122 research outputs found

    Charisma\u27s Triumph over Organization: Peronism Throughout the Decades

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    “A party’s organization characteristics depend more upon its history, i.e. on how the organization orientated and how it consolidated…[e]very organization bears the mark of its formation, of the crucial political-administrative decision made by its founders, the decision which ‘molded’ the organization. The validity (or maybe the potency/breadth) of this idea when applied to Peronism is the main topic for this paper. The importance of this topic cannot be understated as the Partido Justicialista (PJ), the largest component of the Peronist movement, continues to be one of the most prevalent parties in Argentina’s two-party system--the other being the UCR. How did one man, with the perfect partner (or puppet) at his side--Evita--spark such a revolution that fundamentally changed Argentine politics forever? And how has this revolution been carried out throughout the decades by the hands of different Peronist leaders

    Uncoventional Views on Certain Aspects of Toxin-Induced Metabolic Acidosis

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    This discussion will highlight the following 9 specific points that related to metabolic acidosis caused by various toxins. The current recommendation suggests that alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor fomepizole is preferred to ethanol in treatment of methanol and ethylene glycol poisoning, but analysis of the enzyme kinetics indicates that ethanol is a better alternative. In the presence of a modest increase in serum osmolal gap (<30 mOsm/L), the starting dose of ethanol should be far less than the usual recommended dose. One can take advantage of the high vapor pressure of methanol in the treatment of methanol poisoning when hemodialysis is not readily available. Profuse sweating with increased water ingestion can be highly effective in reducing methanol levels. Impaired production of ammonia by the proximal tubule of the kidney plays a major role in the development of metabolic acidosis in pyroglutamic acidosis. Glycine, not oxalate, is the main final end product of ethylene glycol metabolism. Metabolism of ethylene glycol to oxalate, albeit important clinically, represents less than 1% of ethylene glycol disposal. Urine osmolal gap would be useful in the diagnosis of ethylene glycol poisoning, but not in methanol poisoning. Hemodialysis is important in the treatment of methanol poisoning and ethylene glycol poisoning with renal impairment, with or without fomepizole or ethanol treatment. Severe leucocytosis is a highly sensitive indicator of ethylene glycol poisoning. Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation by salicylate can explain most of the manifestations of salicylate poisoning

    Field Guide for the Geology of Central Park and New York City

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    Teachers guide for geology of Central Park. Supplement to: Jaret, S. J., et. al. (2021). Geology of Central Park, Manhattan, New York City, USA: New geochemical insights. Geological Society of America bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1130/2020.0061(02

    PKQuest: a general physiologically based pharmacokinetic model. Introduction and application to propranolol

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    BACKGROUND: A "physiologically based pharmacokinetic" (PBPK) approach uses a realistic model of the animal to describe the pharmacokinetics. Previous PBPKs have been designed for specific solutes, required specification of a large number of parameters and have not been designed for general use. METHODS: This new PBPK program (PKQuest) includes a "Standardhuman" and "Standardrat" data set so that the user input is minimized. It has a simple user interface, graphical output and many new features: 1) An option that uses the measured plasma concentrations to solve for the time course of the gastrointestinal, intramuscular, intraperotineal or skin absorption and systemic availability of a drug – for a general non-linear system. 2) Capillary permeability limitation defined in terms of the permeability-surface area products. 4) Saturable plasma and tissue protein binding. 5) A lung model that includes perfusion-ventilation mismatch. 6) A general optimization routine using either a global (simulated annealing) or local (Powell) minimization applicable to all model parameters. RESULTS: PKQuest was applied to measurements of human propranolol pharmacokinetics and intestinal absorption. A meal has two effects: 1) increases portal blood flow by 50%; and 2) decreases liver metabolism by 20%. There is a significant delay in the oval propranolol absorption in fasting subjects that is absent in fed subjects. The oral absorption of the long acting form of propranolol continues for a period of more than 24 hours. CONCLUSIONS: PKQuest provides a new general purpose, easy to use, freely distributed and physiologically rigorous PBPK software routine

    Origin and metamorphism of xenoliths in the Cuillin Center, Isle of Skye, Scotland

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    The Cuillin Center, a large mafic and ultramafic intrusion on the Isle of Skye, contains abundant fine-grained xenoliths within the Outer Bytownite Gabbros and Inner Gabbros. Xenoliths collected in several areas have been classified into six different types based on their locations, major and trace element geochemistry, textures, mineral proportions and compositions: East, South Ridge, Summit, Druim Hain, dikes within xenoliths, and Coruisk. These xenoliths are roughly basaltic in composition (45-49% SiO2) and have the same mineral assemblages in varying proportions of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, olivine, magnetite, and ilmenite. Magnetite is abundant in many xenoliths, and commonly forms rims along contacts between the xenoliths and the gabbro. This abundant magnetite suggests that the xenoliths were derived from heavily oxidized protoliths that differ from unaltered basaltic lavas, presumably because the lavas were hydrothermally altered to mineral assemblages containing chlorite and epidote. Most xenoliths show evidence of complete textural and chemical equilibration, with the exception of the Druim Hain xenoliths. The Druim Hain xenoliths were probably near roof of the intrusion and were metamorphosed for a shorter length of time, leading to incomplete equilibration. With the exception of the Coruisk xenoliths, most of the xenoliths contain abundant amygdules. These amygdules suggest protoliths of country rock lavas. These basaltic country rocks at the contact of the intrusion, and all of the xenoliths, are depleted in incompatible elements (Ba, Rb, K, P, Zr, Ti, and Y ) compared to the country rock dikes, cone sheets, and lavas further from the contact zone. Every xenolith was metamorphosed at temperatures well above the wet basalt solidus. The high temperatures and the depletion of incompatible elements are strong evidence for partial melting of the xenoliths and extraction of this melt into the magma body. Whole-rock strontium concentrations differentiate the mafic lavas and dikes of Skye into two types, which can be recognized among the xenoliths; at strontium concentrations \u3e200 ppm are alkaline lavas and dikes, while at strontium concentrationslavas, dikes, and cone sheets. East and South Ridge xenoliths are alkaline, contain abundant amygdules, and have layering structures interpreted as flow boundaries, suggesting origins from the Skye Main Lava Series (SMLS). The Summit xenoliths are alkaline, contain abundant amygdules, and have exceedingly high proportions of olivine (\u3e32%), suggesting origins from a picritic lava sequence within the SMLS. Druim Hain xenoliths are tholeiitic, and contain abundant amygdules, suggesting an origin from lavas, similar to, but more evolved than, the Preshal More Basalts; these more evolved lavas have since been eroded away from the country rocks. The tholeiitc and alkaline dikes within xenoliths have tholeiitc and alkaline dike protolithss, respectively. Coruisk xenoliths do not share the same traits as xenoliths with lava protoliths; they lack amygdules, and have Ca-rich plagioclase with composition (An83) similar to those of the layered troctolites of the Cuillin, suggesting a fine-grained troctolite protolith. Xenoliths with lava protoliths follow the same stratigraphy seen in the country rocks, suggesting a lack of movement within the magma body. Coruisk xenoliths are distributed through a layer that runs for several kilometers across the Outer Bytownite Gabbros, implying an anomalous event within the history of the Cuillin Center’s formation. These observations support the model of formation of the Cuillin Center by repeated emplacement of small-volume magma sheets or sills into the intrusion, with the injection of magma generating little displacement of the country rocks, except in the case of a major intrusive episode that spread the Coruisk xenoliths over distances of kilometers within the intrusion