1,699 research outputs found

    A consistent interpretation of recent CR nuclei and electron spectra

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    We try to interpret the recently updated measurement of the cosmic ray electron (CRE) spectrum observed by Fermi-LAT, together with PAMELA data on positron fraction, in a single-component scenario adopting different propagation setups; we find that the model is not adequate to reproduce the two datasets, so the evidence of an extra primary component of electrons and positrons is strengthened. Instead, a double component scenario computed in a Kraichnan-like diffusion setup (which is suggested by B/C and pˉ\bar{p} data) gives a satisfactory fit of all exisiting measurements. We confirm that nearby pulsars are good source candidates for the required e±e^\pm extra-component and we show that the predicted CRE anisotropy in our scenario is compatible with Fermi-LAT recently published constraints.Comment: Accepted for the publication in the proceedings of the ICATPP Conference on Cosmic Rays for Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Villa Olmo (Como), Oct. 201

    Влияние лазерной и туменесцентнойлипосакции на ретракцию и тургор кожи

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    The authors describe clinical results of the laser liposuction procedure using the MultiPlex technology. They give a comparative quantitative assessment of the effect of laser and tumenescent liposuction on skin retraction and turgor by the example of three patients. Processing local fat deposits by laser emission resulted in the increased skin turgor and elasticity in the liposuction area in all subjects, and skin retraction and higher skin elasticity were more evident than with the use of the traditional liposuction method.Описаны клинические результаты процедуры лазерной липосакции по технологии «мультиплекс». Дана сравнительная количественная оценка влияния лазерной и туменесцентной липосакции на сокращение кожи и ее тургор на примере трех пациентов. Обработка локальных жировых отложений лазерным излучением дала повышение тургора и эластичности кожи в области липосакции у всех испытуемых, при этом ретракция и повышение упругости кожи были более выраженными по сравнению с традиционным методом липосакции

    Localisation of mediterranean Kaposi's sarcoma in Morgagni's ventricle

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    Objective: Head and neck involvement in Kaposi\u2019s Sarcoma (KS) is not unusual . However, laryngeal involvement is a relatively infrequent manifestation and ENT specialists should consider it in differential diagnosis in laryngeal lesions of AIDS patients and/or subjects from the Mediterranean area. Methods: Case report and review of the literature in English Clinical Case: Male patient presenting with a three- month history of cough and acute dispnoea. Laryngoscopy identified a laryngeal mass occluding the glottic plane. Tracheotomy was then performed and the laryngeal lesion was removed. Histopathology showed neoplastic spindle cells that were positive to immunostain with CD-31 and CD-34, and immunoreactivity for HHV-8 was present. A diagnosis of KS was then suspected and confirmed after dermatological inspection. Conclusions: Purple vascular mass lesions should lead in ENT to a high index of suspicion to exclude systemic diseases. Laryngeal KS must be included in the differential diagnosis of pigmented laryngeal lesions to plan correct managemen

    Production system and seasonal effects on textural properties of two-month ripened goat's cheese

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    Since the 1990s, there has been a revival in goat rearing and a resumption in the making of goat’s cheeses in the Province of Trento. Given this, and the local interest in maintaining the production and its traditions, a qualitative description of the goat’s cheeses is desirable. In this study, texture profile analysis, TPA, was used to examine the variability of the rheological properties, depending on production system and season, in raw milk semicooked paste goat’s cheese, ripened for two months, as the Trento Goat Cheese of Traditional Agrifood Products (D.M. n. 350, 1999)

    Perinatal arrhythmias.

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    Cardiac arrhythmias are very frequent in fetuses and newborns. The prognosis depends on the nature of the arrhythmias but is most often either spontaneously benign or following short-term medication administration. A correct diagnosis is essential for both management and prognosis. It is based on echocardiography during the fetal period and mainly on history, physical exam, and electrocardiogram after birth, but other modalities are available to record transient arrhythmic events. Irregular rhythms are mostly benign and rarely require therapy. In most fetuses and infants, tachyarrhythmias resolve spontaneously or require short-term administration of antiarrhythmics. Approximately one third of these may recur later on, especially during adolescence. Persistent bradyarrhythmias might require pacemaker implantation when associated with failure to thrive or with risk of sudden death. CONCLUSION: Arrhythmias in fetuses and infants are very common and mostly benign. History, physical exam, and recording of the arrhythmia are essential to make a correct diagnosis and establish an appropriate management for the rare potentially harmful arrhythmias

    Fatty acid composition of heavy pig back fat in relationship to some animal factors.

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    The influence of genetic type, lean meat percentage and sex on fatty acids (FA) composition of back fat of heavy pigs, reared for the production of San Daniele dry cured ham, was studied. One-hundred pigs of four genetic types - Large White or Duroc x (Landrace x Large White), GOLAND and DANBRED - were considered. They were randomly chosen during the slaughtering of 21 lots of heavy animals, in groups of four to eight subjects, balanced by sex, female and castrated males, and carcass leanness, U and R classes following the European grading system. Principal components (PCs) analysis showed that 94.3% of lot-diets\u2019 FA variability was accounted for a five PCs model. The diet effect on the lard composition was weighted using the PCs scores as covariates in a tri-factorial (genotype, carcass leanness, sex) covariance design. Diet had a great effect on lard composition, indeed every examined back fat FA co-varied with the extracted PCs. On the other hand, sex effect never reached a significance threshold, as well as the interactions between factors. Genetic type influenced stearic acid and MUFA content and n6-PUFA to n3-PUFA ratio of back fat while leanness mainly influenced PUFA, the fatter class showing a significantly lower content of linoleic acid (13.2 vs. 11.9% total lipids in U vs. R class respectively)

    Finding Exogenous Variables in Data with Many More Variables than Observations

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    Many statistical methods have been proposed to estimate causal models in classical situations with fewer variables than observations (p<n, p: the number of variables and n: the number of observations). However, modern datasets including gene expression data need high-dimensional causal modeling in challenging situations with orders of magnitude more variables than observations (p>>n). In this paper, we propose a method to find exogenous variables in a linear non-Gaussian causal model, which requires much smaller sample sizes than conventional methods and works even when p>>n. The key idea is to identify which variables are exogenous based on non-Gaussianity instead of estimating the entire structure of the model. Exogenous variables work as triggers that activate a causal chain in the model, and their identification leads to more efficient experimental designs and better understanding of the causal mechanism. We present experiments with artificial data and real-world gene expression data to evaluate the method.Comment: A revised version of this was published in Proc. ICANN201

    Immunological characteristics of non-intensive care hospitalized COVID-19 patients: A preliminary report

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    Abstract: The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is posing a threat to global health. This disease has different clinical manifestations and different outcomes. The immune response to the novel 2019 coronavirus is complex and involves both innate and adaptive immunity. In this context, cell-mediated immunity plays a vital role in effective immunity against SARS-CoV-2. Significant differences have been observed when comparing severe and non-severe patients. Since these immunological characteristics have not been fully elucidated, we aimed to use cluster analysis to investigate the immune cell patterns in patients with COVID-19 who required hospitalization but not intensive care. We identified four clusters of different immunological patterns, the worst being characterized by total lymphocytes, T helper lymphocytes CD4+ (CD4+ ), T cytotoxic lymphocytes CD8+ (CD8+ ) and natural killer (NK) cells below the normal range, together with natural killer lymphocyte granzyme &lt; 50% (NK granzyme+ ) and antibody-secreting plasma cells (ASCs) equal to 0 with fatal outcomes. In the worst group, 50% of patients died in the intensive care unit. Moreover, a negative trend was found among four groups regarding total lymphocytes, CD4+ , CD8+ and B lymphocytes (p &lt; 0.001, p &lt; 0.005, p &lt; 0.000, p &lt; 0.044, respectively). This detailed analysis of immune changes may have prognostic value. It may provide a new perspective for identifying subsets of COVID-19 patients and selecting novel prospective treatment strategies. Notwithstanding these results, this is a preliminary report with a small sample size, and our data may not be generalizable. Further cohort studies with larger samples are necessary to quantify the prognostic value’s weight, according to immunological changes in COVID-19 patients, for predicting prognoses and realizing improvements in clinical conditions

    Persistent left superior vena cava in cardiac congenital surgery.

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    Persistent left superior vena cava (LSVC) is a relatively frequent finding in congenital cardiac malformation. The scope of the study was to analyze the timing of diagnosis of persistent LSVC, the timing of diagnosis of associated anomalies of the coronary sinus, and the global impact on morbidity and mortality of persistent LSVC in children with congenital heart disease after cardiac surgery. Retrospective analysis of a cohort of children after cardiac surgery on bypass for congenital heart disease. Three hundred seventy-one patients were included in the study, and their median age was 2.75 years (IQR 0.65-6.63). Forty-seven children had persistent LSVC (12.7 %), and persistent LSVC was identified on echocardiography before surgery in 39 patients (83 %). In three patients (6.4 %) with persistent LSVC, significant inflow obstruction of the left ventricle developed after surgery leading to low output syndrome or secondary pulmonary hypertension. In eight patients (17 %), persistent LSVC was associated with a partially or completely unroofed coronary sinus and in two cases (4 %) with coronary sinus ostial atresia. Duration of mechanical ventilation was significantly shorter in the control group (1.2 vs. 3.0 days, p = 0.04), whereas length of stay in intensive care did not differ. Mortality was also significantly lower in the control group (2.5 vs. 10.6 %, p = 0.004). The results of study show that persistent LSVC in association with congenital cardiac malformation increases the risk of mortality in children with cardiac surgery on cardiopulmonary bypass. Recognition of a persistent LSVC and its associated anomalies is mandatory to avoid complications during or after cardiac surgery