170 research outputs found

    A way to use GIS (incl. geomasking) to understand homelessness: a focus on the spatial characteristics of and around sleeping locations of the homeless in Cape Town City Bowl

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    Background: The homeless individuals/groups are the most vulnerable and less dignified member of the society. The evidences lie in the nature of their sleeping locations in the urban spaces, amongst other aspects. An internationally unique and integrated approach (GIS/socio-spatial) is utilized to enhance the knowledge and understanding of homelessness through analyzing the spatial characteristics of and around the sleeping locations of the homeless community in the urban public spaces, Cape Town City Bowl (South Africa) case study. Data Source and Method: Through the quantitative approach, the individual sleeping locations of The Homeless, including their surrounding characteristics, are observed daily for two weeks, 13-26 Oct. 2018 (total of all locations: n = 9515, daily average, n = 680) between 06:00 am and 08:30am. The analyses entail sequential application of eight analytical methods; spatial distribution, attribute analysis, proximity analysis, weather analysis, and obfuscation/geographic masking Results: (a) The daily individual sleeping locations of the homeless individuals and groups increase over time but their geographic distributions are similar or display insignificant/little variations. (b) Majority of these locations are situated in marginalized urban spaces that deny The Homeless personal privacy/security, human dignity and perpetuate stigmatization and social isolation. (c) The sleeping locations of The Homeless are far from the sources of basic needs to enhance their livelihoods (e.g., water resources). (d) Although more data is needed, however, the limited data in this research show that weather conditions are (in)directly related to the changes in the numbers of sleeping locations. (d) The voronoi masking and weight rand perturbation are best presenting the sleeping location of The Homeless without compromising the spatial confidence of The Homeless, and the spatial distributions/patterns of these locations. Conclusion: GIS (geographic information system) is capable of enhancing the knowledge and understanding of homelessness, and therefore, it can inform establishments and improvements of initiatives/measures that seek to reduce the vulnerability of the homeless community and/or integrate them with the public community, especial in the urban spaces

    New Records for Four Butterfly Species (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea & Hesperioidea) in the Republic of Macedonia

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    The Macedonian butterfly fauna numbers 205 species. In this paper we record Nymphalis vaualbum for the first time and confirm the presence in Macedonia of the so-far omitted Polyommatus aroaniensis. Furthermore, the second locality in the country of the Carterocephalus palaemon is reported, along with new localities of Papilio alexanor. The findings of this work will contribute both towards the increased knowledge of this insect group in the region as well as the conservational efforts to locate and map rare and endemic butterfly species. Keywords: Macedonian butterfly fauna, new records, Nymphalis vaualbum, Polyommatus aroaniensis, Cartarocephalus palaemon, Papilio alexanor

    Primena na polarnata metoda pri prenesuvanje na regulaciona osnova

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    Primena na polarnata metoda pri prenesuvanje na regulaciona osnova


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    Loans play an important role in agriculture development to maintain the farm liquidity through short-term financing of current assets, and to improve farm investment activities to increase agricultural productivity and profitability. Although the state has established various mechanisms to improve access to commercial credits in agriculture, the absorption of credits by this sector is still very low. The weak credit activity of banks in agriculture, among other things, is owed to the high credit risk of banks in financing this sector. Credit risk management is one of the basic activities of the banks to create and maintain a quality loan portfolio that will enable the smooth functioning of the bank. As a result, banks often tighten credit conditions for agricultural producers. Hence, the main aim of the paper is to investigate the credit risk in agriculture from the banks’ perspective by i) assessing the exposure of banks to credit risk in agriculture, and ii) investigating banks’ behaviour in crediting the agriculture sector. Taking into account the importance of agriculture for the national economy, the results indicate the need to improve lending in agriculture with mechanisms for reducing the bank’s credit risk in financing agriculture, especially for smallholders, but also to understand that both sectors, the banking and agricultural sector, are very important for the national economy. If the state provides conditions for the development of the banking sector, it will also provide foundations for ensuring development in agriculture in general

    Primena na polarnata metoda pri prenesuvanje na regulaciona osnova

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    Primena na polarnata metoda pri prenesuvanje na regulaciona osnova

    McCrory\u27s Five and Dime Store Records - Accession 1467

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    This collection contains correspondence, titles, and leases concerning James S. White Jr. and McCrory’s Dime Store, as well as, blueprints, newspaper clippings, and a McCrory’s Store inventory. McCrory’s Dime Store was located on Main Street in Rock Hill, South Carolina in a building built in 1901. McCrory’s operated from 1937 through 1997 and from 1960-1961 was the site of several “sit-in” protests by black students from nearby Friendship Jr. College.https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/manuscriptcollection_findingaids/2421/thumbnail.jp

    Primena na polarnata metoda pri prenesuvanje na regulaciona osnova

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    Primena na polarnata metoda pri prenesuvanje na regulaciona osnova

    Co-Operation and Mutual Responsibilities of Owners and the State Archives of The Republic of Macedonia In Preservation of Records and Archives According to Current Legal Provisions

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    U okviru radionice posvećene međunarodnoj normi ISO 15489 i uredskom poslovanju, održane u Zagrebu u listopadu 2002, autor je predstavio arhivsku službu Republike Makedonije u njenom odnosu prema imateljima arhivskog i registraturnog gradiva. Važeća zakonska regulativa temeljem Zakona o arhivskom gradivu i provedbenih propisa iz područja uredskog i arhivskog poslovanja, čini jedinstven i cjelovit mehanizam zaštite i upravljanja dokumentarnim materijalom i arhivskim gradivom prije njegove predaje arhivu.The owners and The State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia are obliged to co-operate providing preservation of records and archives related to the Law on archival records (1990), Regulations on records and archival management (1996) and the Instructions on methods and technique conducting records and archives in records and archival management (1997). The Law, regulates rights and responsibilities of owners treating records, and the role of the State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia, and its special service, Sector for supervision and preservation of archives at owners, performing professional tasks under the state bodies, institutions and other corporate bodies. The Regulations on records and archival management, working out thoroughly the Law, both with the Instructions, represents the legal instruments arranging administrational managing issues of creators, regarding the time of creation of records till its transfer to archival institution. The system regulates the records and archival management uniquely at whole territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The Regulations offers the possibility of conducting the register in the system of automatic data processing in the software package produced by the State Archives of Macedonia which finds its practical implementation in some institutions in the Republic of Macedonia. The most important part of the Instructions concerns the Classification scheme and the List on categories of archives and records provided, regularly updated by owners, under the control of the State Archives. Classification scheme consists ofcgeneral and special part referring to classification of records according to its contents or by organizational units. In order to ensure appraisal, in keeping with the List and Classification scheme, the records are classified depend on category to the List of archives of permanent value or to the List of records with record schedules. Congruent to stated legal regulations the procedures of weeding and disposal, according to the List and the Scheme, coordinated with owners obligatory keeping records, eventually would provide an adequate transfer of archives to archival institution