3 research outputs found

    PET and PET/CT with 68gallium-labeled somatostatin analogues in non GEP-NETs tumors

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    Somatostatin (SST) is a 28-amino-acid cyclic neuropeptide mainly secreted by neurons and endocrine cells. A major interest for SST receptors (SSTR) as target for in vivo diagnostic and therapeutic purposes was born since a series of stable synthetic SST-analouges PET became available, being the native somatostatin non feasible for clinical use due to the very low metabolic stability. The rationale for the employment of SST-analogues to image cancer is both based on the expression of SSTR by tumor and on the high affinity of these compounds for SSTR. The primary indication of SST-analogues imaging is for neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), which usually express a high density of SSTR, so they can be effectively targeted and visualized with radiolabeled SST-analogues in vivo. Particularly, SST-analogues imaging has been widely employed in gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) NETs. Nevertheless, a variety of tumors other than NETs expresses SSTR thus SST-analogues imaging can also be used in these tumors, particularly if treatment with radiolabeled therapeutic SST-analouges PET is being considered. The aim of this paper is to provide a concise overview of the role of positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) with 68Ga-radiolabeled SST-analouges PET in tumors other than GEP-NETs. © 2014 Martina Sollini et al

    A 79-year-old man with interstitial lung disease and cryptic area of high 18 fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in left upper lobe

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    Seven years after left hemicolectomy and radical lymph nodal dissection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal cancer (histotype, adenocarcinoma; stage, pT3N2M0; grading, G2), a slight increase in carcinoembryonic antigen levels (6.2 ng/mL; range, 0-5 ng/mL) was detected in a 79-year-old man. He was a heavy smoker with history of an interstitial fi brotic lung disease with associated areas of emphysema