662 research outputs found

    The Emerging Aversion to Inequality: Evidence from Poland 1992-2005

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    This paper provides an illustration of the changing tolerance for inequality in a context of radical political and economic transformation and rapid economic growth. We focus on the Polish experience of transition and explore self-declared attitudes of the citizens. Using monthly representative surveys of the population, realized by the Polish poll institute (CBOS) from 1992 to 2005, we identify a structural break in the relation between income inequality and subjective evaluation of well-being. The downturn in the tolerance for inequality (1997) coincides with the increasing distrust of political elites.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64387/1/wp919.pd

    Nominal or Real? The Impact of Regional Price Levels on Satisfaction with Life

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    According to economic theory, real income, i.e., nominal income adjusted for purchasing power, should be the relevant source of life satisfaction. Previous work, however, has only studied the impact of inflation adjusted nominal income and not taken into account regional differences in purchasing power. Therefore, we use a novel data set to study how regional price levels affect satisfaction with life. The data set comprises about 7 million data points that are used to construct a price level for each of the 428 administrative districts in Germany. We estimate pooled OLS and ordered probit models that include a comprehensive set of individual level, time-varying and time-invariant control variables as well as control variables that capture district heterogeneity other than the price level. Our results show that higher price levels significantly reduce life satisfaction. Furthermore, we find that a higher price level tends to induce a larger loss in life satisfaction than a corresponding decrease in nominal income. A formal test of neutrality of money, however, does not reject neutrality of money. Our results provide an argument in favor of regional indexation of government transfer payments such as social welfare benefits

    Herramienta de comunicaciĂłn inclusiva

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    El lenguaje juega un rol fundamental en la construcción de la cultura y de las identidades; construye significados, genera sentido y percepciones y, con ellas, valoraciones positivas o negativas sobre lo que nombramos; y, al nombrar, se da existencia, ya que lo que no es nombrado es invisibilizado o negado.De este modo, a expresarse utilizando un lenguaje que refleje la igualdad entre las personas, que visibilice a aquellas pertenecientes a grupos vulnerados o invisibilizados, que no reproduzca estereotipos, ni etiquete o encasille a las personas, para que todas reciban un trato equitativo y puedan desarrollar sus potencialidades. Esperamos que el ámbito empresarial pueda nutrirse de esta herramienta.Esta herramienta surgió como resultado del evento exclusivo para empresas miembro “Workshop y campañatón sobre comunicación inclusiva”, que se llevó a cabo el 7 de julio de 2017 en la UTDT. En este documento, se concentran los contenidos expuestos durante el workshop, y su objetivo es incentivar a todas las personas a incorporar una mirada inclusiva reconociendo la posibilidad que tienen los medios de deconstruir los estilos de comunicación socialmente instalados, así como aportar las definiciones básicas de cada tema desarrollado. En este sentido, a continuación, se presenta el uso del lenguaje y la comunicación en discapacidad, diversidad sexual y género
