39 research outputs found

    Investigating the Relationship between Timing of Tweets and Mental Health, Well-being and Sleep Quality in a UK birth cohort

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    Introduction & Background Social media use has been proposed as a cause of worsening mental health and wellbeing over the last decade, but its role in mitigating some of the effects of social distancing during the pandemic showed that it also has the potential to improve these outcomes. Whilst existing research disagrees on the degree to which social media use harms or helps, there is growing consensus around the need to move from global measures of social media use to specific measures of types of social media use. These new measures can enable an exploration of proposed mechanisms and causal pathways linking social media use and mental health and wellbeing. A commonly proposed mechanism is nighttime social media use reducing sleep quality, and consequently harming mental health and wellbeing. Objectives & Approach We aimed to investigate the relationships between the time Twitter users post content and their mental health, wellbeing and sleep quality using direct measurements of Twitter use linked to standardised mental health measures in a well-characterized cohort. This study uses approximately 1.5 million Tweets harvested between January 2008 and March 2023 from 622 participants in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). These Tweets have been linked to questionnaire data collected on six occasions spanning April 2019 to May 2021. These questionnaires included standard measures of depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, mental wellbeing and difficulty sleeping. We have taken two approaches to explore these relationships, using circular statistical methods novel to social media data analysis to account for day/night cycles. The first approach used mixed effect models to investigate the association between the time a Tweet was posted and the mental health, mental wellbeing and sleep quality of the poster. The second approach explored the relationships between the mean hour participants post Tweets in a given time period, and their mental health, mental wellbeing and sleep quality. Relevance to Digital Footprints This research is highly relevant to Digital Footprints, due to its use of data directly extracted from a social media site. The methodologies employed in analysing this alongside more traditional epidemiological survey data provides an example of how digital footprint data can complemented by high quality ground truths. Results There was evidence that the timing of Twitter activity was predictive of the mental wellbeing and sleep quality of participants, even after adjustment for demographic, educational and socio-economic covariates. However, the hour a Tweet was posted at explained very little of the variation in the mental wellbeing or sleep quality of the participant who posted it (0.1% and less than 0.1% respectively). There was weak to no evidence that the timing of Twitter activity was predictive of the depressive and anxiety symptoms of participants. Conclusions & Implications Whilst this study found evidence that the hour participants post on Twitter is predictive of their mental wellbeing and sleep quality, the amount of variation explained by these models suggests that this is not a clinically relevant risk factor. This study supports arguments in the literature that the use of social media has a very small and insignificant effect on mental health, wellbeing and sleep quality

    The mental health and well-being profile of young adults using social media

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    The relationship between mental health and social media has received significant research and policy attention. However, there is little population-representative data about who social media users are which limits understanding of confounding factors between mental health and social media. Here we profile users of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children population cohort (N = 4083). We provide estimates of demographics and mental health and well-being outcomes by platform. We find that users of different platforms and frequencies are not homogeneous. User groups differ primarily by sex and YouTube users are the most likely to have poorer mental health outcomes. Instagram and Snapchat users tend to have higher well-being than the other social media sites considered. Relationships between use-frequency and well-being differ depending on the specific well-being construct measured. The reproducibility of future research may be improved by stratifying by sex and being specific about the well-being constructs used

    Views on social media and its linkage to longitudinal data from two generations of a UK cohort study

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    Background: Cohort studies gather huge volumes of information about a range of phenotypes but new sources of information such as social media data are yet to be integrated. Participant’s long-term engagement with cohort studies, as well as the potential for their social media data to be linked to other longitudinal data, could provide novel advances but may also give participants a unique perspective on the acceptability of this growing research area. Methods: Two focus groups explored participant views towards the acceptability and best practice for the collection of social media data for research purposes. Participants were drawn from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children cohort; individuals from the index cohort of young people (N=9) and from the parent generation (N=5) took part in two separate 90-minute focus groups. The discussions were audio recorded and subjected to qualitative analysis. Results: Participants were generally supportive of the collection of social media data to facilitate health and social research. They felt that their trust in the cohort study would encourage them to do so. Concern was expressed about the collection of data from friends or connections who had not consented. In terms of best practice for collecting the data, participants generally preferred the use of anonymous data derived from social media to be shared with researchers. Conclusion: Cohort studies have trusting relationships with their participants; for this relationship to extend to linking their social media data with longitudinal information, procedural safeguards are needed. Participants understand the goals and potential of research integrating social media data into cohort studies, but further research is required on the acquisition of their friend’s data. The views gathered from participants provide important guidance for future work seeking to integrate social media in cohort studies

    The mental health and well-being profile of young adults using social media

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    The relationship between mental health and social media has received significant research and policy attention. However, there is little population-representative data about who social media users are which limits understanding of confounding factors between mental health and social media. Here we profile users of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children population cohort (N = 4083). We provide estimates of demographics and mental health and well-being outcomes by platform. We find that users of different platforms and frequencies are not homogeneous. User groups differ primarily by sex and YouTube users are the most likely to have poorer mental health outcomes. Instagram and Snapchat users tend to have higher well-being than the other social media sites considered. Relationships between use-frequency and well-being differ depending on the specific well-being construct measured. The reproducibility of future research may be improved by stratifying by sex and being specific about the well-being constructs used

    Investigating the transparency of reporting in two-sample summary data Mendelian randomization studies using the MR-Base platform.

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    BACKGROUND Two-sample Mendelian randomization (2SMR) is an increasingly popular epidemiological method that uses genetic variants as instruments for making causal inferences. Clear reporting of methods employed in such studies is important for evaluating their underlying quality. However, the quality of methodological reporting of 2SMR studies is currently unclear. We aimed to assess the reporting quality of studies that used MR-Base, one of the most popular platforms for implementing 2SMR analysis. METHODS We created a bespoke reporting checklist to evaluate reporting quality of 2SMR studies. We then searched Web of Science Core Collection, PsycInfo, MEDLINE, EMBASE and Google Scholar citations of the MR-Base descriptor paper to identify published MR studies that used MR-Base for any component of the MR analysis. Study screening and data extraction were performed by at least two independent reviewers. RESULTS In the primary analysis, 87 studies were included. Reporting quality was generally poor across studies, with a mean of 53% (SD = 14%) of items reported in each study. Many items required for evaluating the validity of key assumptions made in MR were poorly reported: only 44% of studies provided sufficient details for assessing if the genetic variant associates with the exposure ('relevance' assumption), 31% for assessing if there are any variant-outcome confounders ('independence' assumption), 89% for the assessing if the variant causes the outcome independently of the exposure ('exclusion restriction' assumption) and 32% for assumptions of falsification tests. We did not find evidence of a change in reporting quality over time or a difference in reporting quality between studies that used MR-Base and a random sample of MR studies that did not use this platform. CONCLUSIONS The quality of reporting of two-sample Mendelian randomization studies in our sample was generally poor. Journals and researchers should consider using the STROBE-MR guidelines to improve reporting quality

    Participant acceptability of digital footprint data collection strategies:an exemplar approach to participant engagement and involvement in the ALSPAC birth cohort study

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    INTRODUCTION: Digital footprint records – the tracks and traces amassed by individuals as a result of their interactions with the internet, digital devices and services – can provide ecologically valid data on individual behaviours. These could enhance longitudinal population study databanks; but few UK longitudinal studies are attempting this. When using novel sources of data, study managers must engage with participants in order to develop ethical data processing frameworks that facilitate data sharing whilst safeguarding participant interests. OBJECTIVES: This paper aims to summarise the participant involvement approach used by the ALSPAC birth cohort study to inform the development of a framework for using linked participant digital footprint data, and provide an exemplar for other data linkage infrastructures. METHODS: The paper synthesises five qualitative forms of inquiry. Thematic analysis was used to code transcripts for common themes in relation to conditions associated with the acceptability of sharing digital footprint data for longitudinal research. RESULTS: We identified six themes: participant understanding; sensitivity of location data; concerns for third parties; clarity on data granularity; mechanisms of data sharing and consent; and trustworthiness of the organisation. For cohort members to consider the sharing of digital footprint data acceptable, they require information about the value, validity and risks; control over sharing elements of the data they consider sensitive; appropriate mechanisms to authorise or object to their records being used; and trust in the organisation. CONCLUSION: Realising the potential for using digital footprint records within longitudinal research will be subject to ensuring that this use of personal data is acceptable; and that rigorously controlled population data science benefiting the public good is distinguishable from the misuse and lack of personal control of similar data within other settings. Participant co-development informs the ethical-governance framework for these novel linkages in a manner which is acceptable and does not undermine the role of the trusted data custodian

    Data hazards in synthetic biology

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    Data science is playing an increasingly important role in the design and analysis of engineered biology. This has been fueled by the development of high-throughput methods like massively parallel reporter assays, data-rich microscopy techniques, computational protein structure prediction and design, and the development of whole-cell models able to generate huge volumes of data. Although the ability to apply data-centric analyses in these contexts is appealing and increasingly simple to do, it comes with potential risks. For example, how might biases in the underlying data affect the validity of a result and what might the environmental impact of large-scale data analyses be? Here, we present a community-developed framework for assessing data hazards to help address these concerns and demonstrate its application to two synthetic biology case studies. We show the diversity of considerations that arise in common types of bioengineering projects and provide some guidelines and mitigating steps. Understanding potential issues and dangers when working with data and proactively addressing them will be essential for ensuring the appropriate use of emerging data-intensive AI methods and help increase the trustworthiness of their applications in synthetic biology