3,376 research outputs found

    Magnetic resonance imaging tumor regression shrinkage patterns after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced breast cancer: correlation with tumor biological subtypes and pathological response after therapy

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    The objective of this study is to analyze magnetic resonance imaging shrinkage pattern of tumor regression after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and to evaluate its relationship with biological subtypes and pathological response. We reviewed the magnetic resonance imaging studies of 51 patients with single mass-enhancing lesions (performed at time 0 and at the II and last cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy). Tumors were classified as Luminal A, Luminal B, HER2+, and Triple Negative based on biological and immunohistochemical analysis after core needle biopsy. We classified shrinkage pattern, based on tumor regression morphology on magnetic resonance imaging at the II cycle, as concentric, nodular, and mixed. We assigned a numeric score (0: none; 1: low; 2: medium; 3: high) to the enhancement intensity decrease. Pathological response on the surgical specimen was classified as complete (grade 5), partial (grades 4-3), and non-response (grades 1-2) according to Miller and Payne system. Fisher test was used to relate shrinkage pattern with biological subtypes and final pathological response. Seventeen patients achieved complete response, 25 partial response, and 9 non-response. A total of 13 lesions showed nodular pattern, 20 concentric, and 18 mixed. We found an association between concentric pattern and HER2+ (p < 0.001) and mixed pattern and Luminal A lesions (p < 0.001). We observed a statistical significant correlation between concentric pattern and complete response (p < 0.001) and between mixed pattern and non-response (p = 0.005). Enhancement intensity decrease 3 was associated with complete response (p < 0.001). Shrinkage pattern and enhancement intensity decrease may serve as early response indicators after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Shrinkage pattern correlates with tumor biological subtypes

    FREEDOM: Validated Method for the Rapid Assessment of Incipient Multimodal Faults of Complex Aerospace Systems

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    Model-based Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) methods allow to infer the health status of complex aerospace systems through a large quantity of data acquired in-flight, and evaluations of numerical models of the equipment. This results in an intensive computational procedure that can be addressed only grounding the aircraft. We introduce an original methodology to sensitively accelerate FDI by reducing the computational demand to identify the health status of the aircraft. Our scheme FREEDOM – Fast REliability Estimate and incipient fault Detection Of Multiphysics aerospace systems – proposes an original combination of a novel two-step compression strategy to compute offline a synthesized representation of the dynamical response of the system, and uses an inverse Bayesian optimization approach to infer online the level of damage determined by multiple fault modes affecting the equipment. We demonstrate and validate FREEDOM against numerical and physical experiments for the case of an ElectroMechanical Actuator (EMA) employed for secondary flight controls. Particular attention is dedicated to simultaneous incipient mechanical and electrical faults considering different experimental settings. The outcomes validate our FDI strategy, which permits to achieve the accurate identification of complex damages outperforming the computational time of state of the art algorithms by two orders of magnitude

    Le trasformazioni dello spazio urbano: la quarta dimensione nella georeferenziazione dell’iconografia storica di Rome

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    Se si considera la componente fisica del sistema città come espressione materiale dell’insieme dei fenomeni evolutivi dei luoghi, appare evidente come la sua rappresentazione possa essere considerata come sistema di conoscenza generale in grado di manifestare una convergenza di informazioni di natura altamente eterogenea. Le vaste trasformazioni che hanno interessato le città nella storia hanno determinato una evoluzione non solo nelle modifiche morfologiche degli assetti territoriali e nella stratificazione architettonica delle strutture urbane, ma anche nella percezione e fruizione degli spazi urbani. Se si considera l’organizzazione dello spazio urbano come ambito di relazione tra gli uomini, i contributi che provengono dalle fonti bibliografiche, iconografiche e cartografiche in particolare possono consentire la ricostruzione diacronica dei tessuti urbani. Questa ricostruzione è resa possibile dalla lettura delle diverse rappresentazioni che della città sono state date nel tempo, come rappresentazioni iconografiche o pittoriche, talvolta simboliche se non addirittura metaforiche, che consentono di acquisire conoscenze dei luoghi, anche quando presentano uno scarso grado di attendibilità. L’introduzione dell’informatica nel rilevamento e nella rappresentazione cartografica e la realizzazione dei sistemi informativi territoriali hanno aperto nuove possibilità non solo nella realizzazione di database collegati e georeferenziati, che possono contenere una notevole quantità di informazioni di diversa natura progressivamente incrementabili, ma soprattutto rendendo agevoli sia le molteplici interrogazioni sia le successive elaborazioni. Lo sviluppo della cartografia digitale dalla quale si possono derivare direttamente modelli tridimensionali, si pone quindi come punto di partenza per una corretta rappresentazione della complessità del fenomeno urbano e per un ripensamento dello spazio non più sulla base di esplorazioni planimetriche, ma tramite la creazione di modelli virtuali generati in maniera più o meno automatica a partire dalla cartografia stessa. In questo senso, il modello di derivazione cartografica costituisce l’aspetto metrico-quantitativo della rappresentazione della città, aspetto che risulta tanto più esatto, obiettivo e verificabile in quanto ottenuto con strumenti che rendono le misurazioni sufficientemente attendibili. Si tratta dunque di esplorare la cartografia tridimensionale cogliendone le peculiarità e la ricchezza nella restituzione dello spazio urbano, caratteristiche, queste, che suggeriscono immediatamente di tentare di ricostruire con la stessa vivacità rappresentativa anche tutti i trascorsi storici della città o, quanto meno, di alcuni dei suoi momenti topici, con particolare attenzione alle trasformazioni di natura orografica ed edilizia. In questo quadro emergono due distinti aspetti di natura metodologica, l’uno concernente la generazione del modello urbano e le implicazioni tecniche che questo comporta (implementazione di dati, automatismi, studi tipo-morfologici, scala del modello, …), l’altro relativo all’evoluzione della città attraverso il confronto tra modelli cartografici diversi (bi e tridimensionali). La realizzazione di un modello virtuale basato sulla cartografia digitale 3D, che fotografa lo stato attuale della struttura urbana, può rappresentare la griglia tridimensionale di riferimento per una visualizzazione delle trasformazioni spaziali attuata con una procedura che ripercorre a ritroso il cammino della storia. Si tratta di riferire a questa griglia orientata sulla base di capisaldi topografici certi i dati cartografici e iconografici provenienti dalla ricerca storico-documentaria, sulla base della individuazione di elementi invarianti della struttura urbana, come assetti orografici, vuoti urbani o edifici esistenti, etc., che non hanno mutato la loro localizzazione e le loro caratteristiche morfologiche. Così concepito, il modello tridimensionale di derivazione cartografica si caratterizza per la capacità di recepire e valorizzare documenti molto diversi e non necessariamente “scientifici” ai fini di una visualizzazione interattiva della storia del singolo brano di città o del singolo edificio per valutarne le trasformazioni sul piano morfologico e dimensionale, ma anche percettivo.Peer Reviewe

    Infestación parasitaria por coccidiosis en las alpacas del anexo Pampa Cañahuas, distrito de Yanahuara Región Arequipa 2020

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó en el anexo de pampa cañahuas, distrito de Yanahuara región Arequipa entre los meses de agosto y setiembre del 2021 con el objetivo de determinar la prevalencia de coccidiosis en las alpacas. Se recolecto 181 muestras fecales las cuales fueron tomadas directamente de la ampolla rectal con la ayuda de guantes descartables, las muestras fueron tomadas al azar considerando el género y clase de las alpacas. Al término de la recolectadas de muestras se trasladaron al laboratorio para ser analizadas mediante el método de MC Master Modificado, el cual permite la identificación de las especies de coccidias, los resultados obtenidos fueron las siguientes: La prevalencia general de coccidiosis en las alpacas del anexo de pampas cañahuas – distrito de Yanahuara Arequipa es de 29.28%. La prevalencia de coccidiosis en alpacas por grupos fue: grupo 1 : 29.23% grupo 2 : 29.09% grupo 3 : 29.51% La prevalencia de coccidiosis según el sexo fue: Hembras : 32% Machos : 25.93% La prevalencia de coccidiosis según la clase animal fue: Tuis machos : 45% Tuis hembras : 40% Hembras madres : 26.67% Machos padres : 19.67% La prevalencia de coccidiosis según las especies parasitarias son: - Solo una especie de coccidia 20.99% Eimeria punoensis : 13.81% Eimeria ivitaensis : 1.66% Eimeria lamae : 3.87% Eimeria alpacae : 1.10% Eimeria macusanensis : 0.55%. - Dos especies de coccidia 4.96% Eimeria punoensis + Eimeria alpacae : 1.10 Eimeria punoensis + Eimeria lamae : 2.21 Eimeria macusanensis + Eimeria lamae : 0.55 Eimeria punoensis + Eimeria ivitaensis : 1.10 - Tres especies de coccidias 1.1% Eimeria punoensis + Eimeria alpacae + Eimeria lamae : 0.55 Eimeria punoensis + Eimeria macusanensis + Eimeria lamae : 0.55 Las coccidias se presentan en las alpacas, en mayor frecuencia en los tuis y las crías, no existe alguna afinidad por el género macho o hembra. El tipo de crianza de los pobladores, su poco conocimiento sobre la coccidia, la esporádica aplicación de desparasitantes y los factores epidemiológicos que se dan tanto en el manejo y sanidad de las alpacas nos da a entender que se encuentran en constate riesgo de infección parasitaria

    Perioperative care in elderly patients undergoing thyroid surgery

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    AbstractThe features of western world population are rapidly changing. The increment geriatric population obliges clinicians to implement specific recommendations and guidelines to manage these patients.In the field of thyroid surgery, when indications are represented by benign conditions, surgeons and endocrinologists tent to avoid surgery for the increased perioperative risks in the over 70 year old population.We reviewed our experience in thyroid surgery in geriatric patients within the environment of a “week surgery unit”. This unit was conceived to offer a highly specialized setting for thyroid patients needing short stay after surgery.Results showed that the surgical outcomes were comparable to the ones from third surgery in young patients.The week surgery approach is the best and safest formula to offer to the geriatric population needing thyroid surgery

    The beneficial effects of physical exercise on visuospatial working memory in preadolescent children

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    The relationship between physical exercise and improvement in specific cognitive domains in children and adolescents who play sport has been recently reported, although the effects on visuospatial abilities have not yet been well explored. This study is aimed at evaluating in school-age children practicing artistic gymnastics the visuospatial memory by using a table version of the Radial Arm Maze (table-RAM) and comparing their performances with those ones who do not play any sport. The visuospatial performances of 14 preadolescent girls practicing artistic gymnastics aged between 7 and 10 years and those of 14 preadolescent girls not playing any sport were evaluated in the table-RAM forced-choice paradigm that allows disentangling short-term memory from working memory abilities. Data showed that the gymnasts obtained better performances than control group mainly in the parameters evaluating working memory abilities, such as within-phase errors and spatial span. Our findings emphasizing the role of physical activity on cognitive performances impel to promote physical exercise in educational and recreational contexts as well as to analyse the impact of other sports besides gymnastics on cognitive functioning

    Mitogen-activated kinase kinase kinase 1 inhibits hedgehog signaling and medulloblastoma growth through GLI1 phosphorylation

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    The aberrant activation of hedgehog (HH) signaling is a leading cause of the development of medulloblastoma, a pediatric tumor of the cerebellum. The FDA‑approved HH inhibitor, Vismodegib, which targets the transmembrane transducer SMO, has shown limited efficacy in patients with medulloblastoma, due to compensatory mechanisms that maintain an active HH‑GLI signaling status. Thus, the identification of novel actionable mechanisms, directly affecting the activity of the HH‑regulated GLI transcription factors is an important goal for these malignancies. In this study, using gene expression and reporter assays, combined with biochemical and cellular analyses, we demonstrate that mitogen‑activated kinase kinase kinase 1 (MEKK1), the most upstream kinase of the mitogen‑activated protein kinase (MAPK) phosphorylation modules, suppresses HH signaling by associating and phosphorylating GLI1, the most potent HH‑regulated transcription factor. Phosphorylation occurred at multiple residues in the C‑terminal region of GLI1 and was followed by an increased association with the cytoplasmic proteins 14‑3‑3. Of note, the enforced expression of MEKK1 or the exposure of medulloblastoma cells to the MEKK1 activator, Nocodazole, resulted in a marked inhibitory effect on GLI1 activity and tumor cell proliferation and viability. Taken together, the results of this study shed light on a novel regulatory mechanism of HH signaling, with potentially relevant implications in cancer therapy

    Assessing Perceived Empathic and Social Self-Efficacy Across Countries

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    The Perceived Empathic Self-Efficacy Scale (PESE) and the Perceived Social Self-Efficacy Scale (PSSE) were developed to assess, respectively, individuals' self-efficacy beliefs regarding both empathic responding to others' needs or feelings and managing interpersonal relationships. In this study of young adults, a unidimensional factorial structure of both scales was found in Italy, the United States, and Bolivia. Complete invariance at the metric level and partial invariance at the scalar level were found across gender and countries for both scales. The construct and incremental validity of both PESE and PSSE were further examined in a different sample of Italian young adults. Patterns of association of the PESE or PSSE with self-esteem, psychological well-being, and the use of adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies were found, often over and beyond their associations with empathy or extraversion, respectively
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