2 research outputs found

    Role of siravyadha in gridhrasi (sciatica): A pilot study

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    In our daily therapeutic practise, vitavyadhi is one of the most common health issues, and gridhra is one of them. It is characterised by discomfort in the buttock, thigh, leg, or foot that is searing, stinging, or numbing. Low back discomfort may or may not be related to it. Gridhrasi appears to affect both the sedentary and physically demanding patient types. Siravyadha is stated in the Chikitsasutra of Gridhrasi by CharyaCharaka, Sushruta, VagbhattaYogratnakara, and Bhela. A proper siravyadha manifests as lightness in the painful areas of the body, a decrease in pain, a lessening in vyadhi intensity, and a joyful disposition. Siravyadha is typically performed when a disease has a prominently painful symptom. A study was created to assess the effectiveness of siravyadha in Gridharasi. The goal of the study was to determine how well Siravyadha managed the symptoms of Gridhrasi. 10 patients with symptoms of Gridhrasi and fit for Siravyadha were chosen. Siravydha was performed after dravasnigdhayavagupana along with sthanikasnehana and swedana were incorporated and samyakstravitlakshanas were observed. The patient data was evaluated before the siravyadha procedure, immediately after the procedure and on 10th day as a follow up routine. The findings were statistically tabulated using paired β€˜t’ test

    A Clinical case study on Dhanyak Gokshur Ghrita Yavakshar Uttar basti in the management of Mutraghata w.s.r. to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

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    Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a common senile disease. The present modern conservative management includes use of alpha blockers and 5 alpha reductase inhibitors. In operative management various type of operative procedure may be done, out of which most commonly done now-a-days is TURP. However, both of these modalities cause various side effects. Through Ayurveda we can find solution for this burning problem of society. In Ayurved Samhitas, symptoms of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia described under Mutraghata disease. There are 12 types of Mutraghata; one of them is Vatashthila, which can be correlated with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia disease. The general treatment of Mutraghata includes Uttar basti . Though Uttar basti is a traditionally used therapy, its efficacy with Dhanyak Gokshur Ghrita Yavakshar is not yet evaluated in the management of BPH. Uttar basti is cost effective and it may avoid surgery which ultimately results in increased quality of life of patients. So, in present clinical study, efficacy of Dhanyak Gokshur Ghrita Yavakshar  Uttar basti in Vatashthila with special reference to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is evaluated