucial; all key Web service technologies are based on it. In this paper it’s presented a TCP/IP XML solution for integrating an intermediary trading system with the Bucharest Stock Exchange trading system. The solution is presented from the intermediary point of view and can be the first step of a complete SOA solution.TCP/IP, XML, Bucharest Stock Exchange, Java

    Approaches Regarding Business Logic Modeling in Service Oriented Architecture

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    As part of the Service Oriented Computing (SOC), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a technology that has been developing for almost a decade and during this time there have been published many studies, papers and surveys that are referring to the advantages of projects using it. In this article we discuss some ways of using SOA in the business environment, as a result of the need to reengineer the internal business processes with the scope of moving forward towards providing and using standardized services and achieving enterprise interoperability.Business Rules, Business Processes, SOA, BPM, BRM, Semantic Web, Semantic Interoperability

    Online stock trading platform

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    The Internet is the perfect tool that can assure the market’s transparency for any user who wants to trade on the stock market. The investor can have access to the market news, financial calendar or the press releases of the issuers. A good online trading platform also provides real-time intraday quotes, trading history and technical analysis giving the investor a clearer view of the supply and demand in the market. All this information provides the investor a good image of the market and encourages him to trade. This paper wishes to draft the pieces of an online trading platform and to analyze the impact of developing and implementing one in a brokerage firm.online trading platform, impact analyze, Bucharest Stock Exchange, Sibiu Monetary Financial and Commodities Exchange

    A model for Business Intelligence Systems’ Development

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    Often, Business Intelligence Systems (BIS) require historical data or data collected from var-ious sources. The solution is found in data warehouses, which are the main technology used to extract, transform, load and store data in the organizational Business Intelligence projects. The development cycle of a data warehouse involves lots of resources, time, high costs and above all, it is built only for some specific tasks. In this paper, we’ll present some of the aspects of the BI systems’ development such as: architecture, lifecycle, modeling techniques and finally, some evaluation criteria for the system’s performance.BIS (Business Intelligence Systems), Data Warehouses, OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing), Object-Oriented Modeling

    Survey of Occupational Musculoskeletal Pain and Injury in Canadian Optometry

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    Objective: A growing concern in optometry is the incidence and prevalence of occupational musculoskeletal (MSK) pain and injury, with no studies assessing Canadian professionals. However, the risk of work-related MSK pain in optometry has become widely recognized by the profession and literature as having a negative impact on the health and careers of optometrists. The goal of this study was to quantify prevalence and location of MSK pain in Canadian optometrists and estimate practices that may be associated with MSK issues. Methods: A voluntary, internet-based survey (SurveyMonkey Inc., San Mateo, CA, United States) was distributed to all optometrists registered with the Canadian Association of Optometry (CAO). Survey questions were adapted from the literature to identify the prevalence and significance of work-related MSK issues. Results: One-hundred-twenty-one optometrists, with a response rate of 2.4%, and 169 ophthalmologists, with a response rate of 17% participated in a voluntary internet-based survey. When asked if they had experienced pain attributed to their work in the last 12 months, 61% of optometry responders said “yes”, compared to 50% of ophthalmology responders (p=0.06). Shoulder pain was reported in 41% of optometry responders, lower back pain in 37% and neck pain in 34%. This was compared to 28% (p=0.02), 36% (p=0.90) and 46% (p=0.04) respectively in ophthalmology responders. Optometry respondents most commonly attributed MSK pain to “performing the same task over and over”, “working in the same position” and “slit lamp exams”.  Conclusion: Many of the eye-care responders in our study were impacted by work-related MSK pain. The prevalence, location and severity of pain were similar to findings in other literature. More research is needed to determine best practices for prevention and solution of MSK pain among eye-care professionals

    Enquête sur la douleur et les blessures musculosquelettiques chez les optométristes canadiens

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    Objectif : Accroître notre compréhension des douleurs et des blessures musculosquelettiques professionnelles chez les optométristes canadiens. Méthodes : Un sondage sur Internet à participation volontaire a été distribué à tous les membres de l’Association canadienne des optométristes. Les questions du sondage ont été adaptées à partir de la documentation pour déterminer la prévalence et l’importance des problèmes musculosquelettiques liés au travail. Résultats : Des 121 optométristes (taux de réponse de 2,4 %) et 169 ophtalmologistes (17 %, selon une étude antérieure) qui ont participé, 61 % et 50 %, respectivement, ont déclaré avoir souffert de douleurs attribuables au travail au cours des 12 mois précédents (p = 0,06). La prévalence, l’emplacement et la gravité de la douleur étaient semblables aux constatations présentées dans les publications. Conclusion : Bon nombre des professionnels des soins oculovisuels qui ont participé à notre étude ont été touchés par des douleurs musculosquelettiques liées au travail. Il faut mener d’autres recherches sur la prévention et le traitement des douleurs musculosquelettiques dans cette population

    Serial CT Findings of Paragonimus Infested Dogs and the Micro-CT Findings of the Worm Cysts

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the serial CT findings of Paragonimus westermani infected dogs and the microscopic structures of the worm cysts using Micro-CT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was approved by the committee on animal research at our institution. Fifteen dogs infected with P. westermani underwent serial contrast-enhanced CT scans at pre-infection, after 10 days of infection, and monthly thereafter until six months for determining the radiologic-pathologic correlation. Three dogs (one dog each time) were sacrificed at 1, 3 and 6 months, respectively. After fixation of the lungs, both multi-detector CT and Micro-CT were performed for examining the worm cysts. RESULTS: The initial findings were pleural effusion and/or subpleural ground-glass opacities or linear opacities at day 10. At day 30, subpleural and peribronchial nodules appeared with hydropneumothorax and abdominal or chest wall air bubbles. Cavitary change and bronchial dilatation began to be seen on CT scan at day 30 and this was mostly seen together with mediastinal lymphadenopathy at day 60. Thereafter, subpleural ground-glass opacities and nodules with or without cavitary changes were persistently observed until day 180. After cavitary change of the nodules, the migratory features of the subpleural or peribronchial nodules were seen on all the serial CT scans. Micro-CT showed that the cyst wall contained dilated interconnected tubular structures, which had communications with the cavity and the adjacent distal bronchus. CONCLUSION: The CT findings of paragonimiasis depend on the migratory stage of the worms. The worm cyst can have numerous interconnected tubular channels within its own wall and these channels have connections with the cavity and the adjacent distal bronchus

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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