4 research outputs found

    Photometric LiDAR and RGB-D Bundle Adjustment

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    The joint optimization of the sensor trajectory and 3D map is a crucial characteristic of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) systems. To achieve this, the gold standard is Bundle Adjustment (BA). Modern 3D LiDARs now retain higher resolutions that enable the creation of point cloud images resembling those taken by conventional cameras. Nevertheless, the typical effective global refinement techniques employed for RGB-D sensors are not widely applied to LiDARs. This paper presents a novel BA photometric strategy that accounts for both RGB-D and LiDAR in the same way. Our work can be used on top of any SLAM/GNSS estimate to improve and refine the initial trajectory. We conducted different experiments using these two depth sensors on public benchmarks. Our results show that our system performs on par or better compared to other state-of-the-art ad-hoc SLAM/BA strategies, free from data association and without making assumptions about the environment. In addition, we present the benefit of jointly using RGB-D and LiDAR within our unified method. We finally release an open-source CUDA/C++ implementation.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Enhancing LiDAR performance: Robust De-skewing Exclusively Relying on Range Measurements

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    Most commercially available Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)s measure the distances along a 2D section of the environment by sequentially sampling the free range along directions centered at the sensor's origin. When the sensor moves during the acquisition, the measured ranges are affected by a phenomenon known as "skewing", which appears as a distortion in the acquired scan. Skewing potentially affects all systems that rely on LiDAR data, however, it could be compensated if the position of the sensor were known each time a single range is measured. Most methods to de-skew a LiDAR are based on external sensors such as IMU or wheel odometry, to estimate these intermediate LiDAR positions. In this paper, we present a method that relies exclusively on range measurements to effectively estimate the robot velocities which are then used for de-skewing. Our approach is suitable for low-frequency LiDAR where the skewing is more evident. It can be seamlessly integrated into existing pipelines, enhancing their performance at a negligible computational cost.Comment: 6 pages , 5 figure

    Ca2^2Lib: Simple and Accurate LiDAR-RGB Calibration using Small Common Markers

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    In many fields of robotics, knowing the relative position and orientation between two sensors is a mandatory precondition to operate with multiple sensing modalities. In this context, the pair LiDAR-RGB cameras offer complementary features: LiDARs yield sparse high quality range measurements, while RGB cameras provide a dense color measurement of the environment. Existing techniques often rely either on complex calibration targets that are expensive to obtain, or extracted virtual correspondences that can hinder the estimate's accuracy. In this paper we address the problem of LiDAR-RGB calibration using typical calibration patterns (i.e. A3 chessboard) with minimal human intervention. Our approach exploits the planarity of the target to find correspondences between the sensors measurements, leading to features that are robust to LiDAR noise. Moreover, we estimate a solution by solving a joint non-linear optimization problem. We validated our approach by carrying on quantitative and comparative experiments with other state-of-the-art approaches. Our results show that our simple schema performs on par or better than other approches using complex calibration targets. Finally, we release an open-source C++ implementation at \url{https://github.com/srrg-sapienza/ca2lib}Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure