666 research outputs found

    Hitchhiker's guide to the fractional Sobolev spaces

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    This paper deals with the fractional Sobolev spaces W^[s,p]. We analyze the relations among some of their possible definitions and their role in the trace theory. We prove continuous and compact embeddings, investigating the problem of the extension domains and other regularity results. Most of the results we present here are probably well known to the experts, but we believe that our proofs are original and we do not make use of any interpolation techniques nor pass through the theory of Besov spaces. We also present some counterexamples in non-Lipschitz domains

    On the singularity type of full mass currents in big cohomology classes

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    Let XX be a compact K\"ahler manifold and {θ}\{\theta\} be a big cohomology class. We prove several results about the singularity type of full mass currents, answering a number of open questions in the field. First, we show that the Lelong numbers and multiplier ideal sheaves of θ\theta-plurisubharmonic functions with full mass are the same as those of the current with minimal singularities. Second, given another big and nef class {η}\{\eta\}, we show the inclusion E(X,η)∩PSH(X,θ)⊂E(X,θ).\mathcal{E}(X,\eta) \cap {PSH}(X,\theta) \subset \mathcal{E}(X,\theta). Third, we characterize big classes whose full mass currents are "additive". Our techniques make use of a characterization of full mass currents in terms of the envelope of their singularity type. As an essential ingredient we also develop the theory of weak geodesics in big cohomology classes. Numerous applications of our results to complex geometry are also given.Comment: v2. Theorem 1.1 updated to include statement about multiplier ideal sheaves. Several typos fixed. v3. we make our arguments independent of the regularity results of Berman-Demaill

    L^1 metric geometry of big cohomology classes

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    Suppose (X,ω)(X,\omega) is a compact K\"ahler manifold of dimension nn, and θ\theta is closed (1,1)(1,1)-form representing a big cohomology class. We introduce a metric d1d_1 on the finite energy space E1(X,θ)\mathcal{E}^1(X,\theta), making it a complete geodesic metric space. This construction is potentially more rigid compared to its analog from the K\"ahler case, as it only relies on pluripotential theory, with no reference to infinite dimensional L1L^1 Finsler geometry. Lastly, by adapting the results of Ross and Witt Nystr\"om to the big case, we show that one can construct geodesic rays in this space in a flexible manner

    Monge-Ampère measures on contact sets

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    Let (X,ω)(X, \omega) be a compact K\"ahler manifold of complex dimension n and θ\theta be a smooth closed real (1,1)(1,1)-form on XX such that its cohomology class {θ}∈H1,1(X,R)\{ \theta \}\in H^{1,1}(X, \mathbb{R}) is pseudoeffective. Let φ\varphi be a θ\theta-psh function, and let ff be a continuous function on XX with bounded distributional laplacian with respect to ω\omega such that φ≤f.\varphi \leq f. Then the non-pluripolar measure θφn:=(θ+ddcφ)n\theta_\varphi^n:= (\theta + dd^c \varphi)^n satisfies the equality: 1{φ=f} θφn=1{φ=f} θfn, {\bf{1}}_{\{ \varphi = f \}} \ \theta_\varphi^n = {\bf{1}}_{\{ \varphi = f \}} \ \theta_f^n, where, for a subset T⊆XT\subseteq X, 1T{\bf{1}}_T is the characteristic function. In particular we prove that \[ \theta_{P_{\theta}(f)}^n= { \bf {1}}_{\{P_{\theta}(f) = f\}} \ \theta_f^n\qquad {\rm and }\qquad \theta_{P_\theta[\varphi](f)}^n = { \bf {1}}_{\{P_\theta[\varphi](f) = f \}} \ \theta_f^n. \

    Uniqueness and short time regularity of the weak K\"ahler-Ricci flow

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    Let XX be a compact K\"ahler manifold. We prove that the K\"ahler-Ricci flow starting from arbitrary closed positive (1,1)(1,1)-currents is smooth outside some analytic subset. This regularity result is optimal meaning that the flow has positive Lelong numbers for short time if the initial current does. We also prove that the flow is unique when starting from currents with zero Lelong numbers.Comment: 33 page
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