2 research outputs found

    Adapting Assateague: Design for Resilient Buildings and Landscapes at Assategue State Park

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    Final project for ARCH601: Adapting Assateague Studio (Summer 2021). University of Maryland, College Park.Through their work with the National Center for Smart Growth at the University of Maryland (UMD), the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) commissioned this report from the university’s Partnership for Action Learning in Sustainability (PALS). PALS works with local jurisdictions throughout Maryland to identify projects and problems that can be taught through university courses where students focus on developing innovative, research-based solutions. Adapting Assateague Studio is an architectural studio concentration on advanced topical inquiry. This course was run in partnership with the PALS program. The Studio was tasked to work directly with the Department of Natural Resources to design a new Ranger Station and create a Resiliency Masterplan for the island.Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDNR

    Envisioning the Future at Prince George's Plaza, MD

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    Final project for ARCH 407: Graduate Architecture and Urban Design Studio IV (Spring 2021). University of Maryland, College Park.The semester was divided in 3 projects. For project 3, the studio worked with Prince George's Planning Department on creating urban design schemes for the Prince George's Plaza Transit District including analyzing relvevant case studies, site visit to Prince George's Plaza, site documentation/analysis, and design proposals rooted from historical research while responding to complex contemporary issues (social inequality, safety, climate change, urban ecology, public health, local/global economies) in order to produce urban design master plans, street sections, perspectives vignettes for near-term and long-term 2035 year plans.Prince George's County Planning Department (PGPD